News & Views 
Summer Edition 

June 21, 2016


I hope all is well.  In this edition of News & Views, I will discuss Brexit, financial planning tips, and a new way to access your account information.  As always, please contact me with any questions or suggestions you may have.

Every Vote Counts
We're Not The Only Ones Who Vote This Year

The 2016 U.S. Presidential race is heating up and grabbing ALL of the 
headlines.  As important for us and the world as this election is, there is another vote across the pond which may have a significant impact on financial markets.

On June 23, the United Kingdom will hold a referendum on whether to remain in or leave the European Union, an economic and political partnership between 28 European countries.  This so-called "Brexit" vote may have a large impact on financial markets all around the world and may signal a shift toward economic independence in Europe reducing the power of the European Central Bank.

Financial Planning Tips
"People Don't Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan"

Here is a quick financial planning checklist to make sure you are on track

#1 Pay Yourself First - Before you do anything else, set aside a portion of your income for your future.  The easiest way to do this for most people is to contribute directly from your paycheck or your bank account to a retirement account (401k, IRA, 403b, etc.).  Don't wait to see how much money is left over at the end of the month and then save that amount.  That would be paying yourself last, not paying yourself first. 

#2 Don't Spend More Than You Make - There is a difference between having debt (mortgage, student loans, etc.) and running a budget deficit where your monthly expenses are consistently greater than your monthly income.  Take the time to create a monthly budget so you can keep track of monthly expenses and income to make sure you aren't running a monthly deficit.  If you find you are spending more than you make, then you need to cut expenses to get your financial house in order.

#3 Plan Ahead for Life Events - Changing jobs, caring for aging parents, buying a house, sending children to college, and death of a loved one are all common life events that are made easier by planning ahead.  The best way to plan for and manage these life events is by seeking advice from experienced professionals who can help guide you through all important financial and legal decisions.

New Client Portal

I am pleased to announce that our new client portal is up and running.  I will be sending you an email in the near future providing you access to your personal client portal that will provide you a consolidated view of your accounts and a simple breakdown of your holdings and performance.

Paul Hewitt
(949) 727-4734 x1

Optimus Advisory Group | 6 Venture | Suite 200 | Irvine | CA | 92618