Abundant Health Associates
Abundant Health Associates Newsletter
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Live Blood Cell Analysis  

January 27th,  Monday all day

with Ken Moody

call 480 242-7990

for appointment 








Ipsalu Tantra

Level 1  

 March 14th -16th  all weekend

 with Lexi Fisher   call 760-902-6428

for more information


January   2014


Blessing for a Healthy Happy 2014


Thank you for your patience and support these last 2 weeks as we responded to and recovered from the flooding on Monday 1/6.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


     Dr. Lexi's regular schedule is: 

                                   Mondays 9-12 & 2-6  

                                Wednesdays 9-12 & 1-5           

                                     Fridays 9-12 & 1-5

 Lexi will be on vacation Friday, February 21st - Sunday, March 2nd and back in the office on Monday, March 3rd.



 Kelly is here on Mondays and Fridays for massage
call her at 760-815-1189
John Till is here for Hypnotherapy, by appointment,
call him at 760-285-6535
We look forward to seeing you at
Abundant Health Wellness Center



        "The wounds of winter are starkly revealed  before they are healed by spring, and only the most hardy of livings things survive renewal. Healing is not for the faint of heart."


January and February, with the abundance of citrus fruits we have here in the desert, is a perfect time for a Liver Flush. This is a great opportunity to heal our liver with a gentle cleanse. We will be healing the wound from the large amounts of sugar, fat, alcohol we traditionally consume during the holidays.


Choosing to give our body the opportunity to clean out is extremely beneficial. The debris from any non nutritive, refined substances and added hydrogenated oils in our foods creates mucus or catarrh in our systems. These warm, moist, thick, congested areas are the perfect environment for opportunistic organism to take up residence. These "visitors" can take hold and overwhelm our immune system especially if we have been feeling stressed.


When we are stressed and have over indulged in sugar and caffeine our body functions with it's sympathetic, fight/flight, nervous system which down regulates our cell mediated immunity, our secondary line of defense. In this stress state we can begin to experience symptoms of "catching a cold" or "coming down with the flu". Actually we have hosted these organisms, giving them a warm place to stay and wonderful garbage to eat. These visitors are alerting our body's intelligence that we have quite an accumulation of waste material that these opportunistic critters have taken advantage of. This is a "Healing Crisis" and is signaling us to clean up our inner environment.


Before we find ourselves in a "Healing Crisis" we can make the choice to cleanse and get rid of the accumulated residue. We can decide to take the time to deep clean and rinse so our inner habitat is not as inviting to unwanted colonization. Right now we have a gift of an abundance of cleansing citrus fruit, rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, both powerful antioxidants. This Liver Flush, from Dr. Randolph Stone, the founder of Polarity Therapy, requires lots of citrus. The Tea which follows the Flush is made of some delicious herbs that are available individually. Using the seasonal abundance of citrus in the Liver Flush helps bring us into harmony with our outer environment as we are cleaning up our inner environment.


Begin by preparing the Liver Flush Tea.

Into 2-3 quarts of water add 1 heaping tablespoon each of:

      Licorice Root

       Fennel Seeds

Bringing them to a gentle boil for 5-10 min.

Decrease the heat adding the same amount (l heaping tablespoon) of

       Fenugreek Seeds

       Flax Seeds

Let them all simmer 5-10 min.

Now add the same amount (l heaping tablespoon) of

       Peppermint Leaf

Turn off the heat and steep 5-10 min.

Drink 1-2 cups after your have your Liver Flush each morning.

You can store the extra tea in the refrigerator.


Now the Liver Flush:

Freshly squeeze 8-10 oz of organic citrus juice.

Combinations of any of the following:

       grapefruit, orange, blood orange, tangelo, or tangerine are lovely.

Put the juice in a blender adding:

       1 large lemon, juiced (the Meyer Lemons are super for this)

       Ginger root, about an inch fresh grated

       OR a large clove of garlic

       Olive oil, 1 tablespoon

       Cayenne, just a pinch

Blend it all up and enjoy this zesty drink on an empty stomach followed by 1-2 cups of the Liver Flush Tea.


Refrain from eating for about one hour after drinking the Liver Flush and Tea. Remember to drink enough water while doing this cleanse. The rule of thumb is � your weight, in pounds, is the amount of ounces of water you need per day. (I am 125 pounds so I need approximately 65 ounces of water/day to rinse my body) Prepare and drink this each morning for a week, or up to month, and notice the wonderful results.


The Liver filters the blood so this Flush has a systemic effect, like putting a new oil filter on your car. The herbs in the Liver Flush Tea, especially the Flax and Fenugreek, are mucilaginous and very soothing to the intestinal walls helping the bowels to move. What a great way to start the day (plain orange juice will taste bland after this) and a wonderful healing gift for your body.              







To Your Abundant Health, Lexi Fisher D.C., Kelly Luvera H.H.P.
and John Till CMS-CHT

 Abundant Health Wellness Center

 1281 N. Gene Autry Trail, Suite L

 Palm Springs, CA 92262
