Hey there, hi there & ho ho ho there. Happy December. Here I am to spread my own unique brand of festive joy with the holiday season upon us.

The other season is almost here. Winter. Jack Frost officially rings our bell at 
11:58 pm (ET) on December 21st.

Around that same time his summer sibling ushers in the other solstice for our friends in the southern hemisphere. Happy summer, down under!    

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Regardless of the season both hemispheres get storms. But ours are more exciting. Why else would National Geographic - Australia/New Zealand purchase the 13-episode Storm Hunters series from Canada's Weather Network?
Ok, you're right. They caught wind of the fact that I was narrator.

(Ed. - forgive witty weather word-play followed by statement void of humility)

Let's see what other voiceover-related shenanigans I got up to since I last chimed in.
It's the holiday season - winter season - and hockey season.  
A gaggle of NHL alumni were asked about their stats - including the most important one of all.

(click image to play)
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NHL Alumni PSA - Voice Over by Rory O'Shea
NHL Alumni PSA: Voice Over by Rory O'Shea

One thing the Toronto Maple Leafs haven't had to worry about in 45 years -  putting their back out by lifting the Stanley Cup.

 However, in case of an aggressive golf swing
come spring (too soon?) - there's always ALEVE.  

(click image to play)

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ALEVE:  Voice Over by Rory O'Shea
ALEVE: Voice Over by Rory O'Shea

We record narration projects and offer free custom-voiced auditions in advance for your review to see if it's the right fit for your project.

From long-form narrations utilizing complex medical or technical terminology - to
30-second radio or television commercials - we create professional results.

Your script is recorded, edited & uploaded - ready for broadcast or corporate applications - at competitive rates and quick turnaround.

Additionally, we can assist with your next localization assignment with an elite roster of ethnic professionals in over 20 languages for translation, proofreading & narration.

Drop me a line or call me if you have any questions whatsoever.
I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.


     Studio:    416 694 4612
 Toll Free:    1 888 282 2224 
    Mobile:    416 433 7865 
     Skype:    rory.o.shea (Toronto)