Friendly salutations to my American friends & clients - happy 4th of July in advance! I hope you enjoy some time with family & friends. If you hear partying & fireworks from your upstairs neighbours it's because we're doing some national celebrating ourselves for Canada Day, July 1st.  The day in 1867 when igloos coast to coast were connected by a national dog sled transportation system led by Prime Minister Tim Horton to unite hockey teams to drink maple syrup-flavoured beer out of moose-shaped glasses. 
And yes, I spelled "neighbours" and "favoured" with a "u". 
What can I say except sorry.  That's how we roll.
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Canadian & US flags
Canadians & Americans - we all enjoy movies.  As for recent voice over highlights I had fun doing the trailer for this flick.  It's Canadian by the way:
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'Big News from Grand Rock'
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As much as Canadians are inclined to say "sorry" we're also an appreciative lot.  And with that I'd like to say thanks a lot to everyone who made my recent mission possible.  In my previous newsletter I mentioned I registered the team,
to raise funds in the Relay for Life on June 13th.

I'm thrilled to announce that with the kindness & generosity of so many supporters I raised $10,725.00 for the Canadian Cancer Society in the name of a phenomenal woman -
my mum Peggy Delaney.
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While I'm getting all gracious I'd like to tip my hat to
Kevin Airgid for my recent brand/logo update plus full website overhaul.  It's now mobile-friendly to browse with ease on your iPhone, android, tablet, iPad.  So when you're mobile I'm now extra friendly.  All part of that Canadian thing.

Check out the spiffy new look 
& take it for a test run by
clicking here

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See more of Kevin's awesome stuff by

We complete narration projects quickly & efficiently with free custom-voiced auditions provided in advance for your review.

From long-form narrations utilizing complex medical or technical terminology to
30-second radio or television commercials - we create professional & effective work.

Your script is recorded, edited, uploaded & ready for broadcast or corporate applications - at competitive rates.

Additionally, we can assist with your next localization assignment with an elite roster of professionals in over 20 languages for translation, proofreading & narration.
If you know a colleague who could utilize these services click the Forward email link below the contact info to forward this newsletter.

I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.


   Studio:    416 694 4612416 694 4612
Toll Free:   1 888 282 2224 1 888 282 2224
    Mobile:   416 433 7865 416 433 7865
     Skype:   rory.o.shea (Toronto)