We complete narration projects quickly & efficiently with free custom-voiced auditions provided in advance for your review.
From long-form narrations utilizing complex medical or technical terminology to 30-second radio or television commercials - we create professional & effective work.
Your script is recorded, edited, uploaded & ready for broadcast or corporate applications - at competitive rates.
Additionally, we can assist with your next localization assignment with an elite roster of professionals in over 20 languages for translation, proofreading & narration.
If you know a colleague who could utilize these services click the Forward email link below the contact info to forward this newsletter.
I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.
Studio: 416 694 4612416 694 4612 Toll Free: 1 888 282 2224 1 888 282 2224 Mobile: 416 433 7865 416 433 7865 Skype: rory.o.shea (Toronto) |