July 22, 2015

Circle of Protection posts interviews of candidates

by Circle of Protection staff


A group of Christian leaders is releasing videos in which U.S. presidential candidates explain how they would work to address poverty both in the United States and around the world as president.


The videos were made by Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Martin O'Malley, and Bernie Sanders. 


The other declared presidential candidates were contacted but have not yet provided videos.


The 100 Christian leaders, which included General Minister and President Sharon Watkins as part of the Circle of Protection coalition, sent each presidential candidate a letter asking him or her to produce a video stating how they propose to provide help and opportunity to hungry and poor people in the United States and abroad.


The videos are being disseminated among the Christian leaders' wide networks and members in order to raise hunger and poverty as an election issue. They can also be seen at www.circleofprotection.us and on YouTube.


"We are praying for a president who will make ending hunger and poverty a top priority of his or her administration. Are you that leader?" the letter asked. The letter is available at www.circleofprotection.us.

The Circle of Protection represents a diverse array of Christian denominations, churches, colleges, and agencies across the country. They will not publicly evaluate the policy positions or endorse any candidate.

"We will be calling on people of faith to examine presidential candidates to see if they have a heart for poor and hungry people. We want to know how each candidate proposes to fulfill the mandate to those who govern to 'give deliverance to the needy' (Psalm 72)," the leaders added in the letter.

According to the latest U.S. Census data, 49 million Americans are at risk of hunger, while 45 million live in poverty. One in five children lives in poverty. That is 15 million children, 5 million of them under age 6.

The Christian leaders see the videos as the beginning of an active debate about how to alleviate hunger and poverty, and hope these issues will be at the center of the presidential campaign. 


General Assembly 2015


If you were unable to join the General Assembly in Columbus you can still get a flavor from the archived special DNS editions or visiting the General Assembly Facebook group page. 


As materials such as workshop presentations become available they will be posted on the disciples.org/ga page.


If you would like to contribute to one of the special offerings received at the event, you can do that online. 

Pension Fund 13th Check

Reconciliation Ministry 

Week of Compassion  

 Disciples Mission Fund

News in the Church                                   Other News                          

Religions for Peace invites dialogue

For the past 3 years, Religions for Peace USA and Faith and Culture Center have been working to build trust between Muslims and non-Muslims through the Our Muslim Neighbor initiative. "As a Muslim and as an American, this violence is abhorrent," says Mr. Daoud Abudiab, President of Faith and Culture Center. "America is a country where all are welcomed, and where extremism of any kind that results in violence is contrary to the very idea of America. The Muslim community here in Middle Tennessee stands with those who are mourning the loss of life, and commits to working to improve relationships so as to make all forms of extremism socially unacceptable."


Rev. Robert Montgomery, a board member of Faith and Culture Center says, "Events like those in Charleston and Chattanooga feel like daggers through our hearts.  They ought to also remind us that violence always tears some fellow human being's life and family apart. If we want any religion to be seen as credible, we have to show the world, especially our young people, that faith must choose the courageous path of renouncing violence and seeking peace and justice through words of truth and actions of hope."


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Events, Resources and Ministry in Action                                                              

Christmount Mission Camp July 26-31


Worship and Wonder Training Lexington, KY
Aug. 21-22

Biblical Storytelling for Pastors, Christmount, Sept. 15 - 17 


Hope Partnership Leadership Academy, Sept. 21-24


Gateway to Hope lecture on returning veterans sponsored by Mid-America Center for Ministry, Columbia, MO, Sept. 22


Christmount Clergy Conference Oct. 5-7


Christmount Week with Frank Thomas, Oct. 20-23


Drury University Conference "Subverting the Norm III", Springfield, MO Nov. 5-7


Find more events on the calendar hosted by Chalice Press


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Circle of Protection offers interviews of candidates on poverty 


Online pastoral care class begins Aug. 18


Mid-America Center for Ministry intro ministry course begins 

Aug. 18 


Just Women 2015 Bible study available in e-version


Refugee resettlement sign-up information 


Disciple Women offer flyer on human trafficking 


Center for Faith and Giving Measuring What Matters stewardship program available


Disciples Peace Fellowship offers weekly worship resource 


People-to-People Guides for Leaders and Participants 

Ministry in Action

Local mission committee of General Assembly organizes potato drop


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Friday, July 17, 2015