Former Marine raises funds for homeless pets - 75% off cat adoptions - National Volunteer Appreciation Week
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April 2015
Running for Homeless Pets
Former Marine Helps Support Our Medically-Fragile Animals
Mark C., one of our amazing volunteers, is running for us in the Colfax Marathon's 5K race! Mark, a Marine Corps veteran, started volunteering at the Shelter in December and says that working with our dogs is therapeutic for him. He's even been fundraising among his family and friends who would like to support the Shelter, but don't have time to volunteer!

Do you want to join Mark and dozens of others by fundraising for us in the Colfax Marathon? All money raised will support medically-fragile orphaned pets in need of specialized care, surgeries or treatments.

Spring Fling Cat Adoption Special
75% Off Cat Adoptions
Spring is in the air and we're celebrating by offering a special discount on cat adoptions! All cats 6 months of age and older are 75% off! The same adoption process still applies and all adoptions include spay/neuter, a microchip, vaccinations and a health exam. Adoption special valid at onsite Shelter location only.

National Volunteer Appreciation Week
We Love Our Volunteers!
Volunteers are the heart and soul of Foothills Animal Shelter and we truly could not do what we do without them. Our amazing team of 450 volunteers put in more than 33,000 hours of service last year. They are involved in every facet of the organization, from assisting patrons in finding the perfect pet, to supporting our Health Care Team with surgical and patient care services. They collectively make our community a better place. Bow-wow, meow and thanks to them during National Volunteer Appreciation Week, April 12 - 18!

Pet Licensing
National Pet ID Week is April 19 - 25 and we want everyone to celebrate by licensing your pets! If you license your pet (new or renewal) in Jefferson County during April, you will receive a discount on collars and leashes sold at the Shelter! Click here for details.
Recent News
Shelter Celebrates National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week
Animal Control Officers work tirelessly to maintain the well-being of animals in the community. We want to offer them a special thank you during National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week, April 12 - 18. Read More
Upcoming Events
Welcome Home
In March, 357 pets in our care found forever homes and 108 lost pets were reunited with their families! We appreciate your continued support as we help orphaned animals get the best chance at a better life.
Foothills Animal Shelter | 303-278-7575 | |
580 McIntyre St., Golden, CO 80401