The Benefits Store Newsletter
June Events
June 9-15, 2014 - Men's Health Week
Find out what tests and other preventative care options are available to you.
June 12-13, 2014 - Soccer World Cup  
Find out Here  

June 13, 2014
Build a Legacy of Wellness.
Join like-minded people looking to achieve a new level of health at Create Your Future Health Summit 2014.

Create Your Future Health Summit Here!

*Please Note: For your good health issues, health screening with the Biophotonic Scanner as shown on the Dr. Oz show for only $10, please visit ICIM's booth and meeting room and mention The Benefits Store.  Realtors providing their business card are eligible for a drawing.
June Summer Checklist


Protect Valuables and Yourself during Travel  


Protect against mosquito and tick-borne diseases


The Benefits Store Insurance Services, Inc.




Do you naturally think that all Health Insurance companies are trying to charge you as much as possible for as little service as possible? Have you wondered about how to sign up for health insurance when it is not the open enrollment period?

A Reader Asks: Where Can I Find Insurance Options Between Open Enrollments?

Q. If someone will be seeking insurance options on a health care exchange before the next open enrollment period because her COBRA plan is expiring, where does she find information about insurance plan options?


A. Although the open enrollment period to sign-up for health insurance on a state exchange ended March 31 for most people, the exchanges didn't shut down. You should still be able to log on and check out plans through the federal and state exchange websites, says Jennifer Tolbert, director of state health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation (KHN is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)


Because open enrollment has ended, however, only people who have experienced a "qualifying life event" or who ran into serious trouble this spring trying to sign up for coverage online can sign up between now and the next open enrollment period, which begins Nov. 15 for 2015 coverage. Continue Reading Here  


Dental Care...Is It Accessible?

Affordable Care Act

Healthy teeth and gums are important for you and your children. Dental disease can affect your overall health, so it's important that you and your children see a dentist regularly to stay healthy. This section walks you through the Affordable Care Act and how it requires that the new health insurance exchanges offer dental plans for your children. Although the new act does not require dental coverage for adults, most state marketplaces will also offer dental coverage for adults.


Paying for dental care is a concern of many. Not everyone can afford dental insurance and not all businesses offer dental benefits. Assistance programs vary from state to state. This section will help you locate your state dental society society to find out about care in your area.


Blue Shield and Kaiser have contributed over 20 M to lobby against the proposed regulation enabling the DOI Commissioner to "limit" rate increases.  
Rates and their review have lots of issues. Read about some interesting positions by California's Non-Profit Health Organizations - Blue Shield of California and Kaiser.  
Read More Here