February 2016

College Hill Presbyterian Church 
A Theologically Progressive, Inclusive, Multicultural,
'More Light Presbyterian' Congregation (PCUSA)


712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104


 Church office hours: 

 Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm

Closed on Fridays


9:30 a.m. Church School-all ages 
11:00 a.m. Worship in English

 11:00 a.m. Worship in Spanish 



[email protected]




  Like us on Facebook


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies 

 and conversation in the 

Fellowship Hall before
Church School 
and before Worship.  


Mission Statement 
Build an inclusive
community of faith.
Receive and openly
share the love of God.
Reach out with a
compassionate voice 
for peace and justice.
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List

View the church calendar on our website 


February 2016 Calendar

Happy Valentines Day!
February Birthdays

  2 - Barbara Perry

  5 - Molly Dickason

  5 - David Zerger

  7 - Ann Franklin

  8 - Mark Watson

  8 - Joseph West

11 - Jordan Burrows

11 - Jack Robertson

11 - Kevin McAnally

12 - Joy Kelly

12 - Barb Nole

14 - Shelta Sneed

14 - MaryGrace Livingston-Gainey

18 - Barbara Bucchianeri

19 - Katie Fox

19 - Monica Rodriguez

24 - Dylan Watts

26 - Chris Allande

26 - Tandi McAnally




Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!



JustHope Celebration
January 31, 2016 

Rev. Todd is showing the children the new stole that he purchased that morning at the "Nicaraguan Bazaar", which was handmade by women supported by a JustHope micro bank loan in Chacraseca, Nicaragua. 

The Rev. Leslie Penrose, executive director of JustHope, was our special guest during church school and worship. She passed out pictures of Nicaraguan children with their name to our children and asked them to pray for that person.

Annual Congregational Meeting 
& Potluck Luncheon
January 24, 2016


Gini Fox

Our Treasurer, Mike Evanson 

View more photos on our Facebook page
Like us on Facebook
Music Ministry

The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church continues choral rehearsals Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m.  Come join in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and fun!

If you are a singer and would like to sing with the Chancel Choir, we are welcoming new members for the upcoming season. 

BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church continues ringing rehearsals Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.  If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble (permanent member or substitute), please contact Director of Music for more information.
Click here to contact Kim Childs if you are interested in any of our 
music ministry opportunities.

To listen to past choir performances, 


Join us for the next
Thursday, February 18, 2016
12:15 pm
University United Methodist Church
5th and College
We'll attend the UUMC Third Thursday
recital featuring pianist
Kayla Jones.
Program at 12:15 in the UUMC Sanctuary
Lunch* at 12:45 in the UUMC Great Hall
*Lunch is free but you are welcome to donate toward the cost.

Book Club
February 28 after worship

The Chaperone
by Laura Moriarty

As described by O, Oprah Magazine, this historical novel by Laura Moriarty exploring the early life of silent-film star Louise Brooks, "The Chaperone is the enthralling story of two women ... and how their unlikely relationship changed their lives... In this layered and inventive story, Moriarty raises profound questions about family, sexuality, history, and whether it is luck or will-or a sturdy combination of the two-that makes for a wonderful life. So while it's cold outside at the beginning of 2016, take this opportunity to dive into the early 1920's summertime in New York City during the Jazz Age.

The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty is available at book stores, your local library, and other book sources. 

Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion at Panera Bread (1624 E. 15th St., just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service (about 12:15 pm).

If you are interested in learning more about Book Club, click (name) to contact Fritha Ohlson.

Something for the Spirit

Claiming God's Healing Light: 
Lenten Reflections on John 9

By Bruce Epperly, March 29, 2011
This week's Lenten practice involves claiming the healing light of God. During Lent, we reflect on our brokenness, on the places in our lives where we need healing, and this can be painful. 
The challenges of mind, body, spirit, and relationships we face can seem insurmountable. Their chronic nature often stands in the way of claiming another, more joyful and healthy way of life. 
While healing is a process, and never fully completed, the story of the sight-impaired mind challenges us to say "yes" to God's healing invitation and work day by day to move toward God's healing light.
There are many ways to do this...

To read the entire blog
2016 Birthday Endowment Fund

2016 brings about another Birthday for each of us.


A meaningful way to celebrate this occasion is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.


This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Birthday Fund envelopes are available on the Narthex table, under the Birthday balloon. Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.


Penny FundPenny
Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table.  This money goes toward funding many College Hill events/needs!
Word from the Pastor

"I invite you, in the name of Christ, to observe a holy Lent by self-examination and penitence, by prayer and fasting, by works of love, and by reading and meditating on the Word of God."
These traditional words, taken from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, are part of the liturgy we use at our Ash Wednesday Service of the Imposition of Ashes, which we will hold on Wednesday, February 10, at 6:15 p.m. The evening will begin, however, with our traditional "monastic soup supper" at 5:45 p.m., where we eat in silence as someone shares spiritual readings.
The Worship & Music ministry team has several special things planned for this year's season of Lent. Our theme will be: Our Journey of Repentance.
Repentance is commonly misunderstood. It's not about feeling "really, really sorry," or hoping to return back to some "golden age." Ultimately, it's a journey of transformation.
As David Henson states, "Repentance is the journey, the process of seeing that God has made holy the ground - whatever ground - we find ourselves on. Seeing God where we are changes us, too. It gives us that new mind, that new way of seeing and thinking and believing about the world - that is the hallmark of true repentance. Suddenly there is hope for the future - not just my future, but for our future... In repentance, we are called to action as God's holy and creative agents in the world to stand against injustice, hatred, fear and the malevolence of prosperity-at-all-cost."
May your, and our, Lenten season be one of living life more fully, loving in abundance, and being who God created us to be!


Rev. Todd Freeman

News & Events

 Potluck Luncheon
This Sunday, February 7

Fellowship Ministry Team is hosting this fun event after worship for the Souper Bowl of Caring.

Please bring your favorite soup, stew, chili, gumbo, chowder or soup-related side item to share. 


Ash Wednesday Service

February 10th in Fellowship Hall

Come prepare your heart, mind 
and spirit for Lent! 

Please plan to attend our Ash Wednesday service of the Imposition of Ashes. 

Monastic Soup Supper with contemplative readings 
5:45 pm

Worship Service 
6:15 pm


Friday, February 19 at 6:00 pm 

Do you enjoy playing cards, dominoes or board games? Then join us each month in Fellowship Hall.
Please bring a snack to share, so we can munch while we play. If you require childcare or would like more information about the event, please (click name to) contact Marilyn Hill or the church office.  
We'll have lots of games, but if you have a favorite game, feel free to bring it! 
Previous Game Night's have been well-attended and enjoyed by all!
We look forward to a 
fun night of fellowship!

College Hill 
2016 Session

Standing (left to right): Rev. Freeman, David Zerger, Marilyn Hill, P.J. Brobston, Tally Ferguson, 
Danielle Hovenga, Nancy Gammie, Stefanie Olson

Seated (left to right): Clay Finck-Ward, 
Johnna Thurston, Jennifer Campbell, Christy Lyke

2016 Ministry Teams

Building & Grounds
David Zerger*

Christian Education
Nancy Gammie*, Stefanie Olson, 
Danielle Hovenga

Congregational Care
Marilyn Hill*

Evangelism & Communication
Stefanie Olson*, Terry Gamel, Clay Finck-Ward, Danielle Hovenga

Clay Finck-Ward*

Finance & Stewardship
Johnna Thurston*

Christy Lyke*, Marilyn Hill

Outreach & Mission
Tally Ferguson*, PJ Brobston

Christy Lyke*

Worship & Music
PJ Brobston*, Christy Lyke

*Denotes Moderator

Save the Date

All Church Retreat
Dwight Mission
April 1-2, 2016

Click here for more information and to register.
Registration and payment deadline is March 20th. 

Have a project, craft, artistic activity, or DIY you would like to share 
with others at the retreat? 
Click here for more information.

Our Church School 
Friend of the Month:

Evie Olson
9 years old (almost 10)

Sunday School class: 
Youth- Gini Fox and Lupe O'Tavar
Q:   What is your favorite thing to do?
A:   Anything that involves animals, especially            horses and nature I LOVE! 
Q:   What is your favorite thing about Church          School?
A:   The activities we get to do for the                    community.
Q:   If you could be an animal what animal would        you be and why?
A:   A wolf!! Because they are spiritual to me.           They are my spirit animal. 


Thank you to everyone that hosted a fall dinner. We heard from several guests and hosts indicating that a wonderful time was had by all. 

We are now planning our winter dinners.  If you volunteered to host a winter Dinner For 7-8, you have already received your list of guests. If you need a new copy of this list please request that from Clay Finck-Ward. Winter dinners for 7-8 will be held this month or in March. 

If you are a guest wondering whose home will be hosting, there is a master list posted in Fellowship Hall. 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to (click name to) contact Clay


Openarms Youth Project Meal
Thursday, February 25

Outreach & Mission Ministry Team will be serving the meal at Openarms Youth Project. Click name to contact Jeff Ream or Tim Smith-Ream for more information.

1st Sunday Food Collection
KWI Emergency Food Pantry
February 7, 2016

Our First Sunday food collection benefits Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry. We will be collecting canned vegetables and canned fruit, which are especially needed, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome.

College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center


Cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall have been re-purposed for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations. 


Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 


Donation bins are also provided for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.


Flower Chart
If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. There are many open dates available. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
         College Hill Mission Statement

      ~ Build an inclusive community of faith
      ~ Receive and openly share the love of God
      ~ Reach out with a compassionate voice for              peace and justice