May 2015
College Hill Presbyterian Church
 A Theologically Progressive, Inclusive, Multicultural, 
'More Light Presbyterian' Congregation (PCUSA)


712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104


 Church office hours: 

 Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm

Closed on Fridays


9:30 a.m. Church School-all ages 
11:00 a.m. Worship in English

 11:00 a.m. Worship in Spanish 


Church email: 

[email protected]

 Pastor email:

[email protected]




  Like us on Facebook


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies 

 and conversation in the 

Fellowship Hall before
Church School 
and before Worship.  


Mission Statement 
Build an inclusive
community of faith.
Receive and openly
share the love of God.
Reach out with a
compassionate voice 
for peace and justice.
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Mother's Day 
May 10

The church office will be closed 
Monday, May 25, in observance of 
Memorial Day.

View the church calendar on our website 


May 2015 Calendar

Emily Gamel
Victor Moguel 

May Birthdays

  2 - Lindsey Fox

  2 - Brooks Williamson

  4 - Ethan Watts

  4 - Elizabeth Carroll

  5 - David Robertson

12 - Pam Alexander

13 - Wyatt Fox

13 - Grayson Patterson

17 - Fred Schone

17 - Diane Bucchianeri

21 - Hallee Collins

22 - Kevin Smith

22 - Johnna Thurston

23 - Trinna Burrows

23 - Mike Evanson

24 - Ben Buchanan

25 - Jonnie Bankhead

25 - Stephen Morgan

25 - Josie Speer

28 - Danielle Hovenga

30 - Nathan Swanson



Remember the 
Birthday Endowment Fund!


Rev. Todd's Bon Voyage Reception April 26th

Charlotte Bronston Honored 
at KWI Red Carpet Event

Our very own Charlotte Bronston was recognized by Ed Sharrer, Kendall-Whittier Main Street's Executive Director, during the recent KWI Rolling Out the Red Carpet event, for being such a wonderful, long-time supporter of Kendall-Whittier organizations and being such a positive influence in the neighborhood, always present at events and gatherings. 

Charlotte is in good company at the event with fellow College Hill members (pictured) Betty Coleman, Deborah Hunter, Robert Babcock, Bill Major and Nancy Foote. Several others from CHPC were also in attendance, including Rev. Todd, Alice and Charles Stanford, Gini Fox, Donna Wood, and Kristy Wyatt and Vicki Jordan.

View more photos on our Facebook page
Like us on Facebook
Hello, Is Anybody Out There?

We are LOOKING for someone who speaks Spanish and would like to help with our Hispanic Fellowship Group this next year. 

If some of our new members would be interested, that would be great! We need someone who can translate and be liaison for the group.

If you are interested, please (click name to) contact
Pat Valencia.


Music Ministry


The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church continues its rehearsals on Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Come join in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and lots of laughter!


If you are a singer wanting to use your talents, please see Director of Music, Kim Childs. We would love to welcome new members during the spring season! Click here to contact Kim.


The Chancel Choir will be in recess this summer from June 17 until August 12.



The BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearse Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble, please contact Director of Music for more information.


BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble will be in recess this summer from June 17 until August 12.



We would like members of the choir and congregation that are interested in solo vocal/instrumental opportunities to contact our Director of Music. Available Sundays will be late June, all of July and early August. 





Book Club
Sunday, May 17

A Rogue Economist Explores 
the Hidden Side of Everything
      by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Written by economist Levitt and journalist/author Dubner, Freakonomics explores economics with an unconventional approach.  To get a flavor for the type of approach, here's a few snippets of what people had to say about the book:


"The funkiest study of statistical mechanics ever by a world-renowned economist... Eye-opening and sometimes eye-popping". (Entertainment Weekly)

"Freakonomics is politically incorrect in the best, most essential way.... This is bracing fun of the highest order." (Kurt Andersen, host of public radio's Studio 360 and author of Turn of the Century)

"An easy, funny read. Many unsolvable problems the Americans have could be solved with simple means." (Business World)


Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner is available at book stores, your local library, and other book sources.  

Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion at Panera Bread (1624 E. 15th St., just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service (about 12:15 pm).

If you are interested in joining or learning more about Book Club, click (name) to contact Fritha Ohlson.

College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center


The cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall have been repurposed for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations. 


Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 


Donation bins will be provided for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.


Flower Chart Sign Up
If you would like to 
bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. 

There are many dates for 2015 available. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
2015 Birthday Endowment Fund

2015 brings about another Birthday for each of us.


A meaningful way to celebrate this occasion is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.


This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends and allows the church to have funds available for special projects.

Birthday Fund envelopes are available on the Narthex table, under the Birthday balloon. Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check.


Penny FundPenny
Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table.  This money goes toward funding many College Hill events/needs!
Word from the Pastor

What an indescribable blessing it is for me to have been granted a 6-week sabbatical on the occasion of my 7 years of ministry as your pastor! The gracious generosity of this congregation never ceases to amaze and humble me.


I will be away from the church from April 27 through June 7 (which means I wrote this before my departure). Since I don't remember taking even 2 weeks off at a time before, it's hard for me to imagine 6 weeks away. I am genuinely excited about the possibilities! 


It is important to me to experience not only rest and relaxation during this sabbatical, but also spiritual growth. That is why I have planned a trip to Ireland and Scotland, in what I hope will be a 'spiritual quest pilgrimage,' as I shared with you in my sermon on April 26.


For those of you who are interested in "following along," I have included a link below to my "Sabbatical Tour Itinerary". It includes a schedule and pictures of where I will be each day in Ireland. This 10-day tour (which includes 18 people, including church members Mark and Gay Miller) is being led by Sister Jane of the Osage Forest of Peace (near Keystone Lake). We will primarily be visiting sites of historic Celtic importance.


Following the Ireland tour, I will fly on my own to Glasgow, Scotland, and make my way to the small ancient Celtic island of Iona, off the western coast. This is the birthplace of Celtic Christianity/Spirituality in Scotland, going back to the 6th century. I have enrolled in week-long summer course that is being offered on the island by a Scottish university. We will be studying all things Celtic.


Sabbatical Tour Itinerary

Click Here


During my absence, the Rev. Ann LaMar and the Rev. Gordon Edwards, both good friends of this congregation, will be preaching and handling any major pastoral emergencies. Gini Fox and the Congregational Care ministry team will be handling general care needs/concerns. You can contact Gini directly or the church office (918-592-5800).


Know that you will remain in my prayers. However, it is my hope to maintain "radio silence" during these 6 weeks. I will be posting pictures to my Facebook page, but do not plan to respond directly to emails or texts. I ask for your prayers for my journey and for this remarkable congregation!



Rev. Todd 




News & Events

Dwight Mission
May 1-2, 2015


Adult Church School Class Series


The Joy of Work(?)


Presented during the 

5 Sundays in May

May 3 through May 31


Church member Dr. Brad BrummelAssistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Tulsa, will be leading a 5-week Adult Church School Class on the topic of The Joy of Work(?).

Join us in the Adult Church School classroom on the first floor, off Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings at 

9:30 am.


Dr. Brummel will lead a discussion of different historical and philosophical perspectives on what work can mean and has meant to people. These thoughts of work strongly influence how we approach our work and whether we can derive joy from work. 


Then we will examine the things that work can provide to contribute to happiness. This investigation will include assessment of our own current work situations (including non-paid work and retirement). 


In the last week we will discuss potential changes we might undertake to improve the joy in our work. 


Main source material will come from The Thought of Work by John Budd and The Joy of Work? Jobs, Happiness, and You by Peter Warr and Guy Clapperton.


May 24
The congregation is encouraged to wear red.
Groups & 
Volunteer Opportunities
5th Sunday Special Offering
May 31
Kendall-Whittier Elementary

For several years, College Hill has designated a special (non-budgeted) offering in every month with five Sundays. This custom began partly to encourage contributions by children, and so usually includes tangible items rather than money.

However, an exception is made once a year when we ask for cash donations for uniforms for Kendall-Whittier Elementary students. Uniforms have the advantage of eliminating 'clothes competition', while assisting families with budgetary constraints, since outgrown, but still serviceable uniforms are recycled for smaller children. Some families still struggle to pay for shirts ($7-$10) and pants ($10-$14), sizes 4-14.

College Hill has stepped up to help make a difference. Taking advantage of sales, discounts and tax holidays, Charlotte Slemp stretched the $600 donation to cover many new items last year. 

Your generosity on May 31st is greatly appreciated!  

Volunteers Needed for the 
Tulsa Pride Parade
June 6, 2015


Please join College Hill and other churches and community groups to take pride in our inclusiveness as a city and community and to brag about the strength of diversity. Come march with us in the 2015 Tulsa Gay Pride Parade. 


College Hill will have a truck in the parade that needs 6-8 riders. We need plenty more walkers, and for those of you who can't make the whole parade, we could use a large, supportive crowd. The parade kicks off from Boston Avenue Methodist Church at 13th and Boston at 6:00 p.m. We will be gathering around 5:00 pm.  Click (name) to

contact Jeff and Tim Smith-Ream if you would like more information. 


In addition to participating in the parade, College Hill will have a booth at the Pride Festival from 12:00 - 9:00 p.m. We need volunteers to work one-hour shifts at our booth inside the air-conditioned Equality Center. We will have fans, brochures, and candy to distribute; you bring the warm welcome of College Hill with you! Click (name) to contact Danielle Hovenga to sign up for a shift. 

Everyone that can participate 
is appreciated!


Youth Group Volunteers 
at Tipton Garden
CHPC Youth Group members Haley and Parker Brobston, along with PJ Brobston, Rebecca Howard, Joy Kelly and Bryan Finck-Ward, recently volunteered their time and hard work at KWI's Tipton Garden. Ian Moore of Fellowship Congregational Church UCC, also helped out.

The group spread mulch and cardboard between the planting beds to prepare it for upcoming planting.

Lori Decter Wright, Executive Director of Kendall-Whittier, Inc., said they are so thankful for the group's hard work!

Something for the Spirit

Thin Places

The language of "thin place" is a Celtic metaphor that describes physical locations in which God is especially present. A retreat center or a quiet sanctuary would be obvious examples of potential thin places. In the metaphor, a "thin place" is a place where the boundary between heaven and earth is especially thin. It's a place where we can sense the divine more readily. Thin places relax us, yes, but they also transform us - or, more accurately, unmask us. In thin places, we become our more essential selves. 


If you want to use the thin place metaphor, then perhaps you should say that the purpose of thin places is to help us realize that all places can be thin. Or, better yet, perhaps the purpose of a thin place is to train us to make the other places in our lives thinner. Moreover, when we realize that the Spirit of God dwells within us, we will come to believe that we are called to be thin places, as God makes God's presence known through us.


To read a detailed article exploring the nature of 'thin places,' including in the scriptures, click the link below.


Read More..



Spring Sign Up 

We are now planning our Spring Dinners for 7 or 8, to be held in May and June. 


If you are a host for a Spring dinner, you have already received your list of guests. If you need a new copy of this list, or for those that have questions about hosting a dinner, (click name to) contact Clay Finck-Ward.   

Thank you again for your time and commitment!

Dwight Mission Summer Camp
Spiritlife 2015

Dwight Mission offers an exciting camp experience where you can meet new friends, grow in your faith, and make memories that will last a lifetime! 

Click here to view the Session Schedule, which begins in June.


Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless Meal
          Saturday, May 23

Our Hispanic Fellowship will serve the meal at the Day Center.

Look for Caroline's Clipboard before or after worship to donate food, money or service.

The Day Center is in need of your assistance. 
Click here to view a list of much-needed items at the shelter, as well as their permanent housing complex.   
 KWI 1st Sunday Food Collection
Sunday, May 3

Our 1st Sunday Food Collection goes to the Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry.

Currently, there is an urgent need for canned goods, especially canned beans, canned meat (chili, spaghetti, stew, chicken, etc.), canned vegetables and canned fruit, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome.

Wishing Rev. Todd a peaceful and blessed journey 
during his Sabbatical