December 2014
College Hill Presbyterian Church 
A Theologically Progressive, Inclusive, Multicultural,
'More Light Presbyterian' Congregation (PCUSA)


712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104


 Church office hours: 

 Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm

Closed on Fridays


9:30 a.m. Church School-all ages 
11:00 a.m. Worship in English

 11:00 a.m. Worship in Spanish 



[email protected]




  Like us on Facebook


Join us for coffee, juice, cookies 

 and conversation in the 

Fellowship Hall before
Church School 
and before Worship.  


Mission Statement 
Build an inclusive
community of faith.
Receive and openly
share the love of God.
Reach out with a
compassionate voice 
for peace and justice.
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List

Poinsettia Orders


If you are interested in buying a poinsettia to help decorate the church during Advent and Epiphany, please click here to download the form and return it to the church office by Monday, December 15th. Forms are also available on the Information Table in the Narthex. 


Donors' names and the names of ones being honored are listed in the bulletin for the Christmas Eve service of worship. If you have any questions, 

click here to contact Charlotte Slemp.


View the church calendar on our website 


December Calendar

Covenant Network 
Regional Conference

The regional conference held at College Hill on November 15th entitled "Marriage Matters", 
was very well-received.

Covenant Network National Organizer, 
Tricia Dykers-Koenig

Keynote Speaker, Mark Achtemeier

Covenant Network Executive Director, Brian Ellison

Group Panel discussion

Brad Brummel leads the discussion 
during this workshop

View more photos on our Facebook page
Like us on Facebook
December Birthdays


  3 - Isabelle Thomason

  6 - Peter Campbell

  9 - Sue Haskins

13 - Jana Rhoads

15 - Megan Buchner

15 - Marci Platt

15 - Alice Stanford

18 - Ronda Robertson

19 - Tally Ferguson

20 - Roberta Smith

24 - Wyneth Roulet

25 - JoAnn Smith

28 - Charles Stanford

29 - Kathy Evanson

30 - Lisa Hays



Remember the Birthday Endowment Fund!



Music Ministry





The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church continues in its fall season! Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Come join in the second story choral room (next to the church office) for singing, fellowship and lots of laughter!

If you are a singer wanting to use your talents, please see Director of Music, Kim Childs. We would love to welcome new members this upcoming fall season!

The Chancel Choir will present Mark Hayes' 

TE DEUM Sunday, December 14 during the 

11 a.m. worship service with organist Mike Gibson.



The BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church continues ringing in its fall season! Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m.; if you are interested in playing in this fun ensemble, please contact Director of Music for more information.



We would like members of the choir and congregation that are interested in solo vocal/instrumental opportunities to contact our Director of Music. 


Click here to contact Kim Childs


To listen to past choir performances, click here



Penny FundPenny
Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table.  This money goes toward funding many College Hill events/needs!
Flower Chart
If you would like to bring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming worship service, please sign up on the Flower Chart on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. There are many open dates available. Your dedication will also be announced in the worship bulletin.  
Flowers can be purchased from any store or brought from home. Please bring them in two containers the morning of the service for which you have signed up.
Birthday Endowment Fund

2014 brings about another Birthday for each of us.


A meaningful way to celebrate this occasion is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.


This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends. ow us to have funds available for special projects.

Birthday Fund envelopes are available on the Narthex table, under the Birthday balloon. Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check. 

Word from the Pastor


Let's face it, many progressive Christians have trouble interpreting the gospel birth narratives of Jesus literally. Even though there is justifiable reason for that perspective, it should not keep us from reflecting upon the question, "

What significance does the birth, life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth have for you and your life?"


In my own answer to that question, I would respond that in Jesus we have come to see that God is with us and for us. To quote Delwin Brown, author of What Does a Progressive Christian Believe?:


God is somehow incarnate in the entire creation - the ordinary and extraordinary, the broken and the whole, the known and the unknown, the familiar and the mysterious world in all its dimensions... In the birth of Jesus we see the gentleness and vulnerability of the divine. We believe that God works through ordinariness, not shock and awe, that caring for the divine work of redemption is everywhere placed in our small human hands... In the actions of Jesus we see the primacy of God's commitment to the neglected ones... In the compassion of Jesus for the least ones we become aware of God's love for all of the creation... In Jesus Christ we believe we see intimations of a God who is incarnate - a God who is with us fully, and fully, too, with all creation.


So let us take the light of Christ that dwells within each of us and reflect it upon others throughout this season. I pray that for you, this congregation, and the entire world, this Advent and Christmas season will be one of tangible peace, hope, joy and love!   


P.S. Anyone have anything personal they want to share about themselves?...      



Rev. Todd Freeman


News & Events


Holiday Worship Schedule



Wednesday, December 24th at 6:00 pm

Christmas Eve Service

The children of the church will perform in a play

and there will be candle lighting. 

We will collect donations for Emergency Infant Services.


Christmas Eve Offering


In the story of the birth of Jesus, the Magi brought gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold. In this spirit of giving, the Worship & Music and Outreach & Mission Ministry Teams invite you to bring donations to be given to Emergency Infant Services. (EIS)

EIS is a non-denominational, non-profit organization which assists over 1200 infants and toddlers each month. Funded through the generosity of the community, staff and volunteers work together to make sure that infants and toddlers have the essentials they need. They have no waiting periods or income qualifiers, operating on the theory that a hungry child cannot wait.


Click here for the complete needs list.


We will collect donations during our Christmas Eve service, Wednesday, December 24th at 6:00 pm.

Secret Santa's Needed for 
Day Center for the Homeless

Day Center clients make a short Christmas Wish List that includes one thing they really need, one they really want and their favorite foods or hobbies. The list in total can be no more than $50. 

The gifts are to be brought to the Day Center (415 W. Archer St., downtown Tulsa) for delivery no later than December 17th. To help provide a Christmas for those who might otherwise go without, please click here

to contact Colleen Helms, or call her at 918-556-6418.



Kendall Whittier News

12th Annual Lights On

Whittier Square


Saturday, December 6

5:30 -7:00 pm


1st & Lewis

Food, games and entertainment!

 KWI 1st Sunday Food Collection
Sunday, December 7
1st Sunday Food Collection 
Our 1st Sunday Food Collection goes to the Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry. Currently, there is an urgent need for canned goods, especially canned beans, canned meat (chili, spaghetti, stew, chicken, etc.), canned vegetables and canned fruit, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome.
Equal Exchange Items = Great Christmas Gifts!

Equal Exchange coffee, tea and chocolate make great Christmas gifts. The Outreach & Mission Ministry Team will have these products available for purchase before and after the worship service every Sunday in December.


Please consider make these items part of your gift giving this year. All profits go directly into an account set aside to fund mission projects.  

Youth Group Makes a Comeback!


We're getting the band back together!


OK, maybe not the band, but we are getting the youth group back together. College Hill is joining with Fellowship United Church of Christ, First Lutheran, Bethany Christian and Eastside Christian. Each of these churches are in a similar place as College Hill - a small number of youth, but not enough for a "critical mass". 


Together this group hopes to provide an open, caring environment for everyone. Initially the group will meet once a month, with a heavy focus on fun activities and as time (and success) progresses, adding mission and study opportunities as well.




College Hill is lucky to have Brian Fink-Ward, Rebecca Howard and Joy Kelly (not pictured) serve as the youth group sponsors.


The first event, an afternoon of food and games, is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, January 11, 2015 at Eastside Christian church. 

Commitment Sunday & Potluck Luncheon - November 9

Advent Family Night - November 30

College Hill
Recycle and Donation Center


We are re-purposing the old cabinets in the hallway outside of Fellowship Hall for use as a place to deposit recycling and donations. Temporary signs should be up by the time you read this with permanent signs to follow shortly.


Recycle bins will accommodate paper, cans, plastic bags, compact fluorescent lamps, batteries, and printer cartridges. 


Donation bins will be provided for diapers and baby care products, dry goods and hygiene items, and school supplies.


Save the Date:  
G-Chat and Johnny Carino's Coming Next Month!

You have TWO reasons to mark your calendar now for
Saturday, Jan. 24th, 2015:  This is the date of the first CHPC "G-Chat" dinner, a new supper club for LGBTQ members!  We'll meet at the Johnny Carino's at 41st and Sheridan for dinner and conversation at 6pm, and kick off the new year with this new fellowship event.  

The second reason?  Johnny Carino's will donate 10% of ANYONE'S meal purchase on Jan. 24th to Open Arms Youth Project - you just have to mention OYP when you order!  See you then!


Something for the Spirit


Surviving the Holidays


Here are four simple, but remarkably helpful suggestions that can aid you prepare for Christmas. Each can reflect the guiding presence of God. If followed, they can help you focus on the true meaning of this season. They are:


1.       Do less.

2.       Breathe more.

3.       Adjust your expectations.

4.       Focus on people, not stuff.