April 2014
College Hill Presbyterian Church 
A Theologically Progressive, Inclusive, Multicultural,
'More Light Presbyterian' Congregation (PCUSA)

CH 2-2013  

712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104


[email protected]




Like us on Facebook


 Church office hours: 


 Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays



   9:30 a.m. Church School-all ages
 11:00 a.m. Worship in English
 11:00 a.m. Worship in Spanish 



Join us for coffee, juice, cookies 

 and conversation in the 

Fellowship Hall before
Church School 
and before Worship.  


Quick Links
Mission Statement 
Build an inclusive
community of faith.
Receive and openly
share the love of God.
Reach out with a
compassionate voice 
for peace and justice.
Join Our Mailing List
to view our photosLike us on Facebook
Welcome Our New Organist
Mike Gibson

Greetings from your new organist, Mike Gibson! My youth was spent in the oil patch in Drumright, Oklahoma.  College consisted of TU (history) then OU (law).  My first job was assistant district attorney in Creek County.  After five years, I opened my own practice in Sapulpa.  One of my clients was SpiritBank and I ended up working for them for 14 years before moving to Bank of the Lakes (now Valley National Bank) where I currently work. 

I am blessed with two sons, Clayton and Alex.  Both are out of college (OU and Harvard) and living in Tulsa. 

For the last 34 years I have served as organist at Bristow Presbyterian.  I enjoy playing a wide variety of music and yes, from time to time I will demonstrate literally the term "pulling out all of the stops"!  I look forward to meeting each of you.

Mike Gibson



        Maundy Thursday         
Thursday, April 17 
7:00 pm


Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18
7:00 pm


Easter Service of Worship

Sunday, April 20
11:00 am


The church office will be closed Monday, April 21, in observance of Easter Sunday
College Hill has a 
New Website! 


Many thanks to Judith Nole and
Rebecca Howard for getting our new website up and running! Rebecca spent countless hours during the transition working out the details and adding content to the new site.


Click here to view our site!  

Member Spotlight
    Charlotte Bronston



 Charlotte's volunteer work for our church office is invaluable.


"Ms. Charlotte, how long have you been a member of College Hill?"

We moved to Tulsa in 1961, with our four children, from Garnett, KS. We had been members of a Presbyterian church there, and I wanted to find a local Presbyterian church near our home. So, I got out the phone book, and found College Hill. The very first day we attended, I brought my four children with me. I still remember how excited Ruth Black was to see us walk through the doors! She was very welcoming and she loved kids. At that time, the current sanctuary was still being built.

What has made College Hill a special place for you?

I got involved with the Fellowship Committee, pretty soon after starting to attend. That was very important to me. I volunteered with church friends at the Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery office, and I still do. Now I'm the only volunteer they have anymore!  I also like all of the people and the pastors that we have had over the years. College Hill has always been involved with the neighborhood, and I like that. It's a good place to be.

What do you hope for the future of College Hill?

I hope we keep up the good work that we are doing, and that we keep focusing on the neighborhood around us. I would love to see our congregation grow!

Birthday Fund

The new year brings about another Birthday for each of us during 2014.


A meaningful way to celebrate this occasion is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.


This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends.


Keeping College Hill's Endowment Fund strong will allow us to have funds available for special projects.


Birthday Fund envelopes are available on the Narthex table, under the Birthday balloon. Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check. 

April Birthdays

  1 - Jerry Abercrombie

  3 - Will Nole

  7 - Lee Collins

  8 - Stefanie Olson

  8 - Cara Wood

12 - Elizabeth Buchner

12 - Jana Stagner

13 - Mark New

16 - Gavin Buchner

17 - Nicol Hager

18 - Carolyn Brady

19 - Pat Lucy

20 - Nancy Gammie

22 - Lilianna Coleman

22 - Margaret Watson

25 - Elizabeth Brady

25 - Doris Moser

25 - Andrew Redding

28 - Terry Baxter

28 - Cruz Olvera

29 - Aidan McCullough





Remember the

Birthday Endowment Fund!



It's a Boy! and a Baby Shower!



Welcoming a new baby into our midst is always a cause for celebration!  Come help us celebrate Crystal and David Zerger with a Baby Shower Saturday, May 3, at 2pm at College Hill. 


The Zergers are expecting a boy; Crystal reports that they are decorating the nursery in a zoo animals theme (and Crystal is partial to zebras...ZERGER zebras...), using blue, green, and chocolate brown.  They are registered at and Babies 'R' Us. 


Please join us for this exciting and joyous event, and the opportunity to great Crystal and David's out-of-town family!


Book Study Small Group
The Book Study Small Group will meet at 6:30 pm the home of Sue Haskins on Tuesday, April 29, to discuss A Scandalous Jesus, by Joe Bessler.
Contact Gary Watts or
John Gammie (by clicking on their names) if you would like to be added or removed from our email list about meetings, etc.  
Book Club

 by R.J. Palacio


Technically, Wonder is a book for late elementary and middle school aged children.  However, a novel like Wonder that has engaging but realistic characters, a heart-warming and heart-wrenching story, and leaves you wondering and thinking has no age-limit.  Enjoy this easy but thought-provoking, entertaining and inspiring book and then join the College Hill book club for discussion!

Wonder by R. J. Palacio is available at the Southroads Barnes and Noble book store (41st & Yale), your local library, and other book sources.

Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion after worship on Sunday, April 6, at Panera Bread 1624 E. 15th St. (just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service.

If you are interested in learning more about Book Club, click here to contact Fritha Ohlson.
for the Spirit


 A Celtic Prayer


The following was a devotional prepared by Gini Fox to begin the March meeting of the church Session


A Celtic Prayer for the beginning of Lent:


May the Christ who walks on wounded feet walk with us on the road.


May the Christ who serves with wounded hands stretch out our hands to serve.


May the Christ who loves with a wounded heart open our hearts to love.


May we see the face of Christ in everyone we meet.


And may everyone we meet see the face of Christ in us.


I kept re-reading that as I prepared for tonight.  As a person who can hardly wait to get into my garden every year, my new year doesn't really begin in January but rather as winter wanes. I contemplate what plants I want to keep and what new things I want to do to make changes.   I think about how hard some of that might be.  Can I do it?   I sense that the earth begins to scrub off the dirt and drudge of winter to emerge with fresh, clean skin and I want to do the same.   I look at Lent in much the same way - a time of scrubbing off the old coat of my faith journey, wondering what has worked for me, and what changes I need to make. 



Please click here to read the entire devotional.  


1st Sunday
Food Collection
1st Sunday Food Collection 
Our first Sunday food collection goes to the Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry. We will be collecting canned meats and/or entrees, which are desperately needed at this time, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome.  
Penny FundPenny
Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table.  This money goes toward funding many College Hill events/needs!
We strive to provide a quality eNewsletter publication to our readers each month. Please note that inconsistencies you may have noticed with text/paragraph spacing, wrap-around, margins, etc., are due to glitches within the computer program used to create this publication, and may vary depending on your email program. Thank you for your understanding.  
~Rev. Freeman
Word from the Pastor

As we, as a community of faith, approach Holy Week, I encourage you to reflect upon the traditional themes of Easter: Hope. Transformation. New life. These are more than just abstract theological issues. They are also remarkably appropriate themes for the life and ministry of this congregation.


Theological understandings of the Resurrection differ, but there is general agreement that the early disciples had an experience of Jesus after his death that transformed their lives, lifted them from despair, brought new courage, and opened avenues to understanding the nature and character of God in new and profound ways. This hope is just as true for us today.


In addressing a progressive understanding of the Resurrection, I want to share with you what the 'Living the Questions' curriculum, Saving Jesus Redux, says about "Practicing Resurrection." It states:


The real power of the Resurrection comes when the followers of Jesus become the body of Christ in the world, striving to bring new life to the world, to eradicate injustice, poverty, and violence. In both the society at large and in people's personal lives: the practice of resurrection is about otherwise "dead" people being inwardly transformed and empowered to transform society.


This particular understanding challenges and encourages us to practice resurrection in the here and now.


And speaking of new beginnings, I am thrilled that our new organist, Mike Gibson of Tulsa, will be joining in leading worship beginning on Palm/Passion Sunday, April 13. This will be an exciting new chapter in the remarkable music ministry program here at College Hill. I know you will make Mike feel welcome.




Rev. Todd Freeman 







Listen to sermons from 2014 







The Inaugural Harold E. Hill
Lecture Series


Krista Tippett

Host of Public Radio's

On Being

 April 7th at 7:00pm
Great Hall at Allen Chapman Activity Center at the University of Tulsa
Click here to view the brochure
 Easter Lily Orders
If you are interested in buying an Easter Lily to help decorate the church during Easter (April 20th), Click here  to complete the order form. Donors' names and the names of ones being honored or remembered are listed in the bulletin for the Easter service of worship. Order deadline is Thursday, April 17th. If you have any questions, contact
Upcoming Events
  Saturday, April 5

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


The Building & Grounds Ministry Team is seeking volunteers to help clean, polish, & shine our church home.  This will be a "Spring Cleaning", both inside and out.  It is always a fun time with a fun group. 
We have had fewer people the last few workdays so we really need your help this time to keep our church home in the kind of condition that demonstrates our love and pride. 
Supplies will be provided.  There will be tasks for all skill levels, so don't be hesitant to come.  If you are going to do outside work, please bring work gloves and perhaps your favorite tools. 
A continental breakfast will be provided.  Put this on your calendar and join the fun! 
Help us shine for Easter!!   If you have questions, please  click here to contact Jeff Ream.
  April 25-26, 2014
College Hill returns to Dwight Mission
for an All-Church Retreat! 
For many years in the 80's and 90's, College Hill members went to Dwight Mission for weekend retreats in the fall and spring. We are reviving this tradition in 2014 with a retreat beginning Friday evening, April 25 and ending after a campfire/cookout on Saturday, April 26. 
Children 18 and under are free!
Click here to view the registration form and more information.
Deadline for registration is Sunday, April 13th
Congregational Care Ministry Team



Congregational Care Minstry Team:
(from botom left, clockwise)
Marilyn Hill, Gini Fox, Susan West, Diane Bucchianeri, Trinna Burrows, Alice Stanford, Gretchen Hannefield and Norman Gainey (not pictured: Elizabeth Buchner and Rev. Todd Freeman)

Congregational Care

Kick-Off Event

April 6th!


You filled out the Congregational Care Survey, and wonder what's next?


Please join us immediately following Worship for:


Heart and Hand-shaped cookies, a silly skit or two, and a fast-paced, round-robin discussion with Rev. Todd and CC Coordinators to assist your experience in caring for one another within our family of faith.  You will receive guidelines, helpful materials, and your official "College Hill Cares" pin!


All are welcome! Please come learn more about Congregational Care.


You haven't had a chance to fill out a survey yet? Surveys are available on the table in the narthex at the back of the church and can be turned in to an usher or to the church office. Or you can click here to download a copy of the survey.


Gini Fox is usually in the back of the church, so look for her. Questions?


Click here to email Gini. 




One Great Hour of Sharing
Sunday, April 13

Your gift to OGHS changes people's lives! Please give generously and remember to make your check out to College Hill with the notation that it is for OGHS. Special envelopes will be attached to the April 13th bulletin insert.


The PC(USA) offering is divided three ways: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), and Self-Development of People (SDP). Check the web site

to see the many ways that our offering is used.


College Hill Choir




The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. (second floor choral room). Come join us for singing, fellowship and lots of laughter! If you are a singer wanting to use your talents, please see Director of Music, Kim Childs.

We welcome new singers throughout the year!

College Hill welcomes our new organist, Mike Gibson! Mike has been a long-time organist at Bristow Presbyterian and we are thrilled he will be with us for Palm Sunday and beyond! 




BELLisimo (our two-octave handbell ensemble) continues to rehearse Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. This fun group will perform occasionally during Sunday worship. We are interested in growing into a larger ensemble - if you are interested in playing handbells, please contact Kim Childs. 


If you are interested in obtaining more information about our Chancel Choir or Bell Choir, please see the links below. 


Contact Kim Childs to learn more about joining the choir. 



Kendall Whittier 
Kendall Whittier
2nd Annual   
K-Dub Food Truck Festival

What's better than helping to spruce up our church on a beautiful spring morning? 


Following it up with lunch and local music at the 2nd Annual K-Dub Food Truck Festival, Saturday, April 5th at noon in Whittier Square at Admiral and Lewis! 


Join us for Work Day from 9am - noon on Saturday, then migrate with us to the food truck festival to enjoy some of Tulsa's best mobile eats and support the Kendall Whittier neighborhood.  (And even if Work Day isn't in your schedule, join us at the festival for lunch!)

  KWI GROW Garden

The College Hill congregation raised almost $500 during our 5th Sunday Offering on March 30th!

Your generosity will help fund Kendall Whittier's Growing to Reach Out and Welcome project, whose mission is to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood.
Children at KW Elementary visit the garden and participate in the planting, nurturing, harvesting and consuming its produce.
Youth Project Meal
 Thursday, April 24

Outreach & Mission Ministry Team will be serving the meal at OpenArms Youth Project. Click here to contact Jeff Ream or Tim Smith-Ream for more information. 
