February 2014
College Hill Presbyterian Church 
A Theologically Progressive, Inclusive, Multicultural,
'More Light Presbyterian' Congregation (PCUSA)

CH 2-2013  

712 S. Columbia Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104


[email protected]




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 Church office hours: 


 Mon - Th, 9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Fridays



   9:30 a.m. Church School-all ages
 11:00 a.m. Worship in English
 11:00 a.m. Worship in Spanish 



Join us for coffee, juice, cookies 

 and conversation in the 

Fellowship Hall before
Church School 
and before Worship.  


Quick Links
Mission Statement 
Build an inclusive
community of faith.
Receive and openly
share the love of God.
Reach out with a
compassionate voice 
for peace and justice.
Join Our Mailing List




College Hill has begun the search for a new organist. The position is open immediately; Click here to send your resume to Gay Miller or for further information.
Member Spotlight
  Bill Nole



 Bill & Barb Nole  


Could you tell me how long you have been a member of College Hill?

It's been just over 30 wonderful years at College Hill. Years filled with great friends, fellowship, worship and service. 


In your opinion, what makes College Hill special?

College Hill is such a special place because it is so welcoming and friendly, with a servant's eye and heart for ways to make a difference in the world.  I've traveled with my College Hill family from New Mexico to New Orleans for youth and adult mission trips.  I've dressed up as everything from a lion to Santa Claus to Mary's father for Christmas Eve and Advent services. Not every church could have (or would have) extended those opportunities in worship.  But the one thing I have always loved about College Hill is a
willingness to try new things as a community of faith.


That willingness to try new things nurtures growth in each of us as members.  If anyone had ever told the "new member Bill" that he'd wind up serving three terms on the session, leading the youth group, chairing annual stewardship campaigns, winning chili cook-off's or singing so poorly that we could form our own group (the infamous "No Tones"), the younger me would never have believed it.  But the church nurtured and drew out talents I would not have known without College Hill.


What is one thing people might not guess about you?

I have grown into a Halloween yard decorating fanatic (thankfully, Barb enjoys this "hobby" too).  Over the years, a simple spider web made from yarn in the window grew into a yard full of scary ghouls and goblins (except on the half reserved for Barb...lovingly referred to as "happy, happy funland" where only happy ghosts and pumpkins are allowed").  This year featured a monster mash band on a stage and a skeleton family lounging around the pool.  We've already started building new props for next year's yard...after all, there's only eight more months 'til Halloween.


Join Our Mailing List
Birthday Fund 

The new year brings about another Birthday for each of us during 2014.


A meaningful way to celebrate this occasion is to donate an amount equal to your new age to the Endowment Fund.


This donation is also a wonderful way to honor others such as children, grandchildren and friends.


Keeping College Hill's Endowment Fund strong will allow us to have funds available for special projects.


Birthday Fund envelopes are available on the Narthex table, under the Birthday balloon. Checks can be made payable to College Hill and marked "Birthday Fund" on the memo portion of the check. 

February Birthdays

  2 - Barbara Perry

  5 - Molly Dickason

  5 - David Zerger

  7 - Ann Franklin

  8 - Mark Watson

  8 - Joseph West

11 - Jordan Burrows

11 - Jack Robertson

11 - Kevin McAnally

12 - Joy Jelly

12 - Barb Nole

14 - Shelta Sneed

14 - MaryGrace Livingston-Gainey

18 - Barbara Bucchianeri

19 - Katie Fox

24 - Dylan Watts

26 - Chris Allande

26 - Tandi McAnally



Remember the

Birthday Endowment Fund!

The College Hill Sustainability Initiative


On December 11th, the Session agreed to form a "Sustainability" ministry team.  The mission of this team will be to look for ways to better use the resources at College Hill.  Some of the things that we will consider are energy conservation and ways to reuse or recycle any material that enters our building.  Over the next few months we will be asking for your ideas and assistance in accomplishing the worthy goal of "walking softly upon the Earth".


Please click here to contact Mark Miller if you would like to be a part of the discussions to decide where to start.


2013 Transitions


New Members:


Robert Babcock

Terry Bloss

Clay & Bryan Finck-Ward

Tally Ferguson

Sherrie Garnett

Sue Haskins

Trisha Thompson

Laura Wimer

David & Crystal Zerger




In Remembrance:



The Rev. Dr. Harold Hill


August 2, 1920 - March 25, 2013


Helen Johnson

March 31, 1915 - August 5, 2013


Ana Montoya

December 19, 1932 - January 21, 2013






Book Study Small Group
The Book Study Small Group will meet at 6:30 pm the home of Sue Haskins on Tuesday, February 25th to discuss A Scandalous Jesus, by Joe Bessler.
Contact Gary Watts or
John Gammie (by clicking on their names) if you would like to be added or removed from our email list about meetings, etc.  
Book Club
 The Remains of the Day

 by Kazuo Ishiguro


Japanese-born British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro was honored with the Tulsa Library Trust's 2013 Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award in early December, which made me realize that our book club had not yet selected one of his acclaimed books for reading and discussion. 


To rectify that, we will be reading his most well-known and honored work, which won the Man Booker Prize in 1989 and was adapted into an award-winning film in 1993. The novel's narrator is Stevens, a perfect English butler during and after the Second World War, dealing with the changing world and its affect on his identity-defining profession. The New York Times called it "an intricate and dazzling novel" and Newsweek deemed it "brilliant and quietly devastating."  During his public appearance here in Tulsa, Ishiguro revealed that he had an unconventional start in literature listening to and writing songs rather than reading and writing stories; fittingly, The New York Review of Books described The Remains of the Day as "a virtuoso performance."

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro is available at the Southroads Barnes and Noble book store (41st & Yale). 


Book Club will meet for lunch and discussion after worship on Sunday, February 2nd, at Panera Bread 1624 E. 15th St. (just west of Utica on the south side of 15th St.) immediately following worship service.


If you are interested in learning more about Book Club, click here to contact Fritha Ohlson.



for the Spirit


16 Ways Progressive Christians Interpret the Bible

By Roger Wolsey 

January 21, 2014


Some of the more self-reflective fundamentalists I know have asked me, "So, how do you progressives "discern" and interpret the Bible? Seems like you just read into it what you want it to say; twist it; and don't take it seriously." I generally respond by reminding them that - that which we criticize most in others, is often that which we struggle with most ourselves.


While no doubt true, and I fully stand by holding that mirror up to them, they deserve an actual response.


I can't speak for all progressive Christians, but here's how many progressive Christians approach, discern, and interpret the Bible:


1. We embrace the many variations of the view expressed by many great Christian thinkers that "We take the Bible too seriously, to read it all literally."


2. We don't think that God wrote the Bible. We think it was written by fallible human beings who were inspired by (not dictated to by) the Holy Spirit. Hence, we don't consider it to be infallible or inerrant.


To read the entire blog, click here:



Penny FundPenny
Thank you for your donations to the Penny Fund! You are always welcome to donate your pennies (or any loose change), in the red container on the Narthex table.  This money goes toward funding many College Hill events/needs!
Word from the Pastor

In January, the Ruling Elders of this church, along with Jennifer Campbell (our new Clerk of Session) and myself, gathered for our Annual Session Retreat, which was held at my home. It turned out to be a remarkably meaningful event. The primary reason that was so is because of the genuine trust that we have developed with each other, especially as exhibited in our ability to be open, honest, and even vulnerable in our interactions. We were able to share not only our opinions, insight and wisdom, but also our faith and our feelings - something that doesn't always come naturally for many Presbyterians.


As in previous years, during the retreat we looked at a list of areas that The Alban Institute has determined are "Marks of a Healthy Congregation." Some of those involve the following:


       Enriched, not imprisoned by its past.

       Able to face and deal constructively with conflict.

       Actively engaged in addressing the issues and problems of its community and its denomination.

       Experiencing a positive dynamic between pastor and people.

       Committed to growth, realizing that growth brings change.

       A wise steward of its resources.

       Developing the "corporate soul" of the congregation as well as individual souls

       Committed to a shared vision from which it prioritizes and uses its energies and resources. 


While there is always more we can accomplish, we felt that overall the church is doing quite well in all of these areas. This is something that not a lot of churches can claim.


Another highlight of the Session Retreat was the discernment of which ministry team each of the Ruling Elders would like to serve this year. Discernment is a wonderful process; one that I believe involves the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have learned that the place where I feel I need to be is where I am filled with energy and passion. Or as Presbyterian author Frederick Buechner states it: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."


That applies to each and every member and friend of this congregation. So I encourage you to think about the things that you are most passionate about - the things that bring deep meaning to your life. Then, find a ministry opportunity here at College Hill where you can volunteer and share your passion and energy. We need what you have to offer!



Rev. ToddTodd





Listen to sermons from 2014 







2014 Session


Standing (left to right): Rev. Todd Freeman, Danielle Hovenga, Judith Nole, Rebecca Howard, Bill Major, Christy Lyke, Tally Ferguson, Bert Woodall; Seated (left to right): Jeff Ream, Pat Valencia, Mark Miller, Gini Fox, Jennifer Campbell


The Session approved the following

2014 Elder Ministry Team assignments:


Jennifer Campbell, Clerk of Session

Ministry Team
Building & Grounds

 Jeff Ream*, Mark Miller 

Christian Education
Gary Watts*, Gini Fox
Congregational Care
Gini Fox*
Evangelism & Communication
Rebecca Howard*, Danielle Hovenga
Judith Nole*, Pat Valencia
Finance & Stewardship
Bill Major*,
Hispanic FellowshipPat Valencia*, Danielle Hovenga
Judith Nole*
Outreach & Mission
Tally Ferguson*, Jeff Ream
Rebecca Howard*
Worship & Music
Christy Lyke*, Bert Woodall

* Denotes Moderator




Successful Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck Luncheon 

The Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck luncheon was held on January 26th. We had a huge gathering and we heard about the activities of each of our ministry teams during the past year. We reviewed the Annual Report (pick one up in the Narthex). The Pastor's Terms of Call for 2014 was unanimously approved. THANKS to everyone for making the life and ministry of this congregation so meaningful.


Upcoming Events

That's Amore!

Sweetheart Banquet
Saturday, February 15th 6:30 - 9:00pm


Love, music, and the aroma of Italian fare will all be in the air at CHPC's Old Fashioned Sweetheart Banquet!  Grab your sweetie, your bestie, or that person you've been thinking about inviting to church, for a delightful spaghetti dinner served by our finest waiters.  You'll enjoy a live band and have a shot at fabulous door prizes, including an evening at the Courtyard by Marriott!  Child care will be provided.  Tickets are a steal at $10 each and are on sale before and after worship in Fellowship Hall. 


Click here to contact Pat Valencia, Fellowship Ministry Team Moderator, if you have any questions.  Ciao!

  April 25-26, 2014
College Hill returns to Dwight Mission
for an All-Church Retreat! 
For many years in the 80's and 90's, College Hill members went to Dwight Mission for weekend retreats in the fall and spring. We are reviving this tradition in 2014 with a retreat beginning Friday evening, April 25 and ending after a campfire/cookout on Saturday, April 26. 
The cost for one adult staying Friday night with all three meals Saturday is $45 (Children 6-9 are $25), though we expect to establish affordable pricing that will allow all who wish to participate. We will have many optional activities for all ages and interests, ranging from fun and energizing community-building activities, to just roaming around and enjoying the beauty of Dwight.
Please mark your calendars and stay tuned!  
Celtic Spirituality Small Group
Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 pm


Late last summer we formed the Celtic Spirituality Small Group.  In that first gathering we discussed the Gaelic festival of Lughnasadh which is the celebration of the beginning of the harvest.  We also explored our place in creation by discussing the Orin Mor or the Great Song (of Creation).


In November, we continued the Celtic calendar by celebrating the festival of Samhain.  At that time we remembered our physical and spiritual ancestors who have "gone to the west" and are no longer with us in this world. We also acknowledged Samhain as the beginning of the dark half of year.


In February we will be observing the festival of Imbolk, also know as Candlemas or St. Brigid's day.  We will explore the music and poetry of contemporary Celtic artists and acknowledge the promise of the return of the sun and the forthcoming spring.


We will gather at the home of Mark and Gay Miller. All are invited to attend. If you'd like, you may bring a snack based on dairy products, grains, or any other food item that might have typically been available in late winter without modern methods of preservation. Click here to contact Mark to learn more.
Congregational Care Ministry Team
The Congregational Care Ministry Team will always welcome new surveys from those of you who have not been able to fill one out. They will be at the back of the Sanctuary and in the Narthex.  Click here to view/download the survey
For those who haven't heard, the Congregational Care Team is creating a more efficient system for providing nurture and care to our members and friends and we want everyone to have the opportunity to be a part of that important mission of the church.  The survey  is short and sweet plus you will get a small gift.  What a deal!  


Gini Fox is usually in the back of the church, so look for her. Questions? Click here to email Gini. 


College Hill Choir




The Chancel Choir of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Come join in the second story choral room next to the office for singing, fellowship and lots of laughter!

If you are a singer wanting to use your talents, please see Director of Music, Kim Childs.


We would love to welcome new members this year! You can contact him using the link below or by phone at




The BELLissimo Handbell Ensemble of College Hill Presbyterian Church rehearses Wednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. In the coming months we may be adding to our ensemble; please contact Kim Childs, Director of Music, for more information.


If you are interested in obtaining more information about our Chancel Choir or Bell Choir, please see the links below.



Contact Kim Childs to learn more about joining the choir.



Read more about our choir and hear past performances.



 Micro-Bank Update
Leslie Penrose with JustHope reported that College Hill's new bank will be located in El Recreo and recruiting and training are now underway!
Leslie also shared with us an interesting report given by the women in Brisas (our current banking partner). Click here to view.  
Thank You from UCM at TU


College Hill recently received a letter of appreciation from the Rev. Nancy Eggen with United Ministry at The University of Tulsa, for College Hill's continued partnership and support.


Click here to view the letter.  

Kendall Whittier News
Delivery Drivers Needed
at KWI
If you own a truck and would to help out at the Kendall Whittier Emergency Food Pantry, please leave a message for Shelley Allen at 918-592-3000. She will return your call to discuss the particulars with you. Drivers are needed no more than once a month (sometimes less). By donating just a small amount of your time, you are helping feed families in need! 
Masquerade Fundraising Gala
at Circle Cinema
Tuesday, February 25th 6:00-9:00 pm
Rolling out the red carpet to benenfit
Kendall Whittier Inc. (KWI),
Kendall Whittier Main Street and
Circle Cinema Foundation, Inc.
Click here for more information about the event 
1st Sunday
Food Collection
1st Sunday Food Collection 
Our first Sunday food collection goes to the Kendall Whittier, Inc. Emergency Food Pantry. We will be collecting canned meats and/or entrees, which are desperately needed at this time, as well as other food items. Cash donations are also always welcome.  
We strive to provide a quality eNewsletter publication to our readers each month. Please note that inconsistencies you may have noticed with text/paragraph spacing, wrap-around, margins, etc., are due to glitches within the computer program used to create this publication, and may vary depending on your email program. Thank you for your understanding.  
~Rev. Freeman