OM Sanctuary Newsletter
August 17 Mountain Hike with Bev MacDowell 
Join us for a scenic hike to Skinny Dip Falls! $45 includes roundtrip transportation from OM Sanctuary & a simple bag lunch. Call 828.252.7313 to register or for more information.
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Every Sunday July 14th through Sept 29th
Issue: No. 1July 2013

Summer has started off with a bang and we've been enjoying all the activity here at OM Sanctuary. We hope you've been able to join us in the festivities but if you haven't had a chance to make it, check out the links below to see what you've been missing. With new classes and hike excursions, we hope you'll be able to join us soon! 


Embodiment Series Starts Tuesday, July 9th
This week kicks off our Summer Embodiment Series. We have classes Tuesday - Saturday now through the end of September. View our classes and meet our teachers. 
Sponsor a Mandala Painting for the Renewal Center

Taylor Johnson's Elemental Mandala series are amazing creations found in and inspired by nature. Learn how you can sponsor one for our renewal center. See where these beautiful mandalas come from. 
Ribbon Cutting Success

On Thursday, June 6th, we had our official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Among our special guests were classical guitarist, Timothy Ballard, Sarah Susanka of the Not So Big House series, and County Commissioner, David Gantt. View our photos.


Solstice Celebration Review
June 20th through the 23rd was our Sacred Circles Solstice Celebration. The 4 part series started with local artist Taylor Johnson's Elemental Mandalas exhibition, followed by the start of a community sand mandala facilitated by certified mandala facilitator, Martha Kiger. See some of the highlights.

Thank you for being a part of our lives.  
In Service & Gratitude,
OM Sanctuary