Friday UU Update
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Friday, May 13, 2016

In This Issue
Sunday, May 15, 2016
9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
"The Art of Blessing the Day" 
Reverend Douglas Wadkins
May's theme is "Blessings"!  This service will offer the chance for us to explore what one might mean by blessing.   What are the various ways that we may think about and discover blessings in our life.  How are we a blessing to to the world?  Finally we will explore how a community that works to embrace its blessings is transformed by that experience.
Goods and Services
Sunday at 1:00 p.m.
The auction catalog is posted online here. Our fabulous auction will be preceded by a modestly priced lunch at 12:30 p.m., and childcare will be provided during the auction.
What's happening in Religious Education this week?
Preschool will hear "Five Little Fiends", a story exploring our Violet UU Promise: Value the Earth.  In this tale, each fiend wants to keep their favorite part of the earth for their very own, but it doesn't work out so well. 
K-1st grade will hear about a famous Unitarian astronomer, Maria (Ma-rye-a) Mitchell, as they celebrate both the inspiration of nature and the use of science as sources of our faith.
2nd-5th grade will celebrate the Spirit of Adventure by exploring flight as they learn about Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers and make paper airplanes.
YUUMS (Young UU Middle Schoolers) will gather for food and discussion about families.
High School Youth are watching "Girlhood" and sharing a brown bag lunch.
Annual Reports Due May 16
A gentle reminder to all chairs of committee and task forces that you are invited to submit a brief report of your group's activities, to be included in the Annual Report to the Congregation. Please submit your report (maximum 250 words) to by Monday, May 16. Here is a link to last year's Annual Report, to use as a reference.
Words of Wisdom Sought
Do you have a few words of practical or humorous advice that would be helpful to our high school graduates?  Please send them along to Kitty McIntosh ( by Tuesday, May 17, so they can be offered to our seniors at Flower Communion.
Job Openings
Religious Education Assistant
This part-time hourly position, 5-10 hours per week, requires availability on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Necessary skills include the ability to work in a fast-paced environment, strong organizational skills, being database savvy, a team player, and having experience with children and working in childcare or leading a classroom. Pay starts at $9.50/hr. For a complete job description, contact: Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education.

Openings on our Childcare Team
We are looking for caring, attentive, energetic, and experienced people to join our Childcare Team. This position is part time, flexible, approximately 10-15 hours per month. Shifts are Sunday mornings, some weekends, some afternoons and Thursday evenings. This position is part-time, flexible, approximately 10-15 hours per month. Pay starts at $9.50 per hour.  For more information contact Adrienne Summerlot (812) 332-3695 ext 202.

Connections Coordinator 
Position Available June 2016
Application Deadline:  May 15th, 2016
       Skills Needed: Computer and Social Network experience, leadership and organizational skills, ability to lead membership and orientation classes, organize volunteer events, rapport with college students and young adult population, ability to work independently under supervision, problem-solve, be a team player, make cold calls, welcome newcomers, and have a sense of humor.
       Must be available on Sundays. 
       To apply, please send a Letter of Interest and Resume with two professional references to Reverend Mary Ann Macklin by May15th,
A position description is posted here. If questions, contact Reverend Macklin at
For More Information see the May 2 issue  of our newsletter, The Prologue. 
 Masthead photo by Linda Mjolsnes 
Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World
Contact Info
Carol Marks
Church Administrator