Friday UU Update
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Friday, May 6, 2016

In This Issue
Grounds Work Day, Tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Spring grounds work day is Saturday, May 7, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Please note that this is IU Graduation Day so traffic on campus will be heavy. Bring your gloves and tools with your name on them and help us implement changes from our Green Sanctuary Task Force-led visioning.  --Rhonda Baird and Molly O'Donnell, co-chairs
Sunday, May 8, 2016
9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
"A Mother's Comfort: The Many Incarnations" 
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
with the UU Choir, directed by Ray Fellman
We will explore the historical roots of Mother's Day during this worship service and also take a non-traditional look at a mother's comfort.  Our Gift of Music will be:  "Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit" from A German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. Maria Izzo Walker, soprano soloist, will be joined by our Choir, led by Ray Fellman.   Choir Director Susan Swaney writes, "Brahms began work on his German Requiem after the death of his mother. It was originally premiered as a six-movement work for baritone solo, chorus, and orchestra (as our choir performed the 6-movement version with 2 pianos for our 25th anniversary).  Brahms then completed the piece with this movement at its heart: a soprano solo about a mother's comfort." 
Children's Hymn Sing This Sunday
Children and youth, do you have a favorite hymn?  This Sunday there will be a children's hymn sing during the Time for All Ages, simply raise your hand and when called on shout out the number or name of your favorite hymn. 
What's happening in Religious Education this week?
Preschool will be hearing the Jewish story of Jonah and the Whale and considering what to do when you don't want to do something.
K-1st grade are exploring the importance of science and the use of reason as they share the story of Fibonacci and look at patterns in nature.
2nd-5th grade will celebrate Beatrix Potter through watercolors as they learn how by observing, loving, and drawing her animal friends she preserved her connection with the world of nature.
YUUMS (Young UU Middle Schoolers) will have an overnight Saturday night and are helping Rainbow Rights Task Force host a bake sale during coffee hour.
High School Youth will discuss how to have civil conversations with people who hold very different opinions.
Racial Justice Task Force Event, Sunday at 7:00pm
"Bloomington Explores Issues and Actions for Racial Justice," will take place Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. Register by emailing Martha Foster. More information at or the Racial Justice Task Force page on our website.
Our Folks . . .
   Our hearts are with Elof and Nedra Carlson. Their son, John, died unexpectedly Sunday night, May 1, due to complications from pneumonia.
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Sturdevant family upon the sudden death of Wes's mother, Sally Sturdevant last Friday.
    Pat Reitemeier will have an art show opening on Friday, May 13, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., in the Meadowood art gallery. All are welcome to enjoy art,wine, and hors d'oeuvres.
Date Change for May UU Board Meeting
The UU Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. instead of May 18.
Beloved Conversations
Beloved Conversations is an experiential curriculum that creates space and focuses meaningful time to re-form/fuse the brokenness of racism into new patterns of thought and behavior that we might do the essential work of social and spiritual healing. The opening retreat starts Friday, May 13, 6:00 - 9:30 pm, and then Saturday, May 14, 9:00 am - 4:45 pm.  The regular sessions begin on Sunday, May 22, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, and will continue Sunday afternoons through the month of June, ending in early July. Call 812-332-3695 or email the office to sign up.
Job Openings
Religious Education Assistant
This part-time hourly position, 5-10 hours per week, requires availability on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Necessary skills include the ability to work in a fast-paced environment, strong organizational skills, being database savvy, a team player, and having experience with children and working in childcare or leading a classroom. Pay starts at $9.50/hr. For a complete job description, contact: Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education.

Openings on our Childcare Team
We are looking for caring, attentive, energetic, and experienced people to join our Childcare Team. This position is part time, flexible, approximately 10-15 hours per month. Shifts are Sunday mornings, some weekends, some afternoons and Thursday evenings. This position is part-time, flexible, approximately 10-15 hours per month. Pay starts at $9.50 per hour.  For more information contact Adrienne Summerlot (812) 332-3695 ext 202.

Connections Coordinator 
Position Available June 2016
Application Deadline:  May 15th, 2016
       Skills Needed: Computer and Social Network experience, leadership and organizational skills, ability to lead membership and orientation classes, organize volunteer events, rapport with college students and young adult population, ability to work independently under supervision, problem-solve, be a team player, make cold calls, welcome newcomers, and have a sense of humor.
       Must be available on Sundays. 
       To apply, please send a Letter of Interest and Resume with two professional references to Reverend Mary Ann Macklin by May15th,  [email protected]
A position description is posted here. If questions, contact Reverend Macklin at [email protected].
Goods and Services
May 15th at 1:00 p.m.
The auction catalog is posted online here. Our fabulous auction will be preceded by a modestly priced lunch at 12:30 p.m., and childcare will be provided during the auction.
Annual Reports Due May 16
A gentle reminder to all chairs of committee and task forces that you are invited to submit a brief report of your group's activities, to be included in the Annual Report to the Congregation. Please submit your report (maximum 250 words) to [email protected] by Monday, May 16. Here is a link to last year's Annual Report, to use as a reference.
For More Information see the May 2 issue  of our newsletter, The Prologue. 
 Masthead photo by John Woodcock
Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World
Contact Info
Carol Marks
Church Administrator