The Prologue
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World




Re-Visioning RE
January 31

Beyond Categorical Thinking

February 14


Quick Links
Sunday, January 24, 2016    9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.  "A Better Song to Sing: Lifelong Learning and the Unitarian Universalist Faith"
The Reverend Doug Wadkins       
This service will explore some of the core values that inform our understanding of religious education for all ages.  It will consider some of the essential issues around a well-integrated ministry of lifelong faith development in a growing congregation that addresses the crucial needs of a meaningful life in the 21st century. 
Sunday,  January 31, 2016    9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Reclaiming or Resisting:  Our Religious Past
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
When it comes to our religious past, how do we relate to it?
What can we learn from faith development in terms of our religious past?
What does Joseph Campbell's "Power of Myth" add to this exploration?
Join us as we explore these questions as liberal religious seekers.  This worship service will also include a ritual about our connections, featuring the work of groups within our congregation. See more in "Connections Expo" article, below.
Sunday, January  31    12:30-2:30 p.m.
Re-Visioning Religious Education Workshop 
Soup Lunch from 12:30 to 1:00.  Workshop from 1:00 to 2:30 pm
This workshop will utilize the spirit of appreciative inquiry in facilitating a conversation about your hopes and dreams for the future of religious education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington.  Please let us know if you are coming so we can plan for the food and childcare, at
Caring for Our Ministers:  from the Ministerial Support Committee
Dear fellow members and friends,
     We are embarking on a journey of change with all the joys and challenges of a ministerial transition, specifically calling a new associate minister.  We anticipate this journey will present opportunities for a shared communal growth.
     The members of the UU Bloomington Board of Directors, along with our current ministers, are providing many avenues of participation for our hopes, ideas, concerns and questions.  As we prepare to greet and interact with our new associate minister, we have the opportunity to further define our relationship with our ministers.
     Together we each have a role to play in caring for our fellow members and friends as well as caring for our ministers.  The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) encourages us to look at ways to support our ministers.  Lisa Presley, from the UUA, conducts workshops on support and care of our ministers.  Lisa emphasizes these important guidelines for a strong congregational/ministerial relationship:
  • Trust is the bedrock of ministry.   Building a trust between both congregation and ministers is a     mutual endeavor.  We can lean on each other, even in the hardest times, if we trust each other. 
  • Praise and gratitude for our ministers often needs to be expressed by us, the congregation.  We can easily be critical but balancing it with thanks is important as well.  Surprises of kindness are welcomed. 
  • Collaboration is critical to a thriving church with congregation and ministers mutually listening to one another. 
  • Leadership is shared between congregation and ministers but we need to be clear on our style of governance and the internal lines of authority. An important question to ask is, what can the ministers do without checking and what needs a check-in with others? 
  • Equitable and ethical pay helps bring in good ministers, as well as keep them.  UUA encourages us to have in place a system that reviews their pay so the ministers are not put in the position of begging. 
  • Personal communication, especially with disagreements, is better resolved one to one than over the phone or with emails, but always with an agreed upon appointment. 
  • Boundaries get blurred in the minister/congregation relationship.  It is helpful to all if we can respect the ministers' time off (weekly, vacation, and family). 
     Our ministers have many responsibilities, seen and unseen. The UUA describes ministry areas.  Our ministers are often on call with pastoral emergencies. The pastoral care of our congregation is a major area.  Pastoral presence at hospital beds, hospice, and being with a depressed congregant are all part of the caring work of our ministers.
     Our ministers perform official rites of passage such as:  new membership, child dedications, weddings, and memorials plus many others.
     Our ministers challenge us to answer the call of social justice and often represent us in the larger community. For example, they are present at legislative sessions or on the steps of the justice building or at memorials and vigils as together we address change in the world. We look to our ministers to offer meaningful and purposeful sermons to stretch our own spiritual and intellectual growth. Classes are offered by our ministers such as "One Life to Live," to enrich our lives.
     As the saying goes, we are all in this together.  We are recognized as a thriving, growing UU church.  We will continue on this path as long as we mutually care for and respect each other.
     Sharon Yarber, Danny Callison
     members of the Ministerial Support Committee

Coffee With the Board Starts January 31  
   The board of directors will initiate 'Coffee with the Board' on Sunday, January 31 between the services in Fellowship Hall.  Bring your questions or comments to the board representative at the Connections booth.  The board will host this two-way communication opportunity on the last Sunday of every month.  We look forward to talking to you!  --Kathleen Sideli, President  
Ministerial Search Committee Releases Congregational Packet and Invites You to
Beyond Categorical Thinking Feb 14 
     The Search Committee has released the "Packet" to candidates for the Associate Minister position and for your viewing at    This link is also on the church website transitions page.  We appreciate all you do to make UUCB so special.
      If you haven't already, you should receive an invitation this week to join the Search Committee on Feb 14 at our "Beyond Categorical Thinking" workshop.  Two trainers will offer the Sunday service sermon and facilitate a 3-hour Congregation and Friends conversation that afternoon, to examine how we can avoid letting prejudice become a part of our search process.  This opportunity allows the entire congregation to participate in the search process.  There will be lunch provided right after second service and childcare. Workshop starts at 1:00pm.  Please let the church office know ( if you plan on attending and if you want childcare so we can estimate how much food and staff to provide.
     -- Barbara Backler, Mary Boutain, Craig Coley, Michelle Cook, Abby Gitlitz, Amy Taylor, Stuart Yoak.   
Our Folks...
    Our thoughts are with Elof and Nedra Carlson and their family upon the death on January 6 of Elof's daughter Claudia Carlson, in her 59th year.
Religious Education: All You Need is Love
January 10-February 21
Kids in Kindergarten through high school are invited to join us in the library for an exciting opportunity! Broadway performer-choreographer-director Kenneth Roberson will be working with our kids to create a musical extravaganza, "All You Need is Love." We hope to have all the kids involved-- there is something for everyone-- art, music, dance and design. For more information, please contact Adrienne Summerlot
Seeking The Spirit

Shambhala Meditation Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Fellowship Hall for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. We have cushions available, but you may bring your own cushion if you have one.

Taiji Continues on Tuesdays and Saturdays 

Brian Flaherty leads Taiji in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. This form practices the "Wu (Hao)" style of taijiquan, including practice of standing exercises, forms, and "pushing hands." Anyone is welcome, even those with no experience. Please wear loose-fitting clothing.  

Our Congregational Themes

December:       Expectation            April:  Creation

January 2016:  Resistance           May:   Blessing  

February:          Desire                   June:   Simplicity

March:              Liberation 

UU History for You
Spirituality, Spiritualism, and 
Nineteenth Century Unitarian and Universalist Beliefs
Many issues in the history of the Unitarian and Universalist churches are recurrent. In the 1870s, a movement of spiritualism swept the US and Great Britain. It led to séances with voices from the dead, writings dictated by the dead, table rapping, apparitions, and knocked over objects occurring in darkened rooms with séance participants. Many of these were outright fraudulent performances. About ten percent of the US population attended these sessions or were sympathetic to those who did. It was widely embraced by Universalists whose ministers followed Hosea Ballou's view that all souls are saved and souls evolve after death and perhaps communication with the dead could be a way of having a scientific study of the spiritual world. Universalists often became editors of spiritualist journals. Unitarians were less enthusiastic except for the Transcendentalist wing inspired by Emerson that sought a more emotional side to their religious experience (Unitarians were often considered emotionally "cold"). The rule for Unitarian ministers was "believe it if you want to, but don't preach it." As the twentieth century began, interest in spiritualism and spirituality diminished in both Universalist and Unitarian churches and an emphasis on rationalism and social involvement embraced concerns about women's rights, labor union rights, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights that dominated liberal churches for most of the twentieth century. The rise of New Age spirituality in the 1960s and 1970s began a return to spirituality (more tilted to Transcendental belief than to séances). Current UUs are as divided now as they were in the 1870s on the role of spirituality in their beliefs.        
-- Elof Carlson, congregational historian
Building Community
Welcome to Our New Members
The following individuals "signed the book" to join us in membership in December. We celebrate and welcome them!
Peter Dorfman recently moved, with his wife Olivia, to Bloomington from a small farm in western New Jersey. A freelance writer, he works from his home on the Near West Side. He was a long-time member of a small, rural UU congregation in New Jersey. He has had a lifelong interest in global social justice and politics. His other interests include fencing, beer brewing, hand drumming and travel.

Olivia Dorfman lived most of her life in New Jersey, and is a recently retired Literacy teacher.  Olivia and her husband Peter decided to move to Bloomington to be closer to their midwest family.  Olivia first joined the UU Fellowship of Hunterdon county in the mid 1980's, and was an active member there until her three children's activities began to overwhelm weekends.  She is an amateur musician who enjoys writing, gardening, and traveling the world.  She is looking forward to getting involved in her new community.
Choir Potluck Supper January 21
All UU Choir members are invited to a potluck supper on Thursday, January 21, 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. This is for fellowship! Please bring a dish to share.
Kroger Community Rewards - Please Re-Up
Kroger Community Rewards, which sends 5% of each purchase made using your Kroger Plus card, requires us to re-register each calendar year in order to participate. If you would like a percentage of your purchase amount to be donated to our congregation, please follow these instructions:
Select "Sign In" or "Create an Account"
Scroll down to Community Rewards and follow instructions. 
Our church's organization number is 10159.
Women's Alliance Meets February 4
    The Women's Alliance shared a fellowship gathering on Jan. 7th. Using a list of ideas, they each shared one of their experiences illustrating one of these topics: favorite ways to "escape," the most beautiful place they've visited, games played on car trips, most memorable experience. It was uproarious at times, and a good time was had by all! Hosts were Julie Lawson and Harriet Pfister.
     February 4 is our next meeting date. We will be "Enjoying UU Camps," with Ann Kamman and some other UU participants. Hosts will be Carol Arnold and Karen Cassidy.
Not a member? No problem; all are welcome to attend. Come and join us for conversation and dessert. 
The Women's Alliance meets the first Thursday of each month at 11:30 am at the church, unless otherwise indicated. Meetings begin with a brown bag lunch; drinks and dessert are provided. The program begins at noon, followed by the business meeting.
Connections Expo - January 31
Looking for ways to get more involved in church activities, or simply curious about what all goes on here?  Be here on Sunday, January 31, when we will celebrate, in worship, all of the groups that make this church go and carry out our vision. Select groups will also be available after each service to let you know more about their work and how you can get involved. Perhaps one of these opportunities will speak to you:  welcoming new seekers, walking our green talk in our building, writing your life stories, working for racial justice, or sharing fellowship over group dinners... folks organizing these and other vital activities will be on hand to talk to you. Come make a connection!  Questions?  Contact Shari Woodbury, Connections Coordinator,  (812) 332-3695 x209 or   
Attention History Buffs!  
UU History Class on January 31
This special session for new as well as long-time members will sketch the roots of contemporary Unitarian Universalism.  The journey begins with the founding of Christianity in 325 CE, through the Protestant Reformation and the development of UUism in Europe.  We then travel across the ocean in the early 1800s as the separate Unitarian and Universalist denominations take hold in America, through the merger of the UUA in 1961, and to the church today.  Along the way, we will meet the women and men who built the faith tradition we now celebrate.  Bring your track shoes and curiosity for this lively excursion with Stuart Yoak, instructor. Class will meet from 2-4 PM on Sunday, January 31 in the church's Ralph and Annetta Fuchs Library. Anyone interested is welcome to participate, including (but not limited to) folks who have taken the Exploring UU series recently. To register, sign up at the welcome table in the foyer, or email by January 24. Child care available if requested in advance by emailing  
Courtyard Entrance
Portico Entrance

For Evening Meetings, Please Use Courtyard or Portico Entrances
To help insure the security of our building and members during evening meetings, please use either the Courtyard or Portico entrance, whichever is closer to the room where you are meeting. 

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here: 

UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

Attendance and Membership
Current Membership: 481   Certified Membership as of 2/1/2015: 468 
Sunday, January 10                          9:15   72 ;     11:15 136 ;    RE: 79            Total:  287
Sunday, January 17                          9:15   93;      11:15  173     RE: 94            Total:  360
Non-Pledge Offering
1/10  - $532       1/17  - $541
Total to be donated to Monroe County CASA - 236.73
Grocery Card Sales
January 10    $1,000, income to UUCB $50.00       
January 17       $850, income to UUCB $42.50  
Changing the World
Bequest Will Honor Donor's Wishes
    Planned gifts can have a big impact on our congregation and on the broader community.  A bequest to the church by Leonard Lundin will provide $17,078 for renovating three Monroe County United Ministries (MCUM) pre-school classrooms.  The classrooms (Puffin, Seahorse, and Otter) serve about 90 children, ages 2 to 5, from low income families to prepare them for kindergarten.  MCUM improves the readiness of these children from 32% to 80%.
     Mr. Lundin was deeply committed to social justice, and his bequest was earmarked for a youth facility in our community.   Such a facility was never built.  Now, thirty years later, every effort has been made to see that Mr. Lundin's intent was honored.  Click here for details.  --The Planned Giving Committee 
Represent Us!
     UU MEMBERS  Please consider joining a group of dedicated members by representing us at two important gatherings of UU's from across the country. 
     The first is the MidAmerica Regional Conference in St . Paul, Minnesota, April 29-May 1st.  The MidAmerica board includes our own Doug Cauble.  The church will pay 10 delegate registrations and, if possible, some travel/housing costs.  
      The second is closer to home: The UUA General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio,  June 22-26.  We would like a full delegation of ten members at this gathering of UU's from around the U.S.  The church will cover delegate registration and some travel and hotel costs.  It has been suggested that we get a van, so let us know as soon as possible if you are interested, so we can make plans.
      Previous attendees: Doug and Julie Cauble, Jackie Hall, Lloyd Orr, Kelly Rauch, David Keppel,
our ministers and staff, among others. Please contact Iris Kiesling at 812-332-4225 or

From Marlin Howard, GA Delegate 2015
     The UUA - General Assembly will take place this upcoming June 22 - 26 in nearby  Columbus, Ohio.  I attended my first GA in Portland, Oregon, last summer.  I was eager to learn more about UU as well as to see Portland.  There were two major areas of interest for me there.  First, the general program and special speakers were incredible.  I learned more of the scope of UU and interests in addition to the ones of UUB.  I really did achieve an additional understanding of the goals of UU. 
      The second major attraction for me was the exhibit area.  I spent as much time as I could there visiting each booth and exhibition.  Many aspects of UU interests as well as some that were more tangential were represented.   I especially enjoyed the UUA area in which were most if not all of the books published by UUA's press.  Fortunately, they accepted most major credit cards! 
      I urge anyone to attend who is interested in finding out more about Unitarian Universalism. Even a day trip over to Columbus to visit the exhibit area would be exciting.  There was also something really special about being in the presence of several thousand UU's, all of whom are excitingly similar but different!  
--Marlin Howard  
Study Action Issues Being Considered for UUA General Assembly in June
     Our congregation must submit its congregational certification to the UUA by
February 1.  Included in the congregational poll is the opportunity to vote for proposed congregational study action issues (CSAIs) that you would like to see on the ballot for consideration at the 2016 UUA General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio, in June.  Every two years, congregations can vote to select a new congregational study action issue (CSAI).   The proposed study action issues are: 
  • A National Conversation On Race
  • Climate Change and Environmental Justice
  • The Corruption of Our Democracy 
  • Ending Gun Violence in America 
  •      You can read the proposed CSAIs in their entirety by going to
    We will have paper ballots ready for you on Sunday to choose which ones should appear on the agenda at General Assembly in June. In order for a CSAI to appear on the agenda, it must receive a "YES" vote from 25% of the congregations in the UUA. If you won't be here to vote on Sunday, January 24, you may send your vote to by January 25 and we will include it in the tally for our congregation.
    The Homelessness Task Force and  
    Anne Haynes's Chalice Circle Invite Us to Help 
    All are invited to help the Rapid Re-Housing program at Shalom Community Center, providing short term assistance to people who are moving from homelessness  to permanent housing.  Many participants will be moving into their apartments with nothing. We are creating "welcome baskets" to help these community members get started. These can include toiletries (toothbrush, towel, shampoo...), cleaning supplies, a few dishes, sheets, blankets, a shower curtain, items that could ease their transition from the shelter to the apartment. To donate items please place them in the macaroni basket in the Commons. Questions, contact Alan Backler, This opportunity will extend through February 15.    
    Calling Women Builders
         A total of 35 women are needed again this year to join the UU and friends Habitat Women Build team. It's a great experience and newcomers and return builders are most welcome. Our build day is Friday, May 13, the next to last day of this year's build of two homes. We will be installing counter tops, siding, hardware and doing other jobs. Each woman needs to donate or fund-raise $250 in order to participate. The land and material for the two homes cost $170,000. No experience is necessary and trainers will explain any job you will be doing. This is a community-wide, 11-day build using 325 volunteers and some 3,200 hours of volunteer labor.
         UU women and female friends, relatives and others are invited to sign up for the team at Please sign up as soon as possible. Funds are due in April. Financial sponsors for builders are most appreciated. For more information or to make a contribution, contact Barb Berggoetz, or call 812-320-8422.
    New Community Toolshare Program
    Volunteers are needed to help establish the new Glenn Carter Memorial Toolshare, a community toolshare cooperative organized by Ryan Conway and others in Bloomington. Carter, an Bloomington artist, died and his mother donated his tools to start this library. Volunteers will help with de-rusting and sorting the tool collection, stored at the Center for Sustainable Living, 245 W. Grimes Lane. Volunteers are needed:  5 to 9 p.m. on Jan. 19, 20, 21 and 22; and 12 noon to 8 p.m. Jan. 23. Contact Barb Berggoetz for more information or to sign up to help at, or 812-320-8422
    UU Humanist Forum Meets on Alternating Sundays
    This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The forum will meet next on Sunday, January 31, in Room 208 after religious education classes end at 12:45. The topic will be "Why is scientific progress on  Food and Health rejected by many?" presented by Elof Carlson 

    UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

    The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. UU Freethinkers meet on alternating Sundays after children's religious education classes end, in Room 208.  UU Freethinkers meet next on Sunday, January 24, at 12:45 p.m. Info, contact John Crosby.   

    Bridges of Hope Presentation January 25
    Two board members of local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will give a presentation called Bridges of Hope. The purpose of the presentation is to educate faith communities about mental illness so that they can create stronger safety nets and welcoming communities of faith for people affected by mental illness. The presentation and time for Q & A will last about an hour and will take place onMon. Jan. 25 from 6:30-7:30 in the UU library.
    Snow Alert for Wednesday January 20
         Church offices may not open until afternoon on Wednesday, January 20, to allow time for our snow removal service to plow after the predicted snowfall subsides. PLEASE CALL FIRST before coming over during snowy weather to be sure there is someone here and the lot is plowed.
         All winter long, when travel conditions become hazardous, please always look at the home page of our website,, or our Facebook page,, or for updates on event cancellations or the condition of our parking areas. These online places can be updated by staff, even if they cannot get to the church. If there is consistently no answer at 812-332-3695, then church offices are closed.
    Community Connections
    Faith in Action in the Community
    Harp Competition Looking for Host Families   
       The prestigious 10th USA International Harp Competition (USAIHC) will be at IU from June 8 to18, 2016. Competition organizers are seeking host families to house the competing visiting harpists. 
       Harpists are between the ages of 18 and 32 and come from around the world. Host families provide a suitable guest room, some meals and transportation. Info, contact Sandra Freund at 812 332-9548 or e-mail or Nancy Miller,, 708-310-1497.

    Being Mortal Screening January 22 at Bell Trace
    As part of the City of Bloomington's celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Bell Trace Senior Living Community is hosting a viewing of the PBS documentary Being Mortal followed by an inter-generational conversation on Friday, January 22nd at 7pm in the Commons at Bell Trace. As part of this effort we are searching for volunteers as well potential attendees who may be interested in exploring this topic with us. Interested parties may contact Bell Trace Senior Living Community at 812-332-2355 to reserve a spot, and potential volunteers may email project Coordinator Matt Resner at

    Supplies and Volunteers Needed for Monroe Co. United Ministries
    In the Monroe County United Ministries Emergency Supplies Closet, they are in need of:
         dish soap, all purpose cleaner
    Please place these in one of the baskets under the Social Justice table in the Commons. MCUM also has a need for a few regular volunteers to work weekly in the MCUM food pantry.  Anyone interested can email Steve Thomas at   
    Bookkeeper Job Opening
    Part-time, 5-6 hours per week, pay $15-$20 per hour. All basic financial bookkeeping for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington.  High school diploma required, Bachelors degree preferred. Minimum two years' relevant experience, experience in not-for-profit sector preferred. Expertise in QuickBooks, Google Drive, Microsoft programs. Send letter of interest and resume to Ms. Carol Marks, Church Administrator, by January 31. No phone calls, please. Position description at
    Contact a Minister
    Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister 
    can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons

    Our Interim Minister,     
    Reverend Douglas Wadkins 
    can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 207 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons 
    In case of a pastoral emergency after office hours, please call his home study number, 

    Reverend Emily Manvel Leiteour Minister of Religious Education 
    can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 203 
    on Monday and Friday mornings. 


    Who Ya Gonna Call about Building Problems and 
    Facilities Maintenance?
    If you notice a problem with the building, please contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator,, 812-332-3695, ext. 200, and she will contact the experts to get it taken care of.  
    Weekday office hours are generally Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Sunday hours: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
    Offices will be closed on Monday, February 15 in honor of Washington's Birthday, a federal holiday. 
    --Carol Marks, Church Administrator
    Livestreaming of Sunday Services
    Livestreaming the Sunday Services Link:
    As archived videos of service become available they will also be at the link listed above.
    If there is a problem with livestreaming, please contact Andy Beargie, Multi-media Specialist,

    Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at  

    In the left hand column, click on "Calendar" and then on the top link on the page or Click Right Here. Information is also available on our public Facebook page:  You do not need a Facebook account to read our page.

    Prologue Publication Schedule

    Next issue, Monday, February 1, 2016

    Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on date of publication, to The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions for Monday holidays. Upcoming publication dates:  2/1, 2/16 (a Tuesday), 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18. 
    Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695  
    Masthead photo by Linda Mjolsnes. Dawn, January 19, 2016.