The Prologue
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World




Potluck and Songs 9/18

Autumn Equinox 9/20

Fossil Fuel Divestment 9/26

Open Cottage Meetings with MSC: 

10/4 & 10/11 



Quick Links
Sunday, September 13, 2015    9:15 and 11:15 a.m.
"Invitation to:  Seeking the Spirit"
The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
          Our theme for September is Invitation.  As we enter our new church year for 2015-2016, we will explore our theme through the congregation's vision statement of "Seeking the Spirit. Building Community.  Changing the World."  In this worship service, Reverend Macklin will explore the paradoxical world of spirituality within our lives.  The new version of our Getting Involved Fair will also be introduced.  See Connections Coordinator Shari Woodbury's article on the Getting Involved Fair elsewhere in this issue.
Sunday, September 20, 2015    9:15 and 11:15 a.m.
"Invitation to:  Building Community" 
The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
          Continuing with our theme of Invitation, we invite you into the second part of our vision statement, "Building Community."   This vital aspect of congregational life brings with it inspiration and challenge.    As part of Building Community, this worship service will include the ceremonial commissioning of our Ministerial Search Committee.  Join us as we explore the mystery of life and love together. 
Sunday, September 20, 2015    6:15 p.m.
Autumn Equinox Service
The Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
       Join us for a multi-generational observance of the changing seasons. We will reflect upon this time of balance between light and darkness and celebrate the harvest. Our Children's Choir will share a gift of music during the service.
From Our Board of Directors
       The Board welcomed Amy Taylor, chair of the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC), at the August Board meeting to discuss information the MSC needs from the Board as they begin to pull together legal and financial documents for the search process.  As described in the MSC's update in the last Prologue, they will be looking for the congregation's input, so please keep yourselves informed about their activities through their updates in the Prologue, the order of service, on the MSC website,, their cottage meetings, etc.  As you know, the MSC is completely independent from the Board in its work, and will keep the Board informed as they keep the congregation informed.
       The Board devoted part of its last meeting to planning the annual board retreat, scheduled for October 3, where the Board will reflect on and discern ways to improve governance and staffing in our large church.
       The Board is appreciative for everyone's patience as we await the final report from UUA consultant Nancy Heege about her recent visit to the congregation which will be shared with the congregation. The Board will work with the ministers, the staff and congregation to consider the next steps, given her recommendations and what we heard from the congregation as we move forward to enhance the already strong Religious Education (RE) program and other elements of our church life.
       We know from Ms. Heege that some cities have multiple UU churches since there are so many different kinds of UUs!  Ms. Heege commented publicly and privately that our church has much to be proud of, given the overall health of the congregation--the number of members, attendance at church events, the engagement of the congregation across many activities (e.g., social justice, worship, RE, task forces, committees, and other volunteer activities), a dedicated ministry and staff and an organized ministerial transition.
       Thank you to everyone as a new year begins for your flexibility and cooperation in accepting the diverse needs, interests and backgrounds of those who seek out a community here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington.   --Board of Directors

Our Ministerial Search Committee:  Michelle, Mary, Stuart, Abby, Amy, Craig, and Barb

Ministerial Search Committee Report
Latest News: September 6th, 2015
       We have been busy meeting together and in sub-committees, working on different tasks simultaneously. We are gathering information to compile for the Congregational Record, one of several postings ministerial candidates will access. Also, we have contacted different groups and scheduled Cottage Meetings where we will ask four questions of the group and practice deep listening for 20-30 minutes. We have already started these. 
       On October 4th & 11th there will be open Cottage Meetings between services. All members and friends of the congregation are welcome to attend the open meetings. The schedule of Cottage Meetings can be viewed on the 'Events' page of the Search Committee website. Additionally, there will be a survey made available for everyone to complete -- more to come on this later. The Search Committee members have yellow name tags so you can find us at church and there are a variety of ways, including an email address: [email protected], to contact us. You may also send us paper mail at Ministerial Search Committee, UU Church, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408. Select the 'Contact the MSC' link on the Search Committee website  for more ways to reach us. 
       We want to hear from you!
Abby, Amy, Barb, Craig, Mary, Michelle, & Stuart  [email protected]   

MAM's Musings
           Vision.  I look forward to exploring our congregation's vision of Seeking the Spirit.  Building Community. Changing the World. during the month of September.
          This simple but powerful vision undergirds the mission of our life together as liberal religious seekers.  It is an invitation to deepen our lives within ourselves and within our community.  As we are in a time of transition, our vision is like an upside down umbrella boat, floating us down the river of change into new waters.
          Vision.  If you've attended our last two worship services, either through live streaming or in person, you may have noticed me fiddling with, moreover, wrangling with, my reading glasses.   While I was away in July and August, my contact lens prescription went through some changes.   In order to enhance my distance vision, I ha
d to give up a bit of my near vision.   I still have not adjusted, particularly in the various font sizes I deal with in worship services.  Due to the severity of my vision impairment (I started wearing glasses when I was two), I don't have a lot of options.   So bear with me (or piglet with me, for those who were present on Sunday) as I regain my vision on all levels. 

     Peace and Love, 
     Reverend Mary Ann Macklin   

Our Folks...
      Jim Miller is currently in home hospice care. He enjoys visitors, but please call first to arrange a time to visit. Cards and phone calls are also welcome.
      Lynne Gilliatt and Lynn Flinders invite everyone to their art show of oils and pastels at the Waldron, August 28 - September 26. 

Take 30 seconds to register your child or youth for Religious Education TODAY!
       Parents are required to register or fill out a visitor card for 
their children BEFORE they attend Religious Education (RE)
classes.   Registration is critical to  our planning, ensures 
your child's safety, and makes sure you receive important 
information about RE.  After September 9th, we will begin 
using this year's registration list, so make sure you're on it!  
Info, contact Adrienne Summerlot, [email protected].
Click here to register your child for our Religious Education program.

Important News About Children & Youth Religious Education
       Due to high enrollment in the Kindergarten-2nd grade class, we are reorganizing the grade 
groupings. Kindergarten and 1st graders will attend Roots & Wings in Room 105 and 
2nd-5th graders will attend Spirit of Adventure in Room 208.  Please contact Adrienne 
Summerlot at [email protected] if you have any questions about this change.
Parents of 6th, 7th and 8th graders should have received a letter in the mail about YUUMS 
an d the upcoming Camp Piomingo retreat on September 26-27th.  The deadline to register 
for the retreat is September 14th!  You can register your child here  
Please let Adrienne know if your child is planning to attend the retreat.

Spirit Play for All Ages
Wednesday, September 30
6PM pizza dinner--$1/slice, pre-ordering required (see below)
6:30-7:30PM story and exploration
Do you wonder what your child's experience is like in the preschool or K-1 class?  Does your child miss their time in those classes?  This is your chance to join Spirit Play no matter what your age! We will share a story of invitation, wonder about it together, and then explore through art, games, or spiritual practices.
Hope your family can join us!  Childcare is provided for children under 3.  Please sign up here

High School Youth Group Every Sunday
Our high schoolers are meet every Sunday from 12:30-2:30 in Room 210.  They share lunch and explore a topic of interest to the group.   New high school youth are always welcome.  
Sunday, September 13: Money Management for Teens
Sunday, September 20: Exploring the Enneagram
Please have high school students sign up here so there will be enough food:

Seeking: A friendly pig
to visit our Vacation Religious Education classes on October 4.  If you have a pig or know of someone who has a pig who might visit, please contact Kitty McIntosh at [email protected] or 812-272-5795.

     Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Religious Education    [email protected]
     Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education   [email protected]
Seeking The Spirit
UU Children's Choir Upcoming Schedule:
Sun. Sept 13: Rehearse, 10:30-11:00 (Rm 110)
Sun. Sept 20: Rehearse, 10:30-11:00 (Rm 110)
Sun. Sept 20: Sing at evening Fall Equinox Service. Rehearse at 5:55 pm (Meeting Room). Service at 6:15 pm
Info, contact Jill Courtney, Children's Choir Director at [email protected]  Children in grades K-8 are welcome to join the choir at any time.
Exploring Unitarian Universalism 
Class Meets Oct. 11 and Oct. 18
Are you interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and this congregation?  Whether you are considering membership or are just curious, this class is for you.  The Exploring UU Class will be held on Sunday, Oct. 11 and Sunday, Oct. 18 from 2-4 p.m. in the Ralph and Annetta Fuchs Library.  Sign up by Sunday, Oct. 4 at the welcome table in the foyer, or by emailing [email protected]. Childcare is available by prior request. 

Shambhala Meditation is Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Fellowship Hall for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. We have new cushions available, but you may bring your own cushion if you have one.

Conscious Contact Meditation, Wednesdays at 6:00

Kris Roehling leads weekly Conscious Contact Meditation from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Library (or sometimes in Room 210). This event provides insight meditation supporting recovery in all forms.  

Taiji Continues on Tuesdays and Saturdays 

Brian Flaherty leads Taiji in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. This form practices the "Wu (Hao)" style of taijiquan, including practice of standing exercises, forms, and "pushing hands." Anyone is welcome, even those with no experience. Please wear loose-fitting clothing.

Our Congregational Themes


January:     Integrity                May:      Tradition        September:  Invitation

February:   Faith                     June:     Grace

March:       Resilience             July:     Here & Now    

April:          Revelation            August:  Wonder



Building Community
Welcome to Three More of Our Newest Members
Here are several more of the folks who joined our church as members at our most recent new member ceremony. Our community is richer for their presence and participation. Welcome!

Hannah Kasak-Gliboff:
  This fall Hannah is starting her junior year at Bloomington South, and is enjoying playing in the school marching band. She is looking forward to a number of things this year, such as beginning new projects with ICEY and South's Solar Racing Team, as well as starting work in child care here at the UU church. She especially enjoys painting, learning Spanish, and going for walks in her free time. Growing up in this community has been a wonderful experience for Hannah, and she is excited to be an official member of the congregation.

Hans Kelson has been living in Bloomington since he was 3 months old, and attending our church since he was 5 years old. He has enjoyed everything he has been a part of - RE, OWL, both youth groups, and had an amazing experience in the Coming of Age program with his wonderful mentor Bob Flynn in 2014-15. Hans is a computer geek and a protector of the environment.

Courtney Diles Henderson
Chalice Circles: The Most Valuable Thing
       In the three years my husband, Richard, and I have been coming to this church, we have had the pleasure of belonging to two different Chalice Circles.  Each group consisted of about 10 people and met either once or twice a month.  A topic for discussion was chosen for each meeting.  At the beginning of every meeting, each person was given the opportunity to share something about how they were doing or feeling in general.  Then the majority of the meeting was spent focusing on the topic with readings and questions to help get the discussion going.  Everyone was allowed to say as much or as little as they wanted to.  At the end of the meeting, everyone got a chance to briefly say how they were feeling at that moment.  We practiced deep listening (no interruptions or cross talk) and confidentiality.  Each Chalice Circle also worked together on one service project for the church and one service project for an outside charity at some point during the year.
       The most valuable thing that I got from joining a Chalice Circle was getting to know more people in the congregation and on a deeper level.  I still feel close to the people I met through the Chalice Circle, and it has helped make me feel more connected to the church.  I recommend joining a Chalice Circle--especially if you are new to the church and don't know many people yet.  --Christine Linnemeier

Chalice Circle Sign Ups Available
       Sign up to participate in a Chalice Circle on Sunday, or contact Alan Backler, [email protected]

Chalice painting by Patricia Coleman,
Chalice Circle Testimonial -- More Willing to Really Listen
       I participated in a Chalice Circle, led wonderfully by Charlie and Linda Pickle, which met once a month earlier this year. I had thought about joining for a long time, but was not totally comfortable with the idea. What concerned me a little was not the listening, but the talking. As a long-time newspaper journalist, I've become accustomed to listening to people all the time. But I felt a little more uneasy about having a group of people listening to me, without the usual feedback and interaction of normal discussion.
       However, I became accustomed to the format and came to enjoy just talking as much or as little as I'd like on the interesting topics we discussed. Most of all, I really got pleasure from hearing other people's point of views and reflections because it made me think about issues in a different way.  I also got to know people better who I had met previously and got to know a few others who I didn't know at all. I think each of us was able to share things that were important to us and I believe we gave each other support when needed. I really appreciated the support and kind words of Chalice Circle members when my mother passed away in May.
       The experience was a valuable one for me, as it made me more comfortable talking about my views and feelings and more willing to really listen to what people had to say.  --Barb Berggoetz 
Ushers. And Safety and Security
       There are a lot of things that word can mean at a church. At our church, ushers are what we call the safety and security team. At each service, they ensure the safety equipment is in place, pathways are clear, and persons with mobility issues get in and out of the church safely. They also handle things that come up in service from time to time such as people needing assistance during the service, guests arriving at off times, opening/closing doors to manage the flow of people, adjusting thermostats, watching for wandering kids, etc. The ushers are also prepared to assist the ministers and board members with weather or fire-related emergencies and disruptive persons. Overall, it is a very rewarding experience. If you think you may be interested in being an usher, please contact John Summerlot at [email protected].
Woman's Alliance Meets October 1
       We had a wonderful Sept. meeting; the topic was Monroe County CASA, with Director Kristin Bishay. Special guests were Marcy Cook and Deborah Rush with their book "Nessy's New Home." We also had three UU CASA Volunteers attend the meeting.
       The next meeting is Oct. 1, 2015 at 11:30 a.m.; the topic will be UUA General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, with Doug Cauble, Julie Cauble and Marlin Howard.  Do you have a story to tell about a UUA GA from past years? 
       Not a member? No problem; all are welcome to attend. Please bring a brown bag lunch; beverages and desserts will be provided. Hosts are Hayden Bangert and Martha Foster. Women's Alliance Membership Directory is ready; make sure to pickup yours up on Sunday Sept. 13. Look for Ann Kamman in the Commons.
       The Women's Alliance meets on the first Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Parent Talk  Meets September 13 
Parent talk is a group that meets to discuss the challenges of parenting our children as they become adults.  Topics often include staying in touch, managing holidays, employment issues, sibling issues and other ways our adult children affect our lives.  Indeed, parenting does not end when our child reaches 21.   This supportive group meets the second Sunday of odd numbered months after the service.  Next meeting is Sunday, September 13 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 112

Fall Fun All-Church Potluck & Song Jam 
September 18, 6:00 p.m. 
with Janiece Jaffe & Friends 
Join us for this all-ages UU community gathering here at the church in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to share (it's helpful to bring a notecard listing ingredients if you can, for those with food sensitivities). This is a great way to get to know both new and long-time members of the congregation. Janiece Jaffe and Friends will offer interactive musical entertainment.

Directory Update in Progress
       We will have a draft of the congregational directory available in the Commons once again on Sunday, Sept. 13.  Please check it to be sure we have your correct address, email, and phone! Make corrections on the paper draft as needed or send changes to [email protected] by September 14.
       If you would like to have a snapshot photo of yourself or a group photo of your family included in the upcoming directory, we will have photographers available during coffee hour next Sunday, September 13. Volunteer Photographers: if you would like to help with this, let Carol Marks know by September 11, [email protected]
Roll out a little Dough for Grocery Cards!
Grocery cards for Lucky's, Bloomingfoods and Marsh are available any Sunday at church!   The church benefits when you pay with these cards--7% of your card at Lucky's goes to the church, 5% at Marsh and Bloomingfoods. What an easy way to support the church!  Kroger's also supports the church with every purchase you make once you register  your Kroger Plus card with Kroger and name the UU Church as the organization to receive community rewards. Check at the grocery card table between services for instructions!
UU History for You
Lydia Maria (n�e Francis) Child and the fate of history
       We are spared the verdict of history after we die and do not know what of our life's work will be remembered and that includes our own families because most of us have no idea of our relatives past our great grandparents.  Although I had not encountered her name before, I did recall from my childhood a poem she wrote with a line most of you have heard "Over the river and through the wood, to grandmother's house we go."  
       Lydia Maria Francis (1802-1880) was the youngest of 7 children born to a Calvinist baker. Lydia's mother died a few years after Lydia was born and her father sent her to live with an older sister. Lydia had a passion to read and was largely self-taught.  She became a school teacher and wrote the first American historical novel, Hobomok, on the love of a New England girl and her Native American husband. Lydia had worked with Penobscot Indians when she lived on her oldest sister's farm.  
       She was drawn to Unitarianism when she heard William Ellery Channing preach, and this sparked an interest in the world's religions.  She married a lawyer and became Lydia Maria Child.  Her husband was a dreamer and not very practical, so she supported the family with her writings.  She wrote a best seller, The Frugal Housewife, describing how she managed their finances.  She also articles and books for the Abolitionist movement.  
       She was shunned by most other publishers because of her advocacy. During the Civil War she wrote The Freed Man's Book which served as a primer for freed slaves learning to read.  She wrote biographies of famous women to inspire young girls.  She also became a first feminist historian with The History and Condition of Women in Various Ages and Nations. In her later years, she was active with the liberal wing of the Unitarians in Boston. 
--Elof Carlson, Congregational Historian

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here: 

UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

Changing the World
Reducing our Carbon Footprints, One Step at a Time!
       Green Sanctuary Task Force member Molly O'Donnell chairs the Residential Programs Committee of the Monroe County Energy Challenge (MCEC). MCEC will have eleven AmeriCorps volunteers to help do home energy assessments and perform energy-saving tasks in homes of City & County residents. They will be working full time for six weeks, from September 24th to November 6th, and we need to keep them busy and productive!
       It would help to have at least one home pre-scheduled each day. Would you be willing to schedule a visit by two to three volunteers to your home? The volunteers will then distribute door hangers to neighboring homes ahead of each visit offering to help your neighbors, too.                         
Suggested times and dates:

       Or would you rather learn what tasks you can do --and practice the needed skills-- but don't want volunteers to come to your home? The Energy Challenge is co-sponsoring a Cut Your Carbon workshop with the Center for Sustainable Living (organized by Molly and her UUCB grounds co-chair Rhonda Baird) on Wednesday October 14th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The workshop will be held in the Center for Sustainable Living building on the B-Line Trail, 525 W. Grimes, Bloomington. We will have tools to borrow and materials to practice caulking and other energy-saving skills.
       Contact Molly for more information at [email protected] or register for either option with MCEC at [email protected]
       For all the news about the work of our Green Sanctuary Task Force, Click Here.

Special Purposes Fund Committee --
Town Hall Meeting on 
Fossil Fuel Divestment -- Saturday, September 26
     Our Special Purposes Fund (SPF) supports the Church's religious, charitable, educational and civic purposes beyond activities under the normal operating budget, via management of both endowment and general funds. It accepts both direct donations and donations from estates through Planned Giving. In 2014-2015 a donation to the SPF was made by Harv Hegarty and donations were received in memory of Robin Black-Schaffer, Gabe Langdon, and Gene Lawlis. The SPF supplied funds for  grounds improvements, Reverend Wadkins' moving expenses, special choir music, and a variety of social justice projects endorsed by the Social Justice Task Force. Details are in the 2015 annual report.
     In recent years, there has been growing interest in fossil fuel divestment, especially since the announcement at the 2014 General Assembly that the Unitarian Universalist Association has so divested its endowment. The SPF Committee has been reviewing its investments, with special consideration of this possibility. To share its findings and welcome discussion with congregants on this matter, the SPF Committee will hold a Town Hall meeting, Saturday, September 26th, from 10:30 to noon in the church library.
      For more information about SPF, please contact Chris Haynes, SPF Committee Chair, [email protected]  

Getting Involved Fair - 3 Sundays in September  
Looking for ways to get more involved in church activities, or simply curious about what all goes on here?  The last three Sundays in September - when our theme is Invitation - each
 Sunday a different set of groups will be available during coffee hour in Fellowship Hall. Friendly folks will be standing by, ready to share info, answer questions, and invite you to get involved in those things that interest you.

     Sept. 13:  kick-off parade during worship and tabling at coffee hour for groups that can help you Seek the Spirit
     Sept. 20:  tabling at coffee hour for groups that Build Community here in our congregation
     Sept. 27:  tabling at coffee hour for groups that are working to Change the World

Check it out on one or all three Sundays in-between services,
 10:15 - 11:15, in Fellowship Hall.  Questions?  Contact Shari Woodbury, Connections Coordinator, (812) 332-3695 x209 or [email protected]
Why We Took the Pledge
       Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based environmental organization with chapters in 40 states, will be taking a scroll to the UN Paris Climate Talks in December that bears the names of congregations --including ours!-- that have pledged to reduce their carbon footprint by 50% by 2030, and have set a goal to reduce by 100% (i.e. to be carbon neutral) by 2050. We are one of about 100 congregations that signed the Paris Pledge, including a dozen other Unitarian Universalist congregations. To learn more about what we hope to accomplish, to join our working group or send us your thoughts, follow the link Our Paris Pledge which is under Green Sanctuary Task Force on our Social Justice webpageOr email Molly O'Donnell with "Paris Pledge" in your subject line.
Thanks from Just Peace Task Force
The Just Peace Task Force would like to thank all members and friends of the Church who made phone calls, wrote postcards, sent emails, contacted friends, and attended our August 9th vigil to support the nuclear agreement with Iran.  On August 19, Senator Joe Donnelly announced he will support the agreement; he said he felt a responsibility to use all peaceful means before resorting to war.  Senator Donnelly had been considered the most uncertain of all swing votes.  Thank you for helping make the difference between war and peace.  -- David Keppel, Co-Chair, Just Peace Task Force. Email: [email protected]
Social Justice Funding Available
Applications Due October 1
The Social Justice Funds Committee (SJFC) encourages all social justice task forces, organizers, workers, and leaders to apply for our church's social justice grants. For more information, see our Facebook page or webpage, A
pplications are due Oct. 1 and are now available from Millie Jackson at [email protected].
Community Connections
Our Faith in Action in the Community 

Housing Needed for Americorps Volunteers this Fall
The Bloomington Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is hosting an AmeriCorps NCCC team from September 22 to November 6 and they need housing for them. They will help with community outreach and home energy assessment work as part of the Monroe County Energy Challenge. (See Molly O'Donnell's related article, above.)
Volunteers: 8-10, 18-24 years old, led by a team leader    Duration: September 22-November 6
Accommodations: Can be basic (can be open room basement - they can bring their own cots, don't need beds), access to kitchen and shower/bathroom. Please contact Alix Collins if you can house a couple of volunteers:  
[email protected], 812.325.6199
UU Humanist Forum Meets on Alternating Sundays
This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The forum will meet on Sunday, September 13 at 12:45 p.m. in (the new) Room 208, after the second service Religious Education program ends.
On September 13 the group will have a cottage meeting with the Ministerial Search Committee. Click Here for more information.

UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. UU Freethinkers meet on alternating Sundays after children's religious education classes end, in (the new) Room 208.  UU Freethinkers meet next on Sunday, September 20, at 12:45 p.m. noon. Info, contact John Crosby.   

Contact a Minister
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister 
can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons


Our Interim Minister,     
Reverend Douglas Wadkins 
can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 207 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons 
email: [email protected]
In case of a pastoral emergency after office hours, please call his home study number, 

Reverend Emily Manvel Leiteour Minister of Religious Education 
can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 203 
on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 


Who Do I Call about Building Problems?

If you notice a problem with the building, please contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator, [email protected], 812-332-3695, ext. 200, and she will contact the experts to get it taken care of.

Attendance and Membership
Current Membership: 483   Certified Membership as of 2/1/2015: 468 
Sunday, August 23               9:15  142 ;    11:15  164 ;   RE: 110          Total:  416
Sunday, August 30               9:15  125 ;    11:15  186;    RE: 103          Total:  414
Sunday, September 7           9:15  135:     11:15  167;    RE: intergen    Total:  302
Non-Pledge Offering
8/23 - $487   8/30 - $488   9/7  - $569
Total to be donated to Monroe County CASA - $385.86
Grocery Card Sales
August 23                  $1,275, income to UUCB $65.75     August 30       $1,875, income to UUCB $102.25
September 7              $1,000, income to UUCB $52.00
Lucky's Grocery cards now available between services every Sunday! (Plus Marsh and B'foods)
Livestreaming of Sunday Services
Livestreaming the Sunday Services Link:
As archived videos of service become available they will also be at the link listed above.
--Andy Beargie, Multi-media Specialist, [email protected]

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at 

In the left hand column, click on "Calendar" and then on the top link on the page. Information is also available on our public Facebook page:  You do not need a Facebook account to read our page.

Prologue Publication Schedule

Next issue, Monday, September 21. 

Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on date of publication, to [email protected]. The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions for Monday holidays. Next few publication dates:  9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695  

Masthead Photo by Jason Haworth (digitally altered)