The Prologue
Monday, August 3, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World




August 12 & 13

Open Conversations

with Nancy Heege


Quick Links
Sunday, August 9, 2015     9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
May the Spirit of Wonder Light Our Way!   

The Reverend Douglas Wadkins 

In August we will explore the theme of Wonder. How can an open-minded and open-hearted attitude towards life, and an orientation of compassionate curiosity, help us move forward with greater possibility? It is possible that such an approach will assist in engaging our own futures and the future of this congregation with greater depth and meaning. The service will take the Shining Stars of the congregation's life posited by Reverend Wadkins in a previous service, and will explore wonder's implications for the journey. Wonderful music from Midwest UU Summer Assembly will be shared during the service.

Join Us in Singing UU Camp Songs for the August 9 Services

Please join our informal choir in singing chants, rounds, and rousing UU camp-style music at Sunday services on August 9th. We will rehearse on Thursday, August 6th at the usual time (7-8:30pm, although it may not take that long) (yes, there will be childcare) and sing at both services on the 9th. The music will be easy to learn by rote, fun to sing, and heartfelt. Hope you can join us! Questions? Contact Jane McLeod at [email protected] or 812-369-9579  

Sunday, August 16, 2015     9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
Racism without Racists
The Reverend Forrest Gilmore
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, author of Racism without Racists, writes, "The more we assume that the problem of racism is limited to the Klan, the birthers, the tea party or to the Republican Party, the less we understand that racial domination is a collective process and we are all in this game." Moving past guilt into effectiveness, how do we see the subtlety of today's racism and confront it where it stands? 
The full UU Adult Choir returns from summer hiatus this Sunday.
From Our Interim Minister


Update and What You Need to Know about the Upcoming Consultation regarding Religious Education: 



Who is coming?   

Our consultant will be Nancy Heege. Nancy Heege worked for the Prairie Star District for 18 years as District Executive,

and more  recently for MidAmerica Region as one of six Congregational Life 

Consultants. In those roles, she has consulted with many, many leaders in our congregations on topics 

such as leadership, growth, change, conflict management, and systems. Prior to her work with the district, 

she was on the staff of one of our larger congregations, Unity Church - Unitarian in Saint Paul, Minnesota,

for fifteen years as their Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth. During that time, the congregation went from one Sunday service to two, did two capital campaigns and a building addition, 

and grew in numbers. The RE program grew from just over 200 children and youth to over 500. 

Nancy also served on the Board of LREDA [the UU religious educators' professional group] and 

one term as president of the group. 


Why is she coming? 

As part of the work of our interim year, Nancy Heege has been invited by the ministers and the Board to consult with the staff and with others about church size, churches in transition, managing changes, and more specifically, about recent conflict regarding the religious education program.


How Can I Get Involved?

We invite the entire congregation to plan to attend the gathering on Wednesday, August 12, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.  "An Open Conversation with Nancy Heege" - after a presentation on church size, transitions in  churches, and change management, Nancy will invite questions and comments.  

Thursday, August 13 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Open meeting for people with concerns about Sticky Faith

Thursday, August 13 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.  - Open meeting for people with concerns about Spirit Play

In addition to these open sessions, Nancy will be meeting with staff and committees while she is here.

How Can I Prepare?   

Nancy invites you to consider these questions:

"How do I usually respond to change in my life? Do I welcome changes as new opportunities, or do I hold on to what I know and feel comfortable with? What helps me adapt and adjust to changes that are not of my choosing?"

"Our church has been through a number of changes in the last few years. Are there ways we did well with some of the changes? Are there ways that we didn't do so well? What might we learn about our responses to change that may help us going forward?"

An excellent resource that Nancy Heege recommends as helpful background for her visit is this webinar on "Congregational Leadership During Anxious Times" The video make take a bit to start playback, please be patient. 

In faith,
The Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Interim Minister  

  From Our Board of Directors

RE Consultant Nancy Heege August 12th Open Conversation and 

Ministerial Search Update

     We hope everyone had a good Summer. August will be an exciting time at the church, marking not only a return to two Sunday services, but a couple of key visitors to our congregation. As mentioned by Reverend Wadkins and the board in the previous two Prologues, as well as in Reverend Wadkins's column above, Nancy Heege will be here at our invitation to consult with us on healthy practices for a growing congregation and religious education programs. In addition to numerous meetings with staff and RE volunteers, she will host an open conversation on Wednesday, August 12th at 6:30pm to which all are invited. Please look to the Friday Updates and Prologues for more details. Info can also be found on our Facebook page: Click here.

     The Ministerial Search Committee will also have their kick-off retreat in August, hosting Rev. Keith Kron, the UUA's Director of Transitions, to facilitate. Please continue to support this committee as they start this important work for our congregation. A list of the members of the committee and biographical information can be found at     

Our Folks...

Congratulations to Nick Dold, one of our former pianists, now a staff pianist for the San Francisco Conservatory PreCollege Strings Program, who has recently begun work as the accompanist for the brand new San Francisco Conservatory PreCollege Chorus.    

Registration for Religious Education for Children & Youth is NOW OPEN
Click HERE, to register easily.
Youth Invited to August 9th events
Middle and High School Youth are especially invited to these events for all ages on August 9th--
1. An informational lunch about MUUSA, a UU summer camp in Missouri, will be begin at 12:45 p.m.  Many people from our congregation have enjoyed this camp for years.  They are ready to tell about it and to talk about how YOU might get there next summer. This is a great way for people of all ages to connect more deeply to Unitarian Universalism and to have a lot of fun in early July.
2. Tibetan Monks will begin to create a sand mandala here in Fellowship Hall on Sunday.  Come by anytime after 12:30 to observe their work.  They will continue on weekdays through August 14.

High School Youth Group to Begin August 16th
Our high school youth have been enjoying a hiatus over the summer, but they will be back in the swing of things on August 16th from 12:30-2:30 in the new youth room--Room 210 at the end of the hall on the upper level.  All high school youth are invited to get involved!

Needed: Large Coffee Table for Room 210
When the new youth room was created, it became clear that they'll need a large coffee table for their gatherings in Room 210  Please contact Reverend Emily ([email protected]) if you might have one to donate.
Seeking The Spirit

UU Adult Choir Resumes Rehearsals August 13

    Adult choir resumes Thursday, August 13, with rehearsal from 7:00-8:30. All are welcome! The choir rehearses together on Thursday nights, and then most singers choose one service to rehearse and sing for on Sunday morning. Childcare is always provided.  

     Be part of the beauty, the depth, the fun, the fellowship, the support, the hilarity and even the occasional high-wire-without-a-net act you can experience at the UU Choir rehearsals. Participate in the activity that keeps the brain firing, oxygenates the body, reduces snoring, and encourages you to memorize poetry (what if you're taken hostage? You'll have something to think about!)   

     I look forward to seeing everyone for another great year! 


     Susan Swaney, Music Director  

UU Children's Choir Resumes August 23
New and returning singers, grades K-6, are always welcome! New families, please contact Jill to get on the Children's Choir email list for info & updates: [email protected] 

Sun. Aug 23rd: Rehearse, 10:30-11:00am (Rm 110)
Sun. Aug 30th: Rehearse, 10:30-11:00am (Rm 110)
Thurs. Sept. 3rd: Rehearse, 7:00-7:30pm (starting location TBA, finish in Meeting Room (sanctuary) with adult choir.) 
Sun. Sept. 6th: Sing at Water Communion Sunday Services; sing at end of 1st service and beginning of 2nd service.Meet to warm up/rehearse at 9:45, Rm 110; done approx 11:30.

MUUSA -- Church Camp for Unitarian Universalists    

     MUUSA camp (Midwest Unitarian Universalist Summer Assembly) will be held in Potosi, Missouri,  July  3-9, 2016.

     Approximately 400 Unitarian Universalists of all ages from our region and around the country meet in early July every year for a week long camp. Many activities and workshops are offered.  Programs for kids, Jr. High, Sr. High and young adult campers are specialized for each age group.  I have been going to camp for 25 years and many other members of our congregation make it an annual event.  My own kids  grew up in the camp and I feel that it gave them a good identity as UU's.  They are still in contact with camp friends from years ago.  

      I feel that MUUSA is a very good value for a summer vacation-- all meals are included, yet it was a budget item to plan for each year.  To reduce costs, I took a compensated "job" at camp most years-- children's program helper, workshop leader, or coffeehouse MC.  This involved a 2 or 3 hour daily committment that was fun as well as helpful.  

     The best part of camp is that it is really fun.  What keeps me coming back is the incredible feeling of singing songs, having conversations, debates and learning with so many UU's.  I hope you'll join us next July!  The camp brochure listing the registration information and workshop offerings will be available in February.  In the meantime, see the web site   

      We will be sharing UU camp songs during the services on Sunday, August 9th and invite you to join us for a brown bag lunch at 12:30 pm in the library to hear more from past participants.  

--  Ruellen Fessenbecker  

P.S.  the lake is GREAT for swimming, boating and fishing.   

Shambhala Meditation is Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Fellowship Hall for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. We have new cushions available, but you may bring your own cushion if you have one.

Conscious Contact Meditation, Wednesdays at 6:00

Kris Roehling leads weekly Conscious Contact Meditation from 6:00 o 7:00 p.m. in the Library (or sometimes in Room 210). This event provides insight meditation supporting recovery in all forms.  

Taiji Continues on Tuesdays and Saturdays

Brian Flaherty leads Taiji in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:15 a.m. This form practices the "Wu (Hao)" style of taijiquan, including practice of standing exercises, forms, and "pushing hands." Anyone is welcome, even those with no experience. Wear loose-fitting clothing.

Our Congregational Themes


January:     Integrity                May:      Tradition

February:   Faith                     June:     Grace

March:       Resilience             July:     Here & Now    

April:          Revelation            August:  Wonder


What does it mean experience Wonder? 
Building Community

How Warm Is Your Welcome?

     As the season turns toward fall and more people visit our congregation, please help them feel at home in this new place.  Here are ways to offer a warm welcome.

Wear your name tag. If you see someone new looking for a place to sit, invite them to join you. Sitting alone can feel awkward and lonely to a newcomer.

Use a "welcome mug" to show that you like to meet new people. Introduce yourself if you see an unfamiliar face at coffee hour. Here are some great conversation-starters:

          • I don't think we've met. My name is...
          • What brought you here today?
          • How was the service for you?
          • Tell me about yourself.
          • Let me introduce you to...

Welcoming the stranger is an important spiritual practice for all of us. Thank you for doing your part!

--Shari Woodbury, Connections Coordinator

  Ready to become a member of UU Bloomington?

If this is your community, if you feel at home here, join us! If you would like to make the commitment and become a member of UU Bloomington, the next opportunity is Sunday August 9th, at 10:30am in room 207B.  (We ask for participation in our "Exploring UU" class prior to signing the membership book.)  To make arrangements to sign the membership book, please contact Shari Woodbury, Connections Coordinator, at 332-3695 or [email protected], by Wednesday, August 5th.  

Steve Pollitt painting Room 110 as part of our summer R.E. classroom remodeling project. 
photo by John Woodcock

Women's Alliance Meets August 6 and September 3

      Women's Alliance meets the first Thursday of each month 11:30 am at the church, unless otherwise indicated. Meetings begin at 11:30 with a brown bag lunch; drinks and dessert are provided The program begins at noon, followed by the business meeting.

August 6, 2015, is Open Topic (Members share their experiences)

Hosts: Linda Pickle and Jean Knowlton.

       September 3, 2015, is Monroe County CASA; our church donates 25% of our Sunday morning non-pledge offerings to CASA. Hosts: NA

Where's Judy Bennett?

Our long-time Connections Coordinator Judy Bennett left her staff position this past June 30 to pursue other interests in retirement (including a recent visit to England and Scotland!) We already miss Judy, but our new Connections Coordinator, Shari Woodbury, will be with us for the coming year. Shari has been a member of our congregation for many years, is a graduate of Meadville-Lombard Theological School, and is currently seeking Ministerial Fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association. She recently served her ministerial internship at the UU Congregation of Columbus, Indiana, and also served as their summer minister upon the retirement of, Reverend Dennis McCarty. Shari also served as Campus Ministry Coordinator for our congregation a few years ago. We are delighted to have her on our staff team again, now as Connections Coordinator! She can be reached at [email protected] or 812-332-3695, ext 209.

Reducing the Glare from our Circular Window

The beautiful circular window in our Meeting Room can be inspiring, but also challenging. While many of us enjoy the view of clouds, birds, and blue sky, others find the glare and brightness distracting and even painful. Glare is also a problem for the camera system which generates our popular internet streaming services. A committee, including our senior minister, the building architect, a video expert and several long-term members, has been exploring a wide range of options. Whatever we recommend will need to balance aesthetics, practicality, flexibility and cost. We will present the best options this fall for feedback from the congregation. Questions and comments can be directed to Molly O'Donnell, co-chair of building and grounds, at [email protected].

Attention Artists! Holiday Bazaar Applications are Due September 1

The UU Holiday Art Fair and Bazaar is coming this December 4th and 5th! For information on how to apply to this highly respected and wonderful juried show, where you can sell the beautiful things you have made, Follow this LINK

Family to Family Class on Mental Illness Offered Starting September 2

NAMI (National Association for Mental Illness) Family to Family Class is a free 12-week course offered to families of individuals with serious and persistent mental illness.  It will provide knowledge and skills family members need when faced with problems of mental illness.  The class is being offered through our Adult Religious Education program, and will begin on September 2 and conclude on November 18.  Registration is required.  For information and registration, call Cyndi Nelson 812-323-2453 or Cathy Korinek 812-339-6168. 

Could you help keep our church beautiful and welcoming this summer?  You could pick one small area you'd like to tend or select a week in which you can do whatever tasks are ne eded, like weeding or watering. (Be sure to bring your own gloves and favorite tools!) If so, you can see a longer description and sign up for a week or for a specific area in which you would like to work using our form on Sign Up Genius: HERE

Questions? Contact Molly O'Donnell at [email protected] or 812-219-5388.

Is the Church in Your Estate Plans?

Have you recently included the church in your will, or made it a beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy?  If so, please let the Planned Giving committee know.  We want to include you in the Legacy Circle and invite you to an informal thank-you luncheon this fall.

Contact Libby DeVoe  [email protected]  or 812 336-868.   No sum need  be mentioned, and we will honor any request to remain anonymous.

UU History for You

Epicurus Told Us How to Live

     Epicurus (341-270 BCE) was a Greek philosopher who was influenced by the views of Democritus.  Epicurus took the atomic theory of Democritus and extended it by claiming atoms occasionally swerved or moved at unpredictable angles and this made their encounters and outcomes less predictable and made the universe more diverse, less determinate, and more complex.  Epicurus never married. He taught at home, calling his meeting place "the Garden."  He believed happiness came from the avoidance of fear and suffering.  He believed in self-reliance and shunning power, glory, or wealth.  He claimed death ends our body and soul.  He believed gods do not punish us or reward us.  He thought the universe was infinite and eternal.  He urged his students to trust only what they saw, inferred through deduction, or tested first-hand.  He suffered from kidney stones and eventually died of the disease.  Despite his pain he felt happiness in learning, writing, and teaching as a way of life.  The small pleasures were what made life enjoyable.  It is sad that critics of Epicurus and his epicurean philosophy equated it with self-indulgent hedonism or the life style of voluptuaries pursuing pleasure through over-eating, sex, and drugs or through the lust for power.  When I was a youth I read Walter Pater's Victorian novel, Marius the Epicurean and first became acquainted with his philosophy.  I often think of myself, in his thoughtful sense, of being an Epicurean.  I would also consider Thoreau to be a more modern adherent of that outlook. 

--Elof Carlson, Congregational Historian

Interested in more UU history and history of our congregation? Read Elof's "Our History and Our Traditions" on our website. -Ed. 

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here: 

UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

Changing the World

Supporting the Historic Nuclear Agreement with Iran
Sunday, August 9 at 5:30 p.m.
The Just Peace Task Force asks you to stand with us this Sunday, August 9, at 5:30 p.m. on Courthouse Square to mark the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and, three days earlier, of Hiroshima, and to support the historic nuclear agreement with Iran.  That agreement faces a key test in Congress, and Senator Joe Donnelly, who is undecided, holds a swing vote.  Please contact him (202-224-4814) and stand with us Sunday evening.  (Note: we have rescheduled from Thursday because of a stormy forecast for that day.)  For more information, contact David Keppel [email protected] (812) 272-0597

Community Connections

Our Faith in Action in the Community 

Shalom Community Center Crowdfunding Campaign

The Shalom Community Center has launched a crowdfunding campaign to help raise the funds for a public  art project  to be located in front of Shalom on S. Walnut Street. Crowd funding is carried out on the internet and the campaign can be found here. Our Homelessness Task Force, chaired by Alan Backler, encourages you to support this project. Further details here.
Summer Volunteer Opportunity at Local Food Pantry
Looking for a hands-on volunteer opportunity this summer (and possibly beyond)? The Help Feed Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force runs a food pantry at Walnut Grove Apartments (3100 S Walnut St Pike) the 3rd Friday of each month. We need volunteers to unload food from a truck, set up the pantry and help patrons sign in and select food. It is fun and rewarding work and we need volunteers. Questions? Contact Mary Blizzard (m[email protected]). You can use the link below to sign up:   

UU Humanist Forum Meets on Alternating Sundays

This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The forum will meet on Sunday, August 16 at 12:45 p.m. in (the new) Room 208, after the second service Religious Education program ends. The topic is"Food future and population,"  presented by Jim Tarnowski. 

UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. UU Freethinkers meet on alternating Sundays after children's religious education classes end, in (the new) Room 208. 

UU Freethinkers meet next on Sunday, August 9, at 12:45 p.m. noon. Info, contact John Crosby.   

Contact a Minister

Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister 

is away from the office until Wednesday, September 2.





Our Interim Minister,     

Reverend Douglas Wadkins 

is away from the office until Friday, August 7.




Reverend Emily Manvel Leiteour Minister of Religious Education 
can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 203 
on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 
For pastoral emergencies, please call her at home, 812-333-9822. 





Who do I Call about Building Problems?

If you notice a problem with the building, please contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator, [email protected], 812-332-3695, ext. 200, and she will contact the experts to get it taken care of.

Attendance and Membership

Current Membership: 479   Certified Membership as of 2/1/2015: 468 


Sunday, July 26                   10:15   194;    RE: 32            Total:  226

Sunday, August 2                  9:15   88;      11:15   144      RE: 68            Total:  270

Non-Pledge Offering

7/26 - $285        8/2 - $374

Total to be donated to Monroe County CASA - $164.70

Grocery Card Sales

July 26       $300, income to UUCB $15.00            August 2       $800, income to UUCB $40.00

We hope to participate in Lucky's Grocery store's grocery card program soon!

Livestreaming of Sunday Services
Livestreaming the Sunday Services Link:
As archived videos of service become available they will also be at the link listed above.
--Andy Beargie, Multi-media Specialist, [email protected]

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at 

In the left hand column, click on "Calendar" and then on the top link on the page. Information is also available on our public Facebook page:  

Prologue Publication Schedule

Next issue, Monday, August 17. 

Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on date of publication, to [email protected]. The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions for Monday holidays. Next few publication dates:  8/17, 9/8 (a Tuesday), 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695  

Masthead Photo by John Woodcock