Friday UU Update
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Friday, July 10, 2015

In This Issue

Gumboot dancing TONIGHT, July 10 and July 24, 

5:30-6:30 p.m

Come and learn gumboot dancing with Ellyn Barham in Fellowship Hall.Gumboots is an African step dance that found life in the mines of South Africa. Miners traveled from different parts of Africa to find work in the mines. Despite language barriers and harsh work conditions, Gumboots was used as a way for miners to communicate and uplift each other. A variety of African cultural dances have been fused into this high energy dance. More info and videos may be found at the facebook event page HERE. (all ages are welcome)

July 12, 2015  10:15 service

"Spirituality and Film, Part 1: The Daily Round"    

The Rev. Doug Wadkins

       In July, we will do a three part series for our Sunday worship services that looks at three themes of Here and Now importance.  Each service will use film clips as sermon illustrations.  This first service will give an introduction to a way of approaching film as a spiritual practice, and will explore how films can raise our awareness of the power of daily events and larger life cycles in shaping meaning.

Note:  With all of the film series, while none of the clips are chosen to be shocking or overly intense, sometimes people experience film moments with powerful emotion.  If this is a particularly sensitive or difficult time, please feel free to make decisions about whether this would be a good set of services for you to attend. If you have questions, check in with Rev. Wadkins.  Generally speaking, Rev. Wadkins hopes to see you there! 
Social Justice Timeline
Please help us visualize the heritage and history of social justice at our church, by adding your memories and hopes to the timeline found in the North hallway at the end of the Commons.
Youth Community Sandwich Kitchen 
for the Benefit of People's Park Homeless
Youth entering 6th-8th grade are invited to join us in the kitchen from 10:30-11:30am to help make sandwiches for the homeless to be delivered to People's Park.  This is a great chance to catch up with friends during the summer while doing some good work for the community.  Adult hands are needed as well! Contact Adrienne Summerlot if you have any questions!
Elder Tech Workshop this Sunday, July 12th 
High School Youth will be on hand in the library to help you with technology support. 
Registration for Religious Education for Children & Youth is NOW OPEN
Click HERE, to register easily.
Those registered by July 26th will get priority choice of August Intersession!  Registration will also be available on Sundays during coffee hour or via paper form.  

One Service Only June 21 through July 26 - 

An Experiment in Togetherness        

With the approval of our Board of Directors, we will be holding one service only each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. June 21 through July 26. During this time of transition, it is a good moment to try new ways of being together in worship. Coffee hour will take place after the service. Two services at 9:15 and 11:15 will resume on August 2.

Masthead painting: 'Feminine Wave' Hokusai
Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World
Contact Info                            
Carol Marks
Church Administrator