The Prologue
Monday, June 15, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World



June 21

starting One service only

10:15 a.m.


June 26

Ramadan Iftaar

9:15 p.m.


June 28

Rise Above the Mark

film & discussion

11:45 a.m.


July 4

Marching in the 

4th of July Parade!


Quick Links

Sunday, June 21, 2015    

One service only at 10:15 a.m.


Summer Solstice Celebration 

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin and 

The Reverend Emily Manvel Leite

Special music from our UU Children's Choir directed by Jill Courtney


Remember only one worship service this Sunday, June 21st !--through the end of July!!  Robert Louis Stevenson quipped, "In winter I get up at night/And dress by yellow candle-light/In summer quite the other way/I have to go to bed by day."  Come celebrate the longest day of the year in our UU community.  We will be observing the solstice through song, story, ritual, and time for personal reflection and sharing.  

Sunday, June 28, 2015  

One service only at 10:15 a.m.


Why Are You You? 

- Some New Thoughts on an Old Question

The Reverend Barbara Child

       I am interested to learn that this church's youth group has revived the historical name YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists). There is a richness of ambiguity in that name. You could say it as a question: YRUU? - meaning "Why are you Unitarian?" Someone who will figure significantly in today's sermon spent his teen years in YRUU half a century ago, and he has written that "YRUU carries the implied question: 'Why are you you?'" No small question, that. What makes us human after all? And if we think we know the answer, it may be time to think again.  Reverend Macklin will join me for this worship service.

Sunday, July 5, 2015  

10:15 a.m.


Giving Life the Shape of Justice

The Reverend Douglas Wadkins 

& members of our Social Justice Community

       Join us as we honor and celebrate a core ministry of the congregation.  We will collaborate with members of our Social Justice Task Forces, past and present, to remember important aspects of our justice and peace legacy.  We will also explore some thoughts about how to continue to make a real difference in working for peace and justice.  Finally, we will dream about what the future of this work might look like. 

   Board of Directors, UU Church of Bloomington


Congregational Meeting News: Ministerial Search Committee Underway!


Our Ministerial Search Committee is officially launched! At the congregational meeting on June 7th, attended by 101 members, the congregation voted to endorse the slate put forward by the Board. The search committee, composed of Barb Backler, Mary Boutain, Craig Coley, Michelle Cook, Abby Gitlitz, Amy Taylor, and Stuart Yoak, will begin a year-long process to select a candidate Associate Minister to visit our congregation for a week. A special meeting of the congregation will then be held to vote on whether we call that candidate minister to join our ministry team.


Other events from the congregational meeting include a congregational vote choosing Monroe County CASA as the 2015-16 fiscal year 25% Sunday plate recipient, the election of the slate as presented by the Leadership Cultivation Committee, approval of the 2015-16 budget that includes a $10 minimum wage for all staff, and a special thanks from the Board to Guy Loftman for his years of service as our pro bono church attorney. The Stewardship Committee reported mixed news, with the number of pledges being lower than this time last year, but the total amount being slightly higher. Please remember to make a pledge for the coming year, so we can continue to make progress on our goals for fair and sustainable compensation for all ministers and staff!



Congratulations to Our New 25% Plate Recipient, Monroe County CASA!  
Beginning July 1, 2015 Monroe County CASA will receive 25% of our non-pledge funds donated on Sunday mornings. This will continue until June 30, 2016. Thank you to everyone who attended our congregational meeting and voted among our three finalists. It is always a tough choice. Please consider reaching out to our other two finalists, Bloomington PRIDE's PRISM Youth Community and Girls, Inc of Monroe County, for other ways to support the valuable work they are doing. The SJFC thanks everyone who nominated local organizations for our Spring 25% Plate Campaign.
Millie Jackson (Chair) Social Justice Funds Committee

MAM's Musings

           June's topic of grace has stirred something inside me and many of you.  Your post-worship responses in conversation and through email have been numerous, and I would say, full of grace.   While the topic of grace itself remains a challenge for me, I have found some solace in the two quotes we have been exploring---from writer Anne Lamott.  "I do not at all understand the mystery of grace-only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us," as well as black history scholar and leftist critic Manning Marable, "Grace is the ability to redefine the boundaries of possibility." 


            This past Sunday, in my sermon, I made several references to a journal article from The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (Summer 2011) entitled,  "In the Business of Dying: Questioning the Commercialization of  Hospice" by Dr. Rob Stone and Joshua Perry.    This is an important article because it presents ethical considerations regarding the future of health care, particularly in terms of end-of-life issues. 


            Here is a link to this article by Stone and Perry.


            On June 7th, we had our annual spring congregational meeting.  In that meeting, I announced that I will be taking July and August off in order to engage professional and personal time to discern my own ministerial calling during this transitional time.  My time away will also provide you, as a congregation, solid time with Reverend Wadkins to move forward in your next stage of the interim process. 


            Our congregational meeting also included our 2015 Outstanding Service Awards. Our Outstanding Service Awards, presented at our June congregational meeting each year, recognize members of the congregation who have made a special effort or gone that extra mile, figuratively and sometimes literally, in our congregational life. Below are brief descriptions of the wonderful work of our three recipients this year, Ruth Ann Cooper, David Keppel, and Phil Cooper.






Ruth Ann has served several years on our Caring Committee, and her thoughtful contacts with congregation members and friends are an important part of our circle of care. I have also relied on Ruth Ann's nursing expertise when I am not clear about a certain medical term or situation that someone in the congregation is experiencing. Ruth Ann has been diligent in her support of LGBTQ rights and activities in our congregation and around the State of Indiana, and she is also dedicated to many women's issues and environmental issues. Ruth Ann has been a stalwart and valued member of the planning committee for our All Congregational Intergenerational Earth Celebrational UU Retreats, making the challenging administrative parts of organizing such events seem actually pleasant.



David is a beacon for justice and peace in our congregation. He not only stays current on domestic and international issues for himself, but he keeps congregation members and leaders of important issues.  David's interfaith efforts in Bloomington are ongoing. He regularly attends the Monroe County Religious Leaders meetings to make present our liberal religious presence. David's involvement in other civic activities representing various social justice task forces of our church has made him an unofficial ambassador of goodwill for our congregation in Bloomington. David also has many connections throughout the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our visit this winter from UUA Moderator Jim Key would not have happened without David's assistance. This past year he also served as a mentor for one of our high school youth.



Phil serves our congregation in a number of dynamic ways. He serves as a Sunday usher, and is often seen assisting others in whatever ways are needed. He has built many connections with our kids, from guiding them in folding peace cranes to teaching our sexuality education course, Our Whole Lives. He is currently working with a congregational team on our future youth programming. Phil is a person who keeps going full steam ahead-currently he is organizing our church social justice task forces to be visible in this year's 4th of July parade here in Bloomington. What Phil's work as our outgoing chair for Rainbow Rights. Phil's leadership for LGBTQ rights is multi-faceted and includes testifying at the State House in support of marriage equality. Phil's creative thinking and engaged manner make him one of our congregation's unofficial ambassadors to the Bloomington community.


Thanks to everyone in our congregational community, for all you do.


Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

Senior Minister

It's Not Too Late to
Play Your Part!
     We wish to thank all friends and members of the congregation who have made a stewardship pledge for the upcoming fiscal year so far.  Your support will allow us to create a  budget that truly reflects our values as a congregation.  It is NOT too late to make a pledge and we hope that you will do so.  Click here to make a pledge on-line, or call the church office, 812-332-3695. 

Our sincerest thanks,
Members of the Stewardship Committee
Drew Schrader, Mary Boutain, John Summerlot, Carol Ver Wiebe, Charlie Pickle, Kathie Lazerwitz, Kathleen Sideli, Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, with assistance from Carol Marks      

Summer Children & Youth Religious Education
Childcare will continue during the services
Preschool: meets as usual in Room 103 for the entire summer.
Kindergarten- 8th grade: meets in Room 210 and will Travel in Time to explore Unitarian Universalists.
Middle School and High School Youth are not meeting regularly this summer.  Mark your calendars, youth! We  need your help on Sunday, June 21st and Sunday, July 12th to make sandwiches with the Homelessness Task Force from 10:30-11:30am.   This is a great time to catch up with your friends and do something good.  --Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education, [email protected]

Saturday, June 27th- 6-8pm, Fourth of July Float  Decorating Party
Our church is participating in this year's parade and we need help getting ready. You are encouraged to march with us, help decorate or be a part of all of it.  Everyone is welcome to join us! We will supply the art materials. Bring your creativity and enthusiasm about our church.  Pizza will be available for $1/slice.

ATTENTION High School and Junior High Youth!
Sunday, June 21st and July 12th, we will meet in the kitchen from 10:15-11:15am to make lunches for the homeless to be delivered to People's Park.  Incoming youth are especially welcome--bring a friend!

Travel in Time, Summer Religious Education for K-8th grade
We have had a blast the first two weeks of summer RE.  We created our own classroom and personal timelines and interviewed family members about our parents.  We learned about time in general and important events that have shaped our faith and culture.  We went on our own Dangerous Journey to better understand how Unitarian and Universalist religions came to America and who played an important role in making that happen.  We closed last week by learning the hymn, "Come, come, whoever you are." Where will we go next week? Join us in Room 210 after the Time For All Ages in the 10:15am service to find out!

UU Children's Choir

Interested singers, K-6, are welcome to join us! Upcoming Kindergarteners are invited this round, too! Questions? Contact Jill: [email protected]


June 21 Summer Solstice Service, 10:15am (Meet at 9:45am, Sing near beginning of service)



Come and Learn Gumboot Dancing with us This Summer! 

Starts June 19

       Come and learn gumboot dancing with us this summer! We'll meet on Friday, June 19, Friday, July 10, and Friday, July 24, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for an excellent aerobic time. Gumboots is an African step dance that found life in the mines of South Africa. Miners traveled from different parts of Africa to find work in the mines. Despite language barriers and harsh work conditions, Gumboots was used as a way for miners communicate and uplift each other. A variety of African cultural dances have been fused into this high energy dance. 

       Come enjoy an hour of exercising while learning more about 

Gumboot dancing with Ellyn Barham! (all ages are welcome, and you can come to one or all of the classes)

Seeking The Spirit

Java Crew Facilitates Sunday Happiness

We love our fellowship time together with coffee and tea on Sunday mornings, (coffee hour at 11:15 from June 21 through July 26) and we encourage all of you helpful people to take a turn in assisting with coffee hour on Sundays. Clean up is straightforward, the coffeemakers are easy to use, and the dishwasher has a 3-minute cycle. So you'll be out of here and on your way to Sunday lunch in a jiffy. Please contact Amy Holmes, our Java Crew coordinator, and make a bunch of people so happy!  Amy can be reached at [email protected].

Shambhala Meditation is Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Fellowship Hall for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. We have new cushions available, but you may bring your own cushion if you have one.


Conscious Contact Meditation, Wednesdays at 5:30

Kris Roehling leads weekly Conscious Contact Meditation from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 207B. This event provides insight meditation supporting recovery in all forms.  

Open Chanting Continues Thursdays at 7:00

Janiece Jaffe will lead open chanting in our Meeting Room from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays in June. All are welcome; no experience necessary!

Our Congregational Themes


January:     Integrity                May:     Tradition

February:   Faith                     June:     Grace

March:       Resilience             July:       Here & Now    

April:          Revelation            August:  Wonder


What does it mean to live in a state of Grace? 
Building Community

One Service only at 10:15 a.m. June 21 through July 26 

During this time of interim transition, it is a good moment to try a different summer worship experience. With the approval of our Board of Directors and our core staff, we are excited to share that we will be holding one service only each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. from June 21 through July 28 this summer, as an experiment. We have been exploring this idea for several years. Coffee and fellowship hour will take place after the service, at 11:15 a.m.  Our core staff will be working with all of you in the next few weeks  to adjust Sunday meeting and volunteer schedules to accommodate this experiment! Two services at 9:15 and 11:15 will resume on August 2.


Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister

Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Interim Minister  

Women's Alliance Thursday, July 2

      The first Thursday of each month, The Women's Alliance meets in Fellowship Hall for lunch and a program.

      Meetings begin at 11:30 AM. Bring your brown bag lunch and our hosts will provide the drinks and dessert. The programs start at 12:00 PM, unless otherwise indicated. In the month of June, we had Dr. Karin Harman James from Indiana University, on how handwriting helps with brain development in young children.

      On July 2, the topic is "China, Inside, Out" with Martha Foster. Come join us for an exciting trip to China.

Exploring Unitarian Universalism 

Class Meets July 12 and July 19

Are you interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and this congregation?  Whether you are considering membership or are just curious, this class is for you.  The Exploring UU Class will be held 

on Sunday, July 12 and Sunday, July 19 from 2-4 p.m. in the Ralph and Annetta Fuchs Library.  Sign up by Sunday, July 5 at the welcome table in the foyer, or by emailing [email protected]. Childcare is available by prior request.  

Please Remember to Pay Your Pledge!

We are closing in on the end of our 2014-15 fiscal year and it would be so helpful if we all could finish paying our pledges for this year (2014-15) by June 30. If you are traveling this summer, please remember to pay your pledge before you go! If you need to know your current balance, please email [email protected], or [email protected] or call the office, 812-332-3695.

--Arzetta Hults-Losensky, Treasurer

East 17th Street closed for construction project

Motorists traveling along the east edge of the Bloomington campus should be aware that East 17th Street is closed through August 7. 17th Street will be closed from St. Paul Catholic Center to Lingelbach Lane. Fee Lane through campus or the Bypass will be the best routes to church from the east side all summer.

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here: 

UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

UU History for You

Antoinette Brown Blackwell

The OTHER First Woman Minister in the United States

       Antoinette (n�e Brown) Blackwell (1825-1921) was born in Henrietta, New York, to a Congregationalist family.  Her father was a farmer. At age 8 she took an interest in becoming a minister and her mother encouraged her to pursue that attempt.  First she became a school teacher and then studied literature and theology at Oberlin College, entering the theology program in 1847.  She lectured and gave occasional guest sermons until 1852 when she became ordained in a Congregational church in South Butler, New York.  She left the church after it condemned two infants who died in infancy before they could be baptized and claimed she could not believe in a God who would take such a view.  She went to New York and wrote articles for the New York Tribune on poverty in New York City, issues of women's rights, and the need for abolition of slavery. She met Samuel Blackwell, who had a substantial income, and they had seven children, five of whom survived infancy.  She worked out with her husband the right of a mother to hold part-time work and for her husband to assist with the housework.  She promoted this arrangement as part of her women's rights advocacy.  In 1878, she and her husband became Unitarians and she resumed her preaching in New Jersey.  At the age of 95, she voted for the first time.  Blackwell was not related to Olympia Brown, but she met her many times and they sometimes preached together in their many efforts to promote women's rights to vote.   Both Blackwell and Brown have a claim to being the first female ordained minister in the United States, depending on the years of training, preaching, or being a settled minister.  


--Elof Carlson, Congregational Historian


Interested in more UU history and history of our congregation? Read Elof's "Our History and Our Traditions" on our website. -Ed. 

Changing the World

Ramadan Iftaar June 26

      On Friday, June 26, members of the Islamic Center of Bloomington will join us in celebration of the 2015 holy month of Ramadan, by breaking their daily fast with us in our Fellowship Hall.  For 15 years, the Muslim community of Bloomington has joined Unitarian Universalists for a shared Ramadan/Iftaar meal.  Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, the most blessed month of the year in which Muslims around the world rededicate themselves to God.They abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours, purifying their souls and refocusing attention om God.   

       Doors open at 8 p.m. and the call to prayer will occur just before sunset at approximately 9:15.  Breaking of fast begins with the sharing of dates and is followed by a delicious meal prepared by the members of the mosque.   THE FOOD IS DELICIOUS!  Members of our congregation are encouraged to provide desserts for the meal. Families are especially welcome at this event. Questions, talk with Abby Downey. Click here for details.


Reproductive Justice Task Force Meets June 22

The Reproductive Justice Task Force will meet in the Library on June 22 at 7:30 p.m. We will have a guest from Planned Parenthood Community Advocates, and will discuss float possibilities for the 4th of July Parade. 

--Melinda Swenson, convener


Habitat Builders Needed August 1 

        The UU Habitat Task Force is sponsoring a day of a build in Habitat's beautiful new B-Line Trail neighborhood on Aug. 1. We are donating $8,750 to financially sponsor that day and we also need to provide 25 builders. Please consider joining our team!


* Anyone can help -- men & women, ages 16 & up -- UUs and friends.

* Build day is 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or half-day am or pm options are available.

* Lunch, snacks and drinks are provided.

* No building skills needed, instruction provided. Tasks will include framing, and porch, window & door installation. Use your skills or learn new ones!

* No individual fundraising needed (only Women Build requires that).

Contact Barb Berggoetz, [email protected] or 812/320-8422, by July 5 if you can join our team. 


Thanks for Participating! 

Next Blood Drive is Sunday, November 1 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Red Cross blood drive on June 7. Fourteen pints of blood were collected. That will support the lives of 42 hospital patients with life saving blood! There are over 200 churches in Bloomington. Fewer than 10 of them are currently partnering with The Red Cross, and UU Church of Bloomington is one of them!   -- Michael Gordy, American Red Cross

     The Red Cross blood bus will be back on November 1.


Life After Life Film Screening June 18 at Monroe County Public Library
from Hope for Prisoners Task Force:  There will be a screening of the film Life after Life, a documentary by Terre Haute native and IU graduate Tamara Perkins, on Thursday, June 18th, 7:00PM at the MCPL Auditorium. The film highlights the lives of three paroled prison lifers from San Quentin; how they got into prison in the first place and how their subsequent parole affected their lives. Please join us. (Glenda Breeden, Hope for Prisoners Task Force)  

Save the Date - Congressional Climate Message Day is Monday, June 22

       On Monday, June 22, the day before 800 Citizens' Climate Lobby members go to Capitol Hill, we ask you to participate in Congressional Climate Message Day (CCMD), communicating by phone and social media with our members of Congress to register your support for legislation to price carbon.

       Sign up at today to receive a reminder on June 22 along with complete information on how to participate. 

       Our meetings can be even more successful if you contact your one representative and two senators and declare your support for congressional action on climate change. You can contact your members of Congress by calling or Tweeting them.

       It will only take a few minutes, but it will have a huge impact in our efforts to fight climate change. 


Helping the Emergency Services Pantry at 

Monroe County United Ministries

June 28 and July 26

Our Help Feed Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force will sponsor a collection for items for MCUM's emergency pantry. On June 28 and July 26 we are asking friends and members of the church to bring the following items to church: razors, new women's and men's socks, and men's and women's deodorant.  These may be left in the Hunger Task Force basket under the table in the foyer. 

General Assembly Events are Live Streamed
You may livestream many of the events at UUA General Assembly June 24-28. Go to for details.  In particular, you may be interested in hearing the Service of the Living Tradition, where the preacher will be the Rev. Marlin Lavanhar. The keynote speaker for the Ware Lecture is Cornel West. Our delegates are Marlin Howard, Doug Cauble and Julie Cauble. 
Summer Volunteer Opportunity at Local Food Pantry
Looking for a hands-on volunteer opportunity this summer (and possibly beyond)? The Help Feed Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force runs a food pantry at Walnut Grove Apartments (3100 S Walnut St Pike) the 3rd Friday of each month. We need volunteers to unload food from a truck, set up the pantry and help patrons sign in and select food. It is fun and rewarding work and we need volunteers. Questions? Contact Mary Blizzard ([email protected]). You can use the link below to sign up:   


March in the July 4th Parade!

Our congregation is registered for the July 4th parade.  All members and friends are encouraged to participate.  Each task force, committee, or group is encouraged to develop a mini float on a wagon, bike trailer, or stroller to be pulled (or pushed) in a procession or train along the parade route.  The float should in some fashion represent your group.  This will be an opportunity to present our many and varied social justice efforts and the committees that support their efforts by providing the structure and community within our church.  Float decoration party will be here in Fellowship Hall on June 27 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. You can contact me with questions as I will be coordinating. 

Phil Cooper, 812.339.1722, [email protected]


Community Connections

Our Faith in Action in the Community 


Jewish Theatre of Bloomington Presents "Coming to See Aunt Sophie" Through June 21

Rise Above the Mark Documentary on Public Education - 

Film and Discussion June 28

You are invited to join the film showing and community conversation on June 28th at 11:45 a.m. here in our Meeting Room! (There will be snacks at 11:15 in Fellowship Hall.) Rise Above the Mark is a documentary that captures the struggles of public education.  This film provides a glimpse inside Indiana's classrooms and the challenges teachers and students experience as increased legislation and standardized testing cause restrained learning environments and oppressive time constraints.  Following the screening, there will be a facilitated conversation.  If you have any questions, contact Gina at 812-325-1224 or email [email protected].  Our Religious Education program is hosting this event.

UU Humanist Forum Meets on Alternating Sundays

From June 21 through July 26, our Humanist Forum meets on alternating Sundays at 11:45 p.m. upstairs in Room 210, after children's religious education classes have  ended. This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The forum will meet on Sunday, June 21 at 11:45 a.m. The topic is , "What do you have to hide? Surveillance today," presented by Harold Ogren.

UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. From June 28 through July 26, UU Freethinkers will meet on alternating Sundays at 11:45 a.m. after children's religious education classes end, in Room 210. UU Freethinkers meet next on Sunday, June 28 at 11:45 a.m. Info, contact John Crosby.   

Contact a Minister

     Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, or [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her mobile number, 812-322-0205.




     Reverend Douglas Wadkins, our Interim Minister, is away until

July 1.




     Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
our Minister of Religious Education, can be reached at 812-332 
-3695, ext. 203 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her at home, 812-333-9822.







Who to Call about Building Problems

If you notice a problem with the building, please contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator, [email protected], 812-332-3695, ext. 200, and she will contact the experts to get it taken care of.

Attendance and Membership

Current Membership: 479   Certified Membership as of 2/1/2015: 468 



Sunday, June 7                   9:15: 140;       11:15:134;     RE: 53            Total:  327

Sunday, June 14                 9:15:  83;        11:15: 112;    RE: 68            Total:  263

Non-Pledge Offering

6/7 - $342;  6/14 - $477

Total to be donated to Susie's Place - $229.65

Grocery Card Sales

June 7            $1,350, income to UUCB $67.50

June 14         $1,725, income to UUCB $86.25

How do I view my pledge record online?


If you have made a pledge and would like to check on your balance, here's how:


Log on to churchdb at this link:


If you don't have a password yet, the system will send you one, to the email address we have on file.


After you log on, here's the click sequence to get to your pledge records: 

     Stewardship (left hand column)

     Treasure (from choices near top of screen)

     View Pledges (lower right column) 

Then, you can see the amount you have paid so far for your current pledge.

If you want to see individual payments, here's the click sequence: 



     Details (next to a calendar year)

     Details (again)

This will show you your payments during that calendar year.

If you need help logging on, or you would just like us to check your balance for you (which is perfectly ok), please contact [email protected].

Livestreaming of Sunday Services
Livestreaming the Sunday Services Link:
As archived videos of service become available they will also be at the link listed above.
--Andy Beargie, Multi-media Specialist, [email protected]

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at 

Click on "Full Calendar" and then on the date you are interested in. You can also search for a specific event! Our facebook page also has scads of useful information:  It's open to all and you don't need a Facebook account to read it.

Next issue, Tuesday, July 7. The office will be closed Monday, July 6 for Independence day holiday. 

Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on date of publication, to [email protected].  The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions. Next few publication dates:  7/7, 7/20, 8/3, 8/17, 9/8 (a Tuesday), 9/21.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695  

Masthead Photo  by John Woodcock