The Prologue
Monday, June 1, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World




June 7

Red Cross Blood Drive


June 7

Annual Congregational Meeting


June 21

starting One service only

10:15 a.m.



Quick Links

Sunday, June 7, 2015    

9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Disappointment and Grace

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

The Reverend Douglas Wadkins

and special musical guests Voces Novae


This first service in June marks the inaugural voyage of our new theme: Grace.  This first service begins our exploration of the theme by illuminating the dynamic interplay between disappointment, the expectations we have and the role of grace in our life. Understanding the core truths of this interplay can make a significant difference in how we feel about ourselves, our relationships, our important work in the world. Also in this service we will hear brief presentations from our three finalist organizations, for our 2015-2016  25% Plate Recipient so can make an informed choice in our vote at the congregational meeting later in the afternoon, for the organization to receive 25% of the non-pledge offering from our weekly worship services for the next year. 


Annual Congregational Meeting Too!

4:00 p.m.

childcare provided.

Agenda includes selection of 25% Fund recipient, elections of Board, Leadership Cultivation, Special Purposes Fund, affirmation of Ministerial Search Committee, reports, budget approval for 2015-16. It'll be action-packed!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Glimpses of Grace
The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

          In this worship service, Reverend Macklin will explore a collection of  readings from Madeleine L'Engle entitled Glimpses of Grace, which provide bits of wisdom and provocative insight.  As part of her reflections, Reverend Macklin will highlight our congregation's Caring Committee and current issues around end-of-life decisions.


   Board of Directors, UU Church of Bloomington


Leadership Cultivation Slate for Congregational Meeting


The Leadership Cultivation Committee (LCC) is pleased to announce its slate to be voted on at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 7. For positions on the Board and Special Purposed Committee we are happy the following individuals already serving are willing to be nominated and continue in their current roles:  Von Welch, Board Vice President; Arzetta Hults-Losensky, Board Treasurer; Doug Cauble and Deb Hutton, Board Directors At-Large; and Joanne Wilhelm, Special Purposes Fund Committee. For the the LCC itself, we are pleased to announce the nomination of Sheri Benham, Danny Callison and Matt Stonechiper to fill the positions vacated by Allison Chopra, Carol McCord and Michelle Cook. They will join Harv Hegarty on the LCC.  --Von Welch, Vice President of the Board

Our Folks...

     Our best wishes for quick healing are with Nancy Lair, who is recovering at Bloomington Hospital from recent surgery. Cards and notes sent to her home address are welcome.      

     Our sympathy is with Laura Campbell and her family upon the passing of her husband Robert Campbell on May 18. A celebration of life will be held here for Bob on Saturday, July 3 at 2:00 p.m.

     The memorial service for Arda Landergren, who died on March 20, will be held here on Saturday, June 13 at 3:00 p.m.


Some Interim Insights - The Neutral Zone


It has been helpful of late to review the work of William Bridges and his book, "Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. "  Given the sort of ministry in which I am engaged, it has been a frequent guidebook in my work.  If you haven't read it, I recommend it for thinking about this time in the life of a congregation, and times of change in your own life as well.  


What happens in the Neutral Zone

I am particularly engaged by his description what happens in the "neutral zone".  The time after a significant change has occurred, but the next chapter has yet to make itself clear.  It is a time when old clarities break down and much is in flux. Bridges reminds us that such periods can manifest in individual lives, in groups of all sizes and even for entire civilizations.  He is helpful and clear in his reminder that there are identifiable outward symptoms that present themselves when a community is within the neutral zone. He points out that in many organizations anxieties rise and motivation falls during this time.  It can be a period where disorientation and self-doubt become more apparent.  It is usually NOT a time of strongest productivity-- many organizations even see higher absenteeism during this period.  Bridges states that it is a time when old wounds,  many assumed to be addressed and healed, tend to flare up. Weaker aspects in a system tend to become more apparent, and there is greater potential for polarization. Some people want to, perhaps understandably, rush through this difficult time, and still others want to return to older ways when they felt more secure.


Such a State Helps the Congregation Flourish

 I  was reminded in my reading that while the neutral zone has impact for everyone in the system, it is null especially intensive for lay-leaders and staff in an organization.  It brought back vivid memories of how heavy the neutral zone felt for me as a senior minister.  It felt like I was a migrating bird in the lead of a V-formation taking the most wind resistance.  Birds instinctively switch out who is in the lead so that no one has to work that hard for too long.  That is wise, but not so easy to do when one is the lead minister.  The Rev. Mary Ann Macklin has been working extra hard in this time of great change and grief. She is a minister of great skill, resilience and profound integrity, and the last months have asked a lot of her.  Add to that, that this is also a time when a senior minister needs to explore how to make one's ministry sustainable, fulfilling and engaging for the next chapter in the life of the congregation.  From such a ministry of strength and fulfillment one can staff to balance out the health of the organization.  Such a state helps the congregation flourish.


A Time of Significant Potential

I can imagine you might wonder, why anyone would NOT want to escape the Neutral Zone as quickly as possible?  Bridges reminds us that this time has another possibility beyond just the difficulties. He emphasizes that it is a time of significant potential for rejuvenating creativity. When things are going smoothly, and the system is operating well, candid self-analysis and healthy transformation are most difficult. An organizational system, whether it is aware of it or not, is too invested in protecting what seems to be working and bringing about successful results.  If a community explores and learns well during this time, the renewal can be astounding. 


The Neutral Zone Calls for Patience and Compassion

The Neutral Zone is a time that calls for patience and compassion for all involved. It is a time when our laity and clergy alike need a little extra TLC and a chance to recharge their batteries.  I commend Rev. Macklin and our dedicated and talented staff for navigating this meaningful year so gracefully!   We are working to make certain that Rev. Macklin is able to use the full time allotted to her this summer to be away from her ministerial duties. 




The Reverend Douglas Wadkins

Interim Minister



It's Not Too Late to
Play Your Part!
     We wish to thank all friends and members of the congregation who have made a stewardship pledge for the upcoming fiscal year so far.  Your support will allow us to create a  budget that truly reflects our values as a congregation.  It is NOT too late to make a pledge and we hope that you will do so.  Click here to make a pledge on-line, or call the church office, 812-332-3695. 

Our sincerest thanks,
Members of the Stewardship Committee
Drew Schrader, Mary Boutain, John Summerlot, Carol Ver Wiebe, Charlie Pickle, Kathie Lazerwitz, Kathleen Sideli, Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, with assistance from Carol Marks      

Summer Children & Youth Religious Education
Childcare will continue during the services
Preschool: meets as usual in Room 103 for the entire summer.
Kindergarten- 8th grade: meets in Room 210 and will Travel in Time to explore Unitarian Universalists.
Middle School and High School Youth are not meeting regularly this summer.  Mark your calendars, youth! We  need your help on Sunday, June 21st and Sunday, July 12th to make sandwiches with the Homelessness Task Force from 10:30-11:30am.   This is a great time to catch up with your friends and do something good.  --Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education, [email protected]

UU Children's Choir

Interested singers, K-6, are welcome to join us! Upcoming Kindergarteners are invited this round, too! Questions? Contact Jill: [email protected]


June 7 Rehearse 10:30-11:00 (Rm 212)

June 14 Rehearse 10:30-11

June 21 Summer Solstice Service, 10:15am (Meet at 9:45am, Sing near beginning of service)



Seeking The Spirit

Shambhala Meditation is Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Fellowship Hall for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. Please bring your own cushion if you have one; sitting in one of the Meeting Room chairs is also fine.


Conscious Contact Meditation, Wednesdays at 5:30

Kris Roehling leads weekly Conscious Contact Meditation from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 207B. This event provides insight meditation supporting recovery in all forms.  

Open Chanting Continues Thursdays at 7:00

Janiece Jaffe will lead open chanting in our Meeting Room from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays in June. All are welcome; no experience necessary!

Official Notice of Congregational Meeting

Sunday, June 7, 2015

4:00 p.m.

2120 North Fee Lane, Bloomington, Indiana

All members encouraged to attend. Childcare provided.


Congregational Meeting Sunday at 4pm!


Our Spring congregational meeting will be this coming Sunday June 7th from 4-5:30pm. Please attend his meeting to hear updates from the ministers, the Board and a number of key church committees. Votes will be held on the 25% Sunday offering recipient, the leadership cultivation committee's slate, and the endorsement of the Board's slate for the Ministerial Search Committee. More information on the Ministerial Search Committee slate can be can be found at We look forward to seeing you there.

Our Congregational Themes


January:     Integrity                May:     Tradition

February:   Faith                     June:     Grace

March:       Resilience             July:       Here & Now    

April:          Revelation            August:  Wonder


What does it mean to live in a state of Grace? 
Building Community

One Service only at 10:15 a.m. June 21 through July 26 

During this time of interim transition, it is a good moment to try a different summer worship experience. With the approval of our Board of Directors and our core staff, we are excited to share that we will be holding one service only each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. from June 21 through July 28 this summer, as an experiment. We have been exploring this idea for several years. Coffee and fellowship hour will take place after the service, at 11:15 a.m.  Our core staff will be working with all of you in the next few weeks  to adjust Sunday meeting and volunteer schedules to accommodate this experiment! Two services at 9:15 and 11:15 will resume on August 2.


Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister

Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Interim Minister  

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Our congregation is flourishing today because visionary early members nurtured it in their lifetimes and through their estate plans.   Now it is our turn to provide the gifts that will sustain this liberal religious community beyond our individual lives.  Your bequest-- a fixed sum or a percentage of your estate--will extend the values you cherish and foster a vibrant future for liberal religion in Southern Indiana.


The members of the Planned Giving Committee (Libby DeVoe, Joan Caulton, Anne Haynes, Clarke Miller) look forward to talking with you about creating a planned gift.  Join us in Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World...Forever! 

Exploring Unitarian Universalism 

Class Meets July 12 and July 19

Are you interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and this congregation?  Whether you are considering membership or are just curious, this class is for you.  The Exploring UU Class will be held 

on Sunday, July 12 and Sunday, July 19 from 2-4 p.m. in the Ralph and Annetta Fuchs Library.  Sign up by Sunday, July 5 at the welcome table in the foyer, or by emailing [email protected]. Childcare is available by prior request.  


East 17th Street closed for construction project

Motorists traveling along the east edge of the Bloomington campus should be aware that East 17th Street is closed through August 7. 17th Street will be closed from St. Paul Catholic Center to Lingelbach Lane. Fee Lane through campus or the Bypass will be the best routes to church from the east side all summer.

Ready to become a member of UU Bloomington?

If this is your community, if you feel at home here, join us! If you would like to make the commitment and become a member of UU Bloomington, the next membership ceremony is Sunday, June 7, between the services, at 10:30am in Room 207B.  (Please note:  We ask for participation in our "Exploring UU" class prior to signing the membership book.) To make arrangements to sign the membership book, please contact Judy Bennett, Connections Coordinator, at 332-3695 or [email protected], no later than Wednesday, June 3.   

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here: 

UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

UU History for You

Thomas Nast and the Political Cartoon


Thomas Nast (1840-1902) was born in Bavaria.  His father, a trombonist, left Germany in 1846 and brought his family to New York City.  Nast was gifted as an artist and became an illustrator for newspapers and magazines. He was sent on assignment to England and to Italy and returned to witness the Civil War.  His drawings of the riots in New York City, mostly by immigrant Irish, which led to the lynching of blacks and to the burning of the Colored Orphan Asylum, made him repudiate his Catholic upbringing. Surprisingly, Nast was virtually illiterate and his wife read to him.  He became a champion of the abolitionist movement and the post war effort to secure opportunities and rights for black Americans.  He also opposed the Oriental exclusion efforts on the West coast.  His cartoons were both sentimental (he gave us the Santa Claus image and made it a family holiday) and stinging.  His drawings on the front lines in the Civil War stimulated recruitment to the Union army.  After the war he became a pro-Republican cartoonist and a friend of President Grant. He took on the corruption in New York City and exposed the Boss Tweed gang so effectively that the city voted them out of office and into prison.  Nast was also a friend of Theodore Roosevelt, and was appointed by him to be a Consul in Ecuador.  He arrived only to succumb shortly after from a yellow fever outbreak.  Nast's activism was admired and promoted by Unitarians and Universalists. 


--Elof Carlson, Congregational Historian


Interested in more UU history and history of our congregation? Read Elof's "Our History and Our Traditions" on our website. -Ed. 

Changing the World

Red Cross Blood Drive June 7, 
8 a.m. - 12 noon
Consider being a blood donor on Sunday, June 7. The Red Cross Blood Bus will be in our parking lot from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon that day. Sign up for an appointment at and use sponsor code "UUC."

2015-16 25% Plate Fund Finalists - Detailed Descriptions
The Social Justice Funds Committee has chosen the 3 finalists for the 25% Plate Fund for 2015-16. The congregation will choose the recipient at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 7th. The three organizations are Bloomington PRIDE's PRISM Youth Community, Girls Inc. of Monroe County and Monroe County CASA. Click here for details about the work these organizations do, and visit the special table in Fellowship Hall throughout May with their materials on display. Each organization will make a short presentation at services on June 7th and will have a representative tabling between services that day to answer any questions you have about their philosophy and services. Thank you to all the church members who nominated local organizations--so much amazing work being done in our community!
--Millie Jackson (Chair) 

Ramadan Iftaar June 26

On Friday, June 26, members of the Islamic Center of Bloomington will join us in celebration of the 2015 holy month of Ramadan, by breaking their daily fast with us in our Fellowship Hall.  For 15 years, the Muslim community of Bloomington has joined Unitarian Universalists for a shared Ramadan/Iftaar meal.  Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, the most blessed month of the year in which Muslims around the world rededicate themselves to God.They abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours, purifying their souls and refocusing attention om God.   


Doors open at 8 p.m. and the call to prayer will occur just before sunset at approximately 9:15.  Breaking of fast begins with the sharing of dates and is followed by a delicious meal prepared by the members of the mosque.   THE FOOD IS DELICIOUS!  Members of our congregation are encouraged to provide desserts for the meal.  Questions, talk with Abby Downey. Click here for details.


Life After Life Film Screening June 18
from Hope for Prisoners Task Force:  There will be a screening of the film Life after Life, a documentary by Terre Haute native and IU graduate Tamara Perkins, on Thursday, June 18th, 7:00PM at the MCPL Auditorium. The film highlights the lives of three paroled prison lifers from San Quentin; how they got into prison in the first place and how their subsequent parole affected their lives. Please join us. (Glenda Breeden, Hope for Prisoners Task Force)  


Helping the Emergency Services Pantry at 

Monroe County United Ministries

June 28 and July 26

Our Helping Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force will sponsor a collection for items for MCUM's emergency pantry. On June 28 and July 26 we are asking friends and members of the church to bring the following items to church: razors, new women's and men's socks, and men's and women's deodorant.  These may be left in the Hunger Task Force basket under the table in the foyer. 

Summer Volunteer Opportunity at Local Food Pantry
Looking for a hands-on volunteer opportunity this summer (and possibly beyond)? The Help Feed Our Hungry Neighbors Task Force runs a food pantry at Walnut Grove Apartments (3100 S Walnut St Pike) the 3rd Friday of each month. We need volunteers to unload food from a truck, set up the pantry and help patrons sign in and select food. It is fun and rewarding work and we need volunteers. Questions? Contact Mary Blizzard ([email protected]). You can use the link below to sign up:   


March in the July 4th Parade!

Our congregation is registered for the July 4th parade.  All members and friends are encouraged to participate.  Each task force, committee, or group is encouraged to develop a mini float on a wagon, bike trailer, or stroller to be pulled (or pushed) in a procession or train along the parade route.  The float should in some fashion represent your group.  This will be an opportunity to present our many and varied social justice efforts and the committees that support their efforts by providing the structure and community within our church.  You can contact me with questions as I will be coordinating.

Phil Cooper, 812.339.1722, [email protected]


Community Connections

Our Faith in Action in the Community 


Middle Way House Volunteer Training June 13
What:   Middle Way House Inc. training for volunteers   When:   Saturday, June 13, 2015
From:   9:00 am to 5:00 pm (break from noon to 1:00 pm)  Where:  Downtown Transit Center (in the multipurpose room)  Located at the corner of 3rd and Walnut.  Middle Way House is seeking to train new volunteers to help maintain the level of service that they provide to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Info: Call (812) 337-4510, or e-mail [email protected]  


Concerning Delegates for UUA General Assembly 
We are looking for a member or members of our congregation interested in being
"cyber" delegates to the UUA/GENERAL ASSEMBLY.  We do have to register
you but you can attend from the "comfort of your home."   You will have a
vote on matters that come before the General Assembly. Please contact
Iris Kiesling, [email protected].  Please let us know by June 10 if you would like to participate. The conference is June 23-26 in Portland, Oregon.
    Our congregation provides financial assistance to our delegates attending General Assembly in person, and we pay the registration fee for all delegates. Talk with Iris Kiesling, [email protected]

UU Humanist Forum Meets on Alternating Sundays

Our Humanist Forum meets on alternating Sundays at 12:45 p.m. upstairs in

Room 210 . This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The forum will meet on Sunday, June 7. The topic is "Charity vs. tax-supported Government Aid," presented by Sandy Dolby.

UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting, Sundays at 12:45 p.m. in Room 210, alternating with the UU Humanist Forum, is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. The UU Freethinkers next meeting is on Sunday, June 14. Info, contact John Crosby.   

Contact a Minister

     Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, or [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her mobile number, 812-322-0205.


    Reverend Doug Wadkins, our Interim Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 207 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call his home study number, 812-369-4179.


    Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, our Minister of Religious Education, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 203 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her at home, 812-333-9822.


All ministers have voicemail on their numbers so that you can leave a private message.  





Who to Call about Building Problems

If you notice a problem with the building, please contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator, [email protected], 812-332-3695, ext. 200, and she will contact the experts to get it taken care of.

Attendance and Membership

Current Membership: 479   Certified Membership as of 2/1/2015: 468



Sunday, May 24                   9:15: 100;       11:15:123;     RE: 75            Total:  298

Sunday, May 31                   9:15: 99;         11:15: 116;    RE: 47            Total:  262

Non-Pledge Offering

5/24 - $409;  5/31 - $468

Total to be donated to Susie's Place - $235.43

Grocery Card Sales

May 24           $900, income to UUCB $45.00

May 31           $2,075, income to UUCB $103.75

Livestreaming of Sunday Services
Livestreaming the Sunday Services Link:
As archived videos of service become available they will also be at the link listed above.
--Andy Beargie, Multi-media Specialist, [email protected]

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at 

Click on "Full Calendar" and then on the date you are interested in. You can also search for a specific event! Our facebook page also has scads of useful information:  It's open to all and you don't need a Facebook account to read it.

Next issue, Monday, June 15. 

Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on date of publication, to [email protected].  The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions. Next few publication dates: 6/15, 7/6, 7/20, 8/3, 8/17, 9/8 (a Tuesday), 9/21.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695