The Prologue
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World



January 25

Town Hall Meeting on Ministerial Search

12:45 p.m.


February 7

Building a Culture of Generosity Workshop

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.



Quick Links
Our Folks
Board Update
Travel Sized Toiletries Collection
Youth News
Exploring UU History
Alliance February 5
Parking on the Grass
Valentine Tea
UU History for You
Simplicity Circle
Blood Drive
UU Regional Meeting
Contact a Minister

Sunday, January 25, 2015    9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.


Devil's Backbone:  Integrity and Climate Change

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

          This worship service will not dedicate much time or energy to proving that Climate Change is real; we will conserve energy on that note.  Rather, the sermon, based on the reality of Climate Change, will explore what our congregation is doing to combat climate change, and will address several challenges/myths that liberal thinkers often fail to question.    

           Remember to also attend the Town Hall Meeting on the search for our new Associate Minister at 12:45 p.m. in the Meeting Room.


Sunday, February 1, 2015    9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.


Faith: Embracing Past, Present and Future    

The Reverend Doug Wadkins

        A new month and new theme reveals itself to us.  We will explore faith this month in a variety of ways.  This month we explore the various ways to respond to the question, What does it mean to be a people of faith?  This service will honor the ways our answering of this question continues to evolve.  Learning from our past, living fully in our present will help us move into our futures with greater depth and courage. Together, let us consider how this may be so.


MAM's  Musings

     I am rereading Ram Dass and Paul Gorman's insightful book, "How Can I Help?" which explores our many motivations for helping others as well as barriers, boundaries and burnout.  It is important, when time permits, to listen within when responding to outward calls to help.


     One of the calls for help issued during Sunday's Martin Luther King, Jr worship service involves the Intercultural Competency Workshop which will be held here March 27th and March 28thThis workshop asks us to grow and deepen our capacity for successful multicultural ministries and stronger intercultural relationships.  This work is seen as critical to the fulfillment of our vision for Unitarian Universalism and building the beloved community. In these days of increasing complexity in diversity in our world, and congregations, learning how to work more effectively with people who are different than us is important--we need to develop skills and attitudes that assist us in getting where we want to go. 


     The workshop is about the "differences that make a difference" in every setting, including race, class, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or any other difference that might be key in our interactions. It is applicable in congregational life, but also in your work, leisure and private life.


     The program will begin Friday evening (3 hours) and all day Saturday into the evening, ending no later than 9pm.  It is a big commitment of time and energy as well as soul searching work.   We hope you will consider attending.  We will keep you informed regarding registration as the number of attendees is limited.


      Reverend Wadkins and I will also be providing more details regarding Selma Sunday and BlackLivesMatter non-violent responses in our next Prologue.   


      "Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love."--Martin Luther King, Jr.


Peace, MAM

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister


Some Interim Thoughts


We are a busy and proactive congregation!  January is filled with events that will help us move forward in 2015 with great clarity and renewed engagement in our focus of Seeking the Spirit, Building Community and Changing the World.   As the leadership in the congregation gleefully planned the month, we realized that we were asking our congregational leaders to attend too many weekend events in a row!   Out of those events, the event that made the most sense to move was the Our Living Faith event originally scheduled for January 31.  We are looking at a March reschedule, I will get the word out to you as soon as we finalize plans.

On another note,  when I began ministry, the phenomenon that is Facebook, and other social media, was not even a twinkle in our imagination. It has become a significant aspect of ministry. Therefore, Interim ministers often explore this realm with the congregations they serve and seek clarity. For interims, the finitude of our terms of ministry reminds us to talk about it sooner rather than later. Each minister will have her/his own approach.   I find Facebook to be an important source of information about both the congregations I serve and the world in which we live. It can also be absurdly time-consuming, so I seek to practice judicious limits on my time online.  There is MUCH that could be said, but for now I will say that I would be more than happy to be your Facebook friend.  If you are so inclined, feel free to "friend" me.  While I have friends on FB from a wide range of my life,  I primarily consider my connections on there to be an aspect of ministry. 


In a broader sense, it is important to not assume that all ministers handle social media the same way.  In particular, ministers have differing thoughts about who they will friend on FB, and many of my colleagues believe it is a best-practice to "unfriend" congregants when they complete their ministry in that congregation. There are some good reasons for this practice. However, after exploring my thoughts on this topic, I continue to follow a different approach.  I find Facebook  helpful in maintaining  connections with people from different places and spaces in my life in a hospitable and broad-based manner. Once I leave the congregation, I will not generally engage congregants in conversation, but value social media's insight into the continued forward movement of life. When I leave, I will invite you to move forward and invest your energies in your relationships with your current and future leadership in the congregation. I look forward to fostering caring connections for the time we will share.


See you soon!


The Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Interim Minister

Our Folks...

     Our thoughts are with Susan Bookout and her family on the news of the death of Susan's father, Paul Drake, on January 7.  He was in hospice care in Tucson, AZ at the time of his death.  Susan & Deandra have been able to be present and continue to care for their family.  They plan to continue their journey west to settle in Portland, OR when the time with family is complete.
     Congratulations to Matthew McIntosh, son of Kitty and Eric McIntosh, whose small group at Jackson Creek Middle School won this year's MLK Day Video Contest award!

     Congratulations also to John Crosby on the recent publication of Divided We Stood --A Tale of the Lost Orders. Crosby, a retired Professor of Marriage Studies and Marriage/Family Therapy (University of Kentucky), has ventured into the genre of historical fiction with his account of what might have happened had General Robert E. Lee's Special Order 191 not been found by the Yankees. To order a copy, see or


Board of Directors, Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington:
Pat Brantlinger, Von Welch, Deb Hutton, Ann LeDuc, Kathy Sideli, Doug Cauble, and Arzetta Hults-Losensky


Town Hall Meeting on Ministerial Search -- Sunday, January 25th 
On January 25th, after second service at 12:45pm, there will be a Town Hall Meeting, open to all friends and members, to learn more about forming our Ministerial Search Committee for finding our next Minister. Childcare will be provided.  Please see for more information. 
Seeking The Spirit
Travel Size Toiletries Drive - January 11-23

Religious Education is collecting new travel-size toiletries for the Shalom Community Center. Please place 

donations in the basket under the Social Justice table in the Commons.

Fourth Friday Fellowship - January 23
Join us for a potluck dinner and fun opportunities to serve together at the Fourth Friday Fellowship 
Potluck, January 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
For more information contact Adrienne Summerlot at [email protected]

Find the event here on Facebook; newcomers and visitors are especially welcome!

Soul Food Dinner, Saturday, February 7th- 6:00-8:00pm
UU friend Renee Reed is hosting (and helping cook!) our annual Soul Food Dinner!

$5 adults/ $3 children includes African peanut stew, black-eyed peas, fried catfish, macaroni and cheese, 

cornbread, collard greens, and peach cobbler. Yum! We're also seeking volunteers on Friday or 

Saturday to help with food prep, set up and clean up. Contact Adrienne Summerlot, 

[email protected] if you can help or if you need childcare for the event. 

Find the event here on Facebook and invite your friends.

--Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education  
Youth News: Continuuing Connections
Over the past several years, we have been saddened by the pattern we have observed in our religious education program: the vast majority of our youth stop coming to our congregation long before they graduate from high school.  This pattern is very common in congregations, and many, including ours, have been seeking ways to better serve our youth.  

We were thrilled when we discovered a thoughtful, research-based program for doing just that.  It is called Sticky Faith, and it includes resources to 
     * help us connect our teens with people of all ages, 
     * deepen their inner connection to Unitarian Universalism
     * accompany youth as they make the transition from high school to college or career.  

We have a working group of 10 people who are committed to beginning to apply some of this research in our community through participating in a cohort of churches exploring these youth issues together.  This year-long program is being offered to us through the work of the Center for Congregations in Indianapolis, which has generously supported our ministry through grants and programs for many years.  It is a great opportunity to focus our attention on this area of need in our congregation.

Unfortunately, after we started the program, we discovered that although Sticky Faith itself is written in a non-denominational and non-judgmental way, the youth institute that developed it is connected to Fuller Theological Seminary.  Fuller holds anti-gay values that are repugnant to us as Unitarian Universalists.  This discovery has led us to do a lot of soul-searching: considering whether we could continue to work with this excellent program given its pedigree.  After much research and conversation, we have concluded that the best thing for us to do is to both continue this critical work for our youth and to continue to be a vocal presence combating heterosexist norms at cohort meetings.  We also agreed that within our congregation we will be calling this work Continuuing Connections, to avoid any confusion regarding any perceived affiliation with Fuller Theological Seminary or its viewpoint.

If you would like to hear more about this important work with our youth or would like to get involved, please don't hesitate to contact any one of us.

Many thanks,

Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
Adrienne Summerlot, Yvonne Wittmann, Phil Cooper, Sophie Krahnke, Amy Makice, Michelle Cook, Martha Oakley, Abe Leite, Mara Flynn

Monday Shambhala Meditation is Every Monday at Noon 

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Meeting Room for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. Please bring your own cushion; sitting in one of the Meeting Room chairs is also fine.




Our Congregational Themes for 2014-15


January:   Integrity                

February:   Faith          

March:       Resilience               

April:          Revelation    


How does Integrity help you Seek the Spirit, Build Community, and Change the World?  
Building Community
NEW! Exploring UU History on January 25,  

a class for those wanting more details on UU History. Sunday January 25th, 2:00-3:00 pm. Led by Stuart Yoak.  Exploring UU History is open to anyone in the congregation.  Free child care is provided.  For more information contact Judy Bennett, 

[email protected]. Register at [email protected]  

Women's Alliance Thursday, February 5 

Please join us in Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 5, for fellowship and an informative program. Bring your lunch; desserts and beverages will be provided by hosts Carol Arnold and Karen Cassidy.

Building a Culture of Generosity -- February 7

This workshop with Dori Davenport Thexton on Saturday, February 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. is designed to build and train a team of people - lay leaders and professional staff - to support the annual pledge campaign in your congregation.

     Teams of five or more from each congregation who will support and run the pledge campaign will spend the day:

  • Exploring generosity as a spiritual practice
  • Imagining what their congregation would look like if it was truly generous
  • Examining obstacles to creating the culture of generosity in their congregation
  • Creating ways to enable members to experience the joys and rewards of being generous
  • Learning about the vital link between mission and generosity

     It is crucial that the teams be large enough to ensure success in bringing their experiences and knowledge home, hence the requirement of 5 or more. It is also very important that a key staff member - either minister or another professional staff member - be part of the team, since staff involvement in creating the culture of generosity is essential. 

     There will be time during the day for the teams to work together on plans for their own congregations, as well as times for networking, sharing and inspiring each other. In addition to members of our congregation, UU congregations from around the MidAmerica UU Region are invited.   More info here.

Ready to become a member of UU Bloomington?

     If this is your community, if you feel at home here, join us! If you would like to make the commitment and become a member of UU Bloomington, the next opportunity is Sunday, February 15th, at 10:30am in Room 207B.  (We ask for participation in our "Exploring UU" class prior to signing the membership book.)   Contact Judy Bennett, Membership Coordinator, 332-3695, [email protected] by Wednesday, February 11th. 

A Bustle in the Hedgerow, and Please Don't Park on the Grass 

The IU grounds crew is busy across the road this morning with dump trucks and peat moss; perhaps they are making some new flower beds. This reminds us to remind you that IU has requested that we not park on the grassy areas on the west side of Fee Lane. We may park on the paved parking areas there, but not along the driveways. During softball and baseball season, they ask that we park only at the north end of the paved parking, so that team buses and fans can use the rest of the area. In winter and spring, it is also important not to park on the grass here, or on our neighbor's property to the south, as the weight of vehicles on freezing and thawing soil can create giant mudholes. For a parking map, click  here.  

Of Hacking and Changing Passwords

More often than we like, we receive obviously inauthentic emails at church from complete strangers pretending to be one of you, and realize that a member's email account has been hacked by some unscrupulous person or an internet robot created by such an individual. It's a good idea to change your personal email password frequently and to make it as complex as possible to help prevent this kind of mishap. It is also important to immediately delete such emails from your inbox. We are working on feeling compassion for the karmic predicament of hackers and their ilk, but it's challenging! -Carol Marks, Church Administrator  

 Friday, February 13: Save the Date!

On Friday, February 13, the Elder Focus Task Force is hosting the Third
Annual Valentine's Tea to celebrate church elders.  We will gather from 2:00-4:00 in Fellowship Hall.  Look for more details in the next Prologue.   

  Join UU Fellowship Dinners!

These small potluck dinner gatherings are held in private homes and are the perfect way to meet others in our church community. Everyone - church members and friends - is welcome, and you can sign up any time. You contribute food and conversation. Register at Click the link to the form under "Fellowship Dinners." Complete the form and attach it to an email to [email protected] Forms are also available at church in the literature racks.-- Linda Pickle


Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Feminism

     Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) was born in Connecticut and died in California.  She is best known as the author of a feminist classic, the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper (1890), which was based on her own post-partum depression.  She came from an unhappy home with an unaffectionate mother and a father who was a distant visitor who left the home. She grew up in poverty with occasional help from relatives, like her aunt, Harriet Beecher Stowe.  She was largely self taught and took an interest in writing.  She became a feminist, poet, novelist, magazine publisher, and public speaker.  She argued for a humanism that rejected patriarchy.  She argued that "there is no female brain.... might as well speak of a female liver."   She was a Darwinist but felt he overstated male roles in evolution.  She married twice and had one daughter.  Her books on the oppression of women made her a leading feminist at the start of the twentieth century and her views won support among many Unitarian and Universalist women.  The Yellow Wallpaper is still admired today for its revelation of how "the rest cure" was prescribed for so-called "hysterical" women like her. What she needed was stimulation and opportunity to explore her talents.  What she was given was isolation and removal of all stimulation except for the yellow wallpaper in the room where she was confined, and that was driving her mad.   Elof Carlson, Congregational Historian  

Problem with the Building! Who Ya Gonna Call?

Contact the Church Administrator

If you notice anything awry with the building, of a non-emergency nature, please contact Carol Marks, our Church Administrator, who is the first point of contact for problems with the building. She will then call the experts who can deal with whatever it is, as promptly as possible. Of course if the building is on fire, evacuate and call 911! To report building problems, contact Carol at [email protected] or 812-332-3695, ext. 200.

Free online interview series

 Participants include leading experts and activists, including James Hansen, Bill McKibben, U. S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Heinberg, James Howard Kunstler, Paul Hawken, Tim deChristopher, and dozens more.    

Rev. Michael Dowd, who spoke here last year, completed the UU-honoring online Symposium (virtual conference) that he was working on at the time, titled, "The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness".  The 55 Skype interviews ( "a veritable Who's Who of pro-science prophetic inspiration") that make up this series can be freely accessed for two weeks, from January 26 - February 8.  Beyond that, the entire set of 55 audios, videos, and transcripts can be purchased for $25. Sign up here to receive the schedule or for more information.    -Rev. Michael Dowd 

Changes Coming for Kroger Grocery Card Users

For several years, we have participated in the Kroger gift card program, which results in 5% of purchases with Kroger gift cards coming back to the church.  Kroger recently announced that they have discontinued their Kroger Cares fundraising assistance to non-profit organizations through Kroger gift cards. In its place they have instituted a new program whereby individuals enroll their Kroger Plus Card, designate UU Bloomington as the recipient of rewards, and shop at Kroger being sure to scan their Kroger Plus Card on each visit. Every time an enrolled individual shops using their registered Kroger Plus Card, UU Bloomington will earn rewards. Kroger gift cards that you may have already purchased here at church do not expire; use them just as you have in the past. You will be able to enroll in the new program sometime in February pending Kroger's approval of our participation in the new program. We will keep you updated!  

Hospitality for Those with Allergies

As a courtesy to our friends and members who have allergies to fragrances, we are designating the west section of the Meeting Room (next to the sliding glass doors and tall narrow windows) as Fragrance Free. Please do not sit there if you have used any fragrances.  Anyone else is welcome to sit in this area.  Thank you for your consideration. 

UUs Who Can Provide a Variety of Professional Services - 

List and Waiver Form Now Available

The Elder Focus Task Force has compiled a list of Unitarian Universalists who are available for hire for a variety of tasks including Pet Sitting, Home Healthcare, Organizational Skills, Carpentry, Counseling, Sewing Machine repair, Building Construction. The list and the liability waiver form are posted here:  

   UUs for Hire and Liability Waiver

Changing the World

Simplicity Circle on January 25

As part of the Green Sanctuary Task Force's Habit of the Month Program, we'll be hosting a drop-in Simplicity Circle on Sundays between services, 10:30-11:10 a.m. in Room 110. Check out the Friday UU Update for the topic of the week. More info: [email protected].   

Red Cross Blood Drive Here January 27

Sign up on Sunday, January 25 for an appointment to give blood, here in our Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, January 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Look for the sign up sheet in the Commons on Sunday. 

Summer Youth Progams from the  

UU College of Social Justice 

The UU College of Social Justice sponsors some inspiring summer youth programming. See details here:   

Registration and Housing Open Now 
April 17-18 UU Regional Meeting in Naperville
Online registration and housing reservations are now open for the MidAmerica UU Region's annual meeting in Naperville, April 17-18, 2015. Reverend Rosemary Bray McNatt and Reverend Marlin Lavanhar are the keynote speakers and many engaging and informative workshops will also be presented. Members of our congregation are eligible to serve as delegates and will have their registration fee covered by the congregation. If you are interested in being a delegate, contact Iris Kiesling, [email protected] 

Deepening Your UU Experience

The Denominational Affairs Committee encourages all Church members, especially those of have never done so, to attend the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association (GA).   This annual gathering of UUs each June does the business of the Association, chooses denomination-wide social justice priorities, and rekindles our inspiration to transform ourselves, our communities, and our world.  There are workshops that offer valuable concepts, skills, and organizing ideas that you can bring back to the congregation.  Our Church is entitled to ten delegates.  This year, GA will be from June 24 to 28 in Portland, Oregon.  The keynote lecturer will be Dr. Cornell West.  Some scholarships are available, and the Church pays registration fees for all delegates.  Please contact Iris Kiesling [email protected] or the Church office for more information.  

Social Justice Funds Committee Announces  

Fall 2014 Social Justice Grant Recipients 

The Social Justice Funds Committee is pleased to announce the recipients of Social Justice Grants from our Fall Campaign. Congratulations!


Elder Focus Task Force Books/Course Project--$260 

Habitat for Humanity Task Force Elderly/Disabled Housing Project--$500 

Homelessness Task Force Interfaith Winter Shelter--$1675

Rainbow Rights Task Force PRISM Youth Project -- $2500

Reproductive Justice Snack Brigade -- $400 


The Social Justice Funds Committee: Jana Anna, Anna Beauchamp, Millie Jackson, Steve Mascari and Ellen Tamura. 

UU Humanist Discussion Group Meets on Alternating Sundays

Our Humanist Discussion group meets on alternating Sundays at 12:45 p.m. upstairs in

Room 210. This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The next meeting is on Sunday, February 1; the topic is "Balancing Compassion with Critical Analysis"  and will be led by Noretta Koertge. 

UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting, Sundays at 12:45 p.m. in Room 210, alternating with the UU Humanist Forum, is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. The UU Freethinkers next meeting is on Sunday, January 25. Info, contact John Crosby.   

Community Connections
Our Faith in Action in the Community


Uninsured and Need Medical Services?

Are you uninsured and struggling to pay for medical services?  If so, you may be eligible for free medical services. Volunteers in Medicine provides free, high-quality medical care for both immediate and long-term conditions. If you live in Monroe or Owen Counties, have no health insurance and are struggling to make ends meet, please call Jo at 812-333-4039 to see if you are eligible for free medical care.    -- Nancy E. Richman, Executive Director

Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of Monroe County 

Contact a Minister

    Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, or [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her mobile, 812-322-0205


    Reverend Doug Wadkins, our Interim Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 207 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call his home study number, 812-369-4179.


Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, our Minister of Religious Education, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 203 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her at home, 812-333-9822.

    All ministers have voicemail on their numbers so that you can leave a private message.  

Attendance and Membership

Current Membership: 468    Certified Membership as of 2/1/2014: 492

We'll be updating our certified membership with the UUA by January 31.


Sunday, January 11               9:15:    114;     11:15:  195;     RE:      154      Total:   463

Sunday, January 18               9:15:    126;     11:15   195;     RE:      134      Total:  455

Non-Pledge Offering

1/11 - $659;  1/18- $719;         Total to be donated to Susie's Place - $344.38

Grocery Card Sales

January 11      $950, income to UUCB $44.50

January 18      $1,025, income to UUCB $99.50

Limiting Doors Unlocked for Evening Meetings and Events 

Unless your event or meeting is being held in the Meeting Room, for evening meetings please unlock and use courtyard or portico entrances only. This helps us with building security.  Questions, contact Carol Marks, Church Administrator, [email protected], 812-332-3695, ext. 200 

Masthead photo credit: John Woodcock

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at 

Click on "Full Calendar" and then on the date you are interested in. You can also search for a specific event! Our facebook page also has scads of useful information:  It's open to all and you don't need a Facebook account to read it.

Next issue, Monday, February 2. 

Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on 2/2/2015, to Carol Marks at [email protected].  The Prologue is published on the first and third Mondays of each month, with exceptions. Next few publication dates: 2/2, 2/17, 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, 4/20.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Bloomington IN 47408, 812-332-3695