The Prologue
Monday, October 6, 2014
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana

Congregation founded 1949

GLBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995

Green Sanctuary since 2007

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World

October 8

Shadows of Liberty

Film screening

7:00 p.m.


October 19

Interim Ministry Discussion

with Rev. Wadkins

2:00 p.m.

October 19

Climate Change

Potluck & Discussion

6:00 p.m.


October 24

UU Choir &

Bloomington Community Band


7:00 p.m.


October 24-25

Intercultural Competency

conference in Louisville


Quick Links
Featured Reading
Sunday, October 12
Sunday, October 19
UU Board Update
UU Library Catalogs
Spirit Play for All
Shambhala Meditation
OWL for Adults
Themes for 2014
Caring Committee
Become a Greeter
White Elephant's Trunk
Bazaar Books
Cookie Walk
Gourmet Galaxy
Stewardship Thanks
UU Humanists
UU Freethinkers
Experiencing Aging
Shadows of Liberty
Spencer Pride
Climate Potluck
Clothing Swap
Gasland 2 Film
UU History
UU Skilled Workers
Contact a Minister



Welcome to Our Newly Formatted Prologue!

We are using this new format to make The Prologue even more useful to everyone. To the left, you will see Quick Links to the articles in this issue, so you can go direct to the info you need. There are also links to more detailed information on the web for several of the articles. With briefer, clearer articles, our dream is to make it possible for you to read The Prologue before your coffee gets cold! --Carol Marks, Editor 

Sunday, October 12, 2014    9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

"Sounding Out Inheritance"

Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

We continue to explore this month's theme of Inheritance through reflection and special musical selections. What does inheritance mean in your life? Is there a melody of inheritance? Our Social Justice Moment will be delivered by the Hope for Persons Incarcerated Task Force.

Sunday, October 19, 2014     9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

"Inheritance and the Circle of Life"

Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

Join us as we explore the meaning of inheritance for us as Unitarian Universalists. We will also recognize our Minister Emerita Reverend Barbara Carlson between services, for her many years of service and the legacy she leaves to this congregation as she prepares to move away from Bloomington.

UU Board Update    

As the congregation pondered deep listening during the month of September, your board members also engaged in deep listening as we fully incorporated our newest board members along with Reverend Wadkins into our monthly discussions.  Given the important role of an interim minister, we are looking to Reverend Wadkins' observations as we take stock of our board practices and policies under the leadership of our senior minister, Reverend Macklin. 


In a few weeks we will have our annual fall board retreat where we will develop a detailed plan and timeline for establishing our process for soliciting nominations for the ministerial search committee from the congregation.  Members of the congregation will then have the opportunity to vote for members of the search committee at the spring congregational meeting so that the committee can start its duties in the summer of 2015. 


The board is also in consultation with the leadership of the Stewardship Committee to assess the outcome of the most recent pledge drive.  Since new pledges as well as old pledge payments continue to trickle in, getting an accurate snapshot is a challenge. Expect more detailed information on all these important matters soon.  Never hesitate to look at the board minutes on-line ( ) or to consult a board member if you are interested in any of these topics.


We look forward to our October theme of Inheritance, which will have us exploring many of this congregation's legacies and heritage stories throughout the month.


Kathleen Sideli, President


Seeking The Spirit
What's that thing? Library Thing!
Did you know you can NOW search our church library collection catalogs, both adult and youth, online?  Simply visit for Adults or for Children.  Contact Congregational Librarian Wendy Bethel for more information, [email protected] 

Our kids exploring the spiritual practice of yoga with Sarah Flint, October 5, in Religious Exploration.
Spirit Play for All!
Our Spirit Play groups are exploring the theme of
Inheritance through story, reflection, crafting, and spiritual practices. Everyone is welcome.  Sign up is required.  Email [email protected].
Monday, October 12, 6:30-8:30pm Spirit Play for Grown-ups
Thursday, October 15, 5:30-7pm Spirit Play for All Ages with shared pizza dinner. 

Monday Shambhala Meditation is Ongoing

Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Meeting Room for an hour of Shambhala Meditation with Sarah Flint. Please bring your own cushion; sitting in one of the Meeting Room chairs is also fine.



Our Whole Lives for Young Adults and Adults

Over 18?  Wondering when will there be an Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Program for you? January 2015 to early March 2015!  Information Session for Adult/Young Adult OWL,  Sunday Nov 2, 12:30-1:30 in Room 208.  Meet the trained course facilitators: the Rev. Doug Wadkins and Amy Taylor, learn about the program,  & help schedule.  Starts Sunday, Jan 11, 1-4 pm.  This will be a safe space to learn & question.  Interested and can't make Nov 2? Please contact [email protected], or 812-332-3695 ext 204 with your contact information.  -Amy Taylor  


Ready to become a member of UU Bloomington?

If this is your community, if you feel at home here, join us! If you would like to make the commitment and become a member of UU Bloomington, the next opportunity is Sunday, November 2nd, at 10:30am in Room 207B.  (We ask for participation in our "Exploring UU" class prior to signing the membership book.)

Contact Judy Bennett, Membership Coordinator, 

332-3695 [email protected] by Wednesday, October 29th.


Our Congregational Themes for 2014

January:   Inquiry           February: Connection    March: Generosity    

April:  Honesty               May: Beauty                   June: Love    

July:  Hospitality            August: Creativity           September: Deep Listening    

October: Inheritance   November: Possibility    December:  Hope

How does the idea of Inheritance help you Seek the Spirit, Build Community, and Change the World?

[photo by John Woodcock]  

Building Community

How Can We Help?    

Get To Know The UU Caring Committee

The UU Caring Committee can provide assistance to members of our congregation in many ways, with the help of volunteers. Here is a list of ways we can help: transportation to medical appointments; provide prepared meals (for up to one week) after a hospital stay or rehabilitation stay at Bell Trace or Meadowood health pavilion or a new baby arrival; assist with food preparation, presentation and clean-up for UU member memorial services in our Fellowship Hall. 

Caring Committee: Sharon Yarber, Chair; Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Reverend Doug Wadkins            

Anna Wiley - Transportation; Doris Wittenburg - Memorial Receptions; Marlin Howard - Memorial Receptions; Ruth Ann Cooper - Cards; Kathy Sideli, Von Welch, Judy Bennett, Mary Hambly

Elder Focus Task Force: Barb Backler, Chair; Reverend Emily Manvel Leite, Judy Allensworth,

Judy Berkshire, Patsy Flint, Mary Hambly, Jean Knowlton, Jenae McElwain, Paul McElwain, 

Sue Medland, Pat Reitemeier, Will Watt

If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Sharon Yarber at  [email protected] To request one of the services of the Caring Committee, please contact one of the ministers at 332-3695.


Become a Greeter!

You can provide an important service to the church by becoming a Greeter or Newcomer Welcomer-and it is a great way to meet people. Greeter training will be held Sunday, Oct. 26 at 12:45 pm in the Meeting Room. Join us!   

UUKnitarians  Meet  October 8  

The knitting/crochet group will meet on the second Wednesday through April 2015. Next meeting is October 8 at 7:00 p.m.  All skill levels welcome. Make something for the Holiday Bazaar or finish up something you are making for yourself. Come and join us! 

- Judy Bennett, Membership Coordinator, [email protected] 



UU Holiday Art Fair and Bazaar

December 5 & 6 !


White Elephant Items for the Holiday Bazaar

The White Elephant knows that all UUs have valuable items they no longer need or want but that will be desired by others shopping at the Bazaar.   If you have items such as holiday decorations, children's toys, exotic collectibles, or truly White Elephants, please donate them to the White Elephant's Trunk at this year's Bazaar. We can receive donations starting Nov. 30. Want to help organize and price items? please contact Doris Wittenburg, (336-4993 or [email protected]


Read and Recycle

Support the Holiday Bazaar Book Sale!  Cull through your library and find those books you are ready to pass along to another reader.  DVD's and CD's also welcome but please no VHS tapes, magazines or sheet music. For ease of shelving, please sort books by fiction/nonfiction.  Drop your items off at the church beginning Sunday, November 30 at 1:00 p.m. You may continue to bring books until Thursday, December 4. No book donations after December 4, please! Questions? Contact Abby at [email protected] or 812-824-7755.  

Cookie Bakers!

First comes autumn, then Thanksgiving, and then..the 56th ANNUAL UU HOLIDAY ART FAIR AND BAZAAR!  Start now on your plans for cookies to contribute; it's fine to make ahead and freeze them. Last year's cookie variety was a delight, and we sold them all! Rolled ones, frosted ones, bar cookies and new surprises - we love them all! Questions? Mary Jo Conley ( 988-6130 or [email protected]) and 

Meg Sears, your Cookie Walk co-chairs 

Gourmet Galaxy Seeks Donors of Deliciousness

It's not too early to start looking up those treasured holiday recipes and deciding which ones you'd like to prepare and donate in December. That's when the church asks for contributions to the Gourmet Galaxy of the Holiday Art Fair and Bazaar to be held on December 6th and 7th. Look for sign-up sheets in Fellowship Hall in November.

Ann LeDuc and Molly Gleeson, Co-chairs of the Gourmet Galaxy



Stewardship Campaign Thanks

We want thank everyone who has made a financial pledge to support the work of this congregation for the current (2014-15) fiscal year.   We are very proud that this year's Stewardship Campaign did see an overall increase from last year's total pledges and are grateful for each of you who make a financial commitment to sustain and grow this beloved spiritual community.   We are also grateful for the care and efforts people make to fulfill these commitments alongside the many gifts of time and talent that benefit us all as well.   We continue to make progress as a congregation towards a budget that fully reflects our values as Unitarian Universalists, and we are excited about where this will take us in the future.  Thank you!

Drew Schrader and Mary Boutain Stewardship Co-Chairs 

UU Humanist Discussion Group Meets on Alternating Sundays

Our Humanist Discussion group meets on alternating Sundays at 12:45 p.m. upstairs in

Room 210. This group offers an opportunity for regular, open, wide-ranging discussions of issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, and the nature of the universe. The next meeting is on Sunday, October 12.  Elof Carlson will lead a discussion on "The Case for a Good Life Without God."


UU Freethinkers Group Enjoys Free Ranging Discussion 

The purpose of the UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting, Sundays at 12:45 p.m. in Room 210, alternating with the UU Humanist Forum, is to create the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social concern, political concern, and theological/religious concern. The UU Freethinkers next meeting is on Sunday, October 19. Info, contact John Crosby.  


Aging and Spirituality Becomes Experiencing Aging

The Aging and Spirituality class has changed its focus to exploring the aging process (with one pathway being spirituality) and so has a new title: Experiencing Aging. Believe it or not, everyone is aging! Join us on the third Tuesday of every month, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Library.  We look at poetry on topic  during the first hour and answer a question in the second hour. Please register for Experiencing Aging by contacting the church office 812-332-3695, ext 204 or [email protected] 


Community Connections

Our Faith in Action in the Community


Mindful Eating Seminar October 8

Mindful eating helps us connect eating with the needs of our bodies -- and minds. In Fellowship Hall, 7:00 p.m. on October 8. All are welcome; optional $5 donation suggested. Event details on our Facebook page:    

Changing the World

Shadows of Liberty 

Film and Discussion

Weds., October 8, 7:00 p.m.

"SHADOWS OF LIBERTY" is an internationally  acclaimed documentary film that reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media:  censorship, cover-up, and corporate control, will be shown in our Meeting Room on October 8 at 7:00 p.m.  The film was shown at the National Conference on Media Reform in Denver in 2013.  Participants in this film include Dan Rather, Daniel Ellsberg, Dick Gregory, Amy Goodman, Julian Assange, John Nichols, and others.  Sponsored by  UU Peace and Justice Task Force, the film is on a national tour and is being shown at many Unitarian Universalist churches. More Info: Film trailer: 

Spencer Pride Special Film at the Tivoli October 8

Celebrating LGBT History Month, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry starring Adam Sandler will be shown at the Tivoli Theater in Spencer. Just drive 30 minutes west on State Road 46, through Ellettsville to Spencer on October 8th at 7 PM.

For more information about the silent auction, entertainment and library display at the Monroe County Public Library, visit Spencer Pride on Facebook, Twitter (@SpencerPrideInc), LinkedIn, and at


People's Climate March: Discussion and Potluck October 19

Whether you attended the People's Climate March in New York, the solidarity event in Bloomington or elsewhere, or were simply with the marchers in spirit, please come share your reflections on the march, the movement, and next steps in the fight against global climate disruption.  The Green Sanctuary Task Force will host a discussion and vegetarian potluck on Sunday, October 19 at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.   Info, contact Stephanie Kimball ([email protected]).


Clothing Swap on Saturday, October 25th
 The Green Sanctuary Task Force is hosting their fall clothing swap on Saturday, October 25th from 10 am - noon in Fellowship Hall. 
Clean out your closets and bring your unneeded clothing (clean and in wearable condition) on Saturday, October 25th to Fellowship Hall. Please drop off clothing starting at 9:30 am and no later than 11 am.  "Shop" for what you can use between 10 am and noon.  No money exchanged for clothing! Clothing for men, women and children welcome. Remaining items will be donated to Opportunity House and Prison Ministries.
To volunteer or for more info contact Stephanie at [email protected] or(812) 361-3889.  


 Macaroni for Shalom!

Our congregation has been supplying Shalom Center with elbow macaroni and spaghetti for the past couple of years and this need continues. Please pick up a box or two of each the next time you grocery shop and place them in the drop box in the Commons. Thank you for helping to feed our hungry neighbors!

The Green Sanctuary Task Force on Global Climate Change Hosts FREE Showing of Gasland 2
Saturday, Oct 25

6pm - Showing of Gasland 2

8pm - Discussion with writer/director/producer Josh Fox

Information: [email protected]

GASLAND 2, picked up where GASLAND left off, with Josh Fox's continued investigation into fracking, its side effects, and the industry's responses to the anti-fracking movement. The Huffington Post wrote, "GASLAND just might be the best film of the year."  And Variety wrote, "If a film can ever enact social change, which is rare, the potency of GASLAND suggests that this may be that film." Childcare provided; please contact Adrienne Summerlot, [email protected] by October 18 if you will need childcare in order to attend.  


UU History for You   

James Relly's Shift from Methodism to Universalism

James Relly (1722-1778) was born in Pembroke, Wales.  He became a Methodist minister but modified his views as he read more widely.  He believed a loving God would not allow humans to suffer eternal punishment.  If humans were steeped in original sin, then they shouldn't be blamed for their failings. If humans learned to do harm to others, they could learn to redeem themselves through good works. Relly was fired as a Methodist in 1746.  With his brother John he wrote a hymnal.  He also wrote a book, Union, in 1759 that spelled out his beliefs.  He preached his doctrine of universal salvation which his critics called "Rellyism" in England and later "noHellism" in the Colonies.  When he preached at major cities in Great Britain, his views were usually rejected.  In Tewkesbury, he was chased out of town by a mob.  His most famous convert was John Murray who established Universalism in the Colonies of North America.  Universalism flourished in the new United States but it failed to take root in England. Sadly, Relly died before he could see the success of Universalism in the U.S. 

Do You Do Housecleaning, Errands, Home Repair, 

Pet Care?

Would you like to work for UUs?

The Elder Focus Task Force is creating a list of UU resource people who would like to work for other members of our congregation, elders and non-elders. Sometimes UUs need services they are happy to pay for, but they would prefer to hire another UU. Jobs could include light housekeeping, plumbing, electrical, gutter cleaning, construction, repairs, yard work, personal care, pet care, and so on.  The list of resource people will be made available on our website. We will ask the person hiring and the person hired to sign a disclosure stating they will not hold the church responsible for any obligations between the parties or other problems that might arise. If you have signed our membership book and would like to be on this resource list, please contact Barb Backler, Elder Focus Task Force chair, at [email protected]  

Contact a Minister

   Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 201 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, or [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call her mobile, 812-322-0205.

   Reverend Doug Wadkins, our Interim Minister, can be reached at 812-332-3695, ext. 207 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or email [email protected]. For pastoral emergencies, please call his home study number, 812-369-4179.

Both ministers have voicemail on their numbers so that you can leave a private message.  Both Mary Ann and Doug will be away from email October 6-8. 

It's Not Too Late to Pledge!

If you have not yet pledged for the fiscal year that started on July 1, it is not too late! Please call 812-332-3695, ext. 200 with your pledge, or send the info in an email to Church Administrator Carol Marks at [email protected] or pledge online. See our Stewardship webpage at or go to the Donate page (tab to the far right at the top of the page) at and click on "I want to make a Pledge."  Please call the office if you have questions, 812-332-3695.


AVAILABLE: EXPERIENCED ASSISTANCE/CARE for persons with physical and/or memory-impaired needs; companionship and help with chores. Info, Pat Aungst, 219-9718.


GLASS PUMPKINS ON DISPLAY Friday Oct 10, 4;30-6:30, come to our Meeting Room and see over 500 hand made glass pumpkins made by the volunteers of the Bloomington Creative Glass Center before the Great Glass Pumpkin Patch, Oct 11. Free admission.


NEW MUSICAL:  The world premier of The Birthday Feast, a kids' musical written by UU member Scott Russell Sanders, with music by Alex Crowley, runs Oct 10-24 at Waldron Arts Center, details on Cardinal Stage's website or click here: 


Attendance and Membership

Current Membership: 510      Certified Membership as of 2/1/2014: 492


Sunday, September 21             9:15:      94;     11:15:  156;     RE:      109      Total:   359

Sunday, September 28             9:15:    114;     11:15   152;     RE:      102      Total:   368

Sunday, October 5                    9:15:      90;     11:15   125;     RE:      n/a       Total:   215

Non-Pledge Offering

9/21 - $580;  9/28- $486;  10/6- $485            Total to be donated to Susie's Place - $388

Grocery Card Sales

September 21   $875, income to UUCB $42         September 28  $��825, income to UUCB $40

October 5        $2275, income to UUCB $109   

Calendar of all our congregational events can be found at  Click on "Full Calendar" and then on the date you are interested in. You can also search for a specific event!


The Prologue

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington       

2120 N. Fee Lane       Bloomington, IN   47408-1646      812-332-3695


Next issue, Monday, October 20. Deadline for articles about congregational events and projects is 10 a.m. on 10/20/14, to Carol Marks at [email protected]

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister           The Reverend Douglas Wadkins, Interim Minister