Friday UU Update 
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Friday, August 29, 2014
In This Issue
Water Communion
Young Adult Potluck
Book Discussion Change
Grant Applications
Women's Alliance Meeting
Caregiver Network
Bazaar Committee
Adult RE
RE Registration

Sunday,  August 31, 2014           9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Water Journeys

The Reverend Mary Ann Macklin

The Reverend Douglas Wadkins

The Reverend Emily Manvel Leite

Our annual water communion is Sunday.  This year, we will explore stories and symbolism of boats during our time together.  Everyone is invited to bring water, a stone, or a shell to symbolize your journey over the summer, whether you traveled the globe or our local spaces.  Let us celebrate being together again!  Our children's choir, directed by Jill Courtney, will be singing.

Welcome Potluck For Young Adults Tonight, August 29

Tonight, August 29th at 6pm there will be a pitch-in cook-out for young adults (ages 18-35) here in Fellowship Hall.  Please bring a dish to share.  Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Reverend Doug Wadkins and John Summerlot will lead a discussion after the meal about what programs you would like to see our congregation offer for young adults. 

Book Discussion Club Date-Change

The UUCB Book Discussion Group changed the date of its meeting from August 31 to September 28 for the discussion at the Carlsons at 3PM of Donna Tartt's Pulitzer Prize novel The Goldfinch. There will be no  meeting on August 31.
Thanks, Elof

Grant Application
Social Justice Funds Committee encourages social justice task forces, organizers, workers, and leaders to apply for our church's Fall Grants Funding. Starting Sept. 2nd you may request applications from Millie Jackson at Grant application deadline is Oct 1. See next week's Prologue for details!

Women's Alliance Meeting September 4

Please join us on Thursday for our monthly Women's Alliance meeting at which Denise and Sean Breeden-Ost will describe how and why they started the Monarch Butterfly Waystation at our church last spring and share tips on how we might develop one in our own yards.  Brown bag lunch is at 11:30, program at 12:00, short business meeting will follow.  All are welcome.

Caregiver Network Meeting September 7

Are you caring for an elder or person with a disability either here or from a distance?  We would like to hear from you about challenges of caregiving as well as gifts it brings,support you have or need, resources available, and any other topic you bring to the table.  Meet with us on Sunday, September 7 from 3-4:30 p.m., Library. Questions, Sharon Yarber, 336-4427 or

Bazaar Committee Meets Monday, September 8 

The first Bazaar Committee meeting of the year is Monday, Sept. 8th from 7-8pm in Room 210.  Anyone interested in joining us, please feel welcome.   We are looking for people who will partner with us, learn our jobs, share the fun, and help carry on this very special UU Bloomington tradition. Julie Lawson or 812-606-2732 or Joanne Henriot

New Adult Religious Ed Classes for August-September

See the new course catalog for classes HERE

Exciting learning opportunities abound!

Register by emailing or calling 812-332-3695, ext. 204. If you will need childcare in order to attend a given class, contact Adrienne Summerlot,

Religious Education Registration and Volunteering 
Registration for the 2014-2015 school year is ongoing.  If you are interested in volunteering, we have many one time opportunities to choose from.  Simply visit Sign Up Genius


The Friday UU Update is for brief articles about church events or action needed in the next 10 days. Submissions of 45 words or less may be sent to by Thursday each week for possible publication. --Carol Marks, Church Administrator

Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World
Contact Info
Carol Marks
Church Administrator