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One In Spirit, We Celebrate And Embrace The Divinity In All  
We Are A Conscious Community Inspiring Spiritual Growth Through Prayer, Education And Sacred Service.

The Unity Principles
  1. There is only one presence and one power, God, Absolute Good.
  2. The Divinity of God is within us and we are all inherently good.
  3. We create our experiences by our thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs.
  4. We believe in the power of affirmative prayer and meditation.
  5. We strive to live these truths in our daily lives
Welcome to 
Unity Center of Tulsa!

Sunday Service - June 12th, 2016
11:00 a.m.  - 12:00 noon
Gina Pearson

Platform Assistant

 Paul Smith 

Spiritual Care
 Connie Smith 

Ushers & Greeters
Kate Meyers

Tithe Counters
Lee Warren, Paul Smith

Music Direction
Mark Bryan

Mona Edwards, Mareea Karim, Arlese Bradley

Children's Class, Uniteens & Y.O.U.
Mattie Bledsoe-Hayes
Paula Singleton 
11:00 a.m.

(Opens before and after service)
Cathy Schroeder  

Weekly Newsletter Editor/Editing Staff
Geoff Parris, Darlene Rough

Facebook, Web Site, Meet Up, Unity Community
  Lynette Setzkorn, Gail Rose

Unity Center of Tulsa -  2016 Board of Trustees
  Kevin Kramer - President
Gloria Boos - Vice President
Paul Smith - Treasurer
Kathy Bradley - Secretary/Sacred Scribe
Deb Braman - Trustee
Geoff Parris - Trustee
Senior Minister (From 1st July, 2016)
Rev. Dr. Rick Belous

(918) 582-6624

Click Link To E Mail Us
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Our Prayer Box
Leave your written intentions with us and we will hold with you in prayer for the highest good in that for which you pray.


Call our Prayer Line
(918) 587-7201

Using our Donate button is an easy, fast, secure way to handle this when you can't be at Unity Center in person. We are most grateful for your support!

Did You Miss A Recent Sunday Service, Music and Message?
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Click the image above and  be transported to an on-line recording of the most recent services!

We look forward to the blessing of your presence and fellowship with us this coming week.
Silent Unity
Silent Unity
How may we pray with you?"

Do you have a prayer request?

There are several ways to contact Silent Unity, the 24/7- Prayer Ministry:

Call: (800) 669-7729
Write: Silent Unity, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065-0001
 . . . Ah! When we realize we're all authors, some better than others, it finally brings that "pause that refreshes!" At least hopefully it does . . .
Five Steps To Letting Go of Your Victim Story    
By: Lissa Rankin, M.D.

Back in my twenties, I spent a lot of time writing in my journal, usually about boys. Then I had an epiphany: I realized that the quality of my relationships with men were inversely related to the amount of time I spent writing in my journal. If the relationship was healthy, I was off happily living my life, not sitting on my window seat, writing about how happy I was. But if the relationship was dysfunctional, I wrote . . . and wrote . . . and wrote.
When I look back now at those journals, I have to laugh at myself because every whining, complaining story I told had me as the heroine of my "poor me" story. The guy was always a liar/cheater/loser/wimp/alcoholic/abuser/narcissist/jerk. They were all wrong. But me, I was always right.
Do you hear the ring of "victim story" here? Bingo. That would be me in my twenties . . . a hot mess who blamed everyone else for the messes I was creating.
Now, I don't write in a journal anymore. I blog instead. But I notice the internal journal I write to myself sometimes. And, even after all these years, sometimes the story flips into "poor me," and that's always my signal to shine a light on my victim story, because every time (and I mean every time, with no exceptions), I can be guaranteed to find some juicy morsel of soul growth buried, often unconsciously, in the muck of my victim story.

Can Others Really Hurt You?
A while back, I was talking about this with Byron Katie, a spiritual teacher I met at Esalen, CA. In front of 140 other people, I asked her a question. "I've done a lot of work on myself, and I've made enough progress in my spiritual growth to be able to witness the part of me that still gets hurt and feels victimized. But what do I do about this hurt little girl that sits in the backseat of the car of Lissa and cries when she doesn't get her way?"
She said, "Lissa, you can do all the spiritual growth work you want, but if you're still feeling hurt and blaming other people for that hurt, you're not really doing the inner work on the beliefs that are causing you to feel hurt. If you think anyone has the power to hurt you, you're confused."
Oh . . .
She went on to ask me what the hurt little girl in the backseat of the car of Lissa was saying. What belief was making her feel hurt? What stories was she telling herself? That was where the real gold could be unearthed.

Doing the Inner Work
So I found the belief. It was something like, "It's never enough. I try and try and try, and no matter how much I try, it's never enough. But then wait! I tried so hard that I went too far! Now I'm too much. Not enough. Too much. Not enough. Too much. I'll never get it right, and if I don't, I'll lose those I love."
Ouch . . .
She invited me to question that belief. "It's never enough. It's too much." What's true and not true about this belief?

Steps to Assessing and Changing Your Core Beliefs
Byron Katie's "The Work" can be quite helpful in situations like this.
1. Identify your belief and ask yourself "Is it true?"  Your Small Self will tend to say "Yes, it's true. That belief is rock solid true." But simply asking the question can begin to loosen the belief's grip on you.
2. Can you be absolutely sure this belief is rock solid true?   In other words, can you think of even one instance when this belief is not true? Many of our beliefs were inherited from childhood. We took them on just like we took on the belief that our names are who we are, even though our names are just a mental construct given to us by our parents. So is it true that I'm never enough? Is it true that I'm too much? Can I be absolutely sure this is true? Well . . . no.
3. How do you feel when you believe this belief to be true?  When I felt into the feeling of "It's never enough. I try and try, and then I'm too much, and people leave," I felt small, disempowered, and victimized. My gut felt twisted. I felt sad. If you get weepy when you feel what it feels like to believe this belief, chances are good that this belief is not serving you, and you'd feel more free if you could let it go. Which takes us to the next step.
4. Who would you be without this belief? (Or as Martha Beck puts it, what if you had a little mini stroke and the only thing you lost was your ability to believe this belief?)
Most of us felt liberation, a profound sense of calm. It would feel like a million pounds off your shoulders to let go of the belief.
5. Turn the belief around.  The turnaround can come in a variety of forms. It may be the direct opposite of whatever belief leaves you feeling like a victim. Often, the turnaround can be turned around to the self, to the other, or to the opposite. For example, if your belief is, "Mom didn't love me enough," turnarounds might be, "I didn't love me enough" or "I didn't love Mom enough" or "Mom loved me just the right amount."
Oh . . .
Many years ago, I did this process with Martha Beck around my belief, "I have to be in control in the hospital." After two hours of Martha battling my thick, conditioned medicalized ego, the turnaround became, "God is in control in the hospital."
Oh . . .
When you find the right turnaround, it has that kind of effect on you. You feel busted. And liberated. Pissed and giddy-all at the same time. Your ego is annoyed. Your soul is singing!

Don't Bypass Your Feelings
This process is a tool for liberation, which can unhook you from limiting beliefs that hold you back and cause you to suffer unnecessarily. But it's not meant to be some sort of spiritual bypass technique.
When you're sad and grieving, when you feel hurt, disappointed, betrayed, or angry, you need to feel all of your feelings without glossing over them. Emotions are just like labor contractions. They move through you as an energy form. If you resist them, they hurt more, but if you just soften into them, they pass in waves that usually last less than 90 seconds.
I've once heard someone try to apply "The Work" to a grieving widow who had lost her husband a week earlier. "You're stuck in your victim story. You're only grieving because of your belief that your husband should still be here. You should do The Work on your belief." In my opinion, that's not helpful. That's just cruel. We all feel pain when we lose someone or something we love, and that pain can last for a long time. Grief needs its own medicine, and telling someone to get out of their victim story when they're grieving is not loving or compassionate. Sometimes we just need to hold each other tenderly as we soften into the pain.

Don't Skip Setting Boundaries
This process is also not meant to strip you of your discernment or disable your impulse to set clear boundaries when someone violates you. When someone betrays you or loses your trust, you can do The Work on your limiting beliefs and still establish boundaries that protect you from someone else's unconscious, destructive, or dangerous behavior. As Bren� Brown
describes in this video, boundaries are about establishing what's okay and what's not okay. You can set and enforce clear boundaries without getting stuck in a victim story.
(Like what she's saying? Come to the Wednesday noon book-study at Unity! She's the author of the book we're studying!)

Do You Have "Pronoia?"
Personally, I trust that we live in a generous universe that is always delivering to us opportunities for soul growth. You might say I have a raging case of what Rob Breszny calls "pronoia," the opposite of paranoia. Pronoia is the unshakable belief that everything in the universe is conspiring to shower you with blessings. This doesn't mean that you'll always feel good.
This year, I lost six people I love within six months. The grief has practically leveled me. But I still see it through the lens of pronoia. As much as it hurts, I don't feel like a victim. I see how my heart is getting broken open, my edges are softening, I'm growing to become compassionate, I'm learning to rely more on others, I'm humbled by my grief, and I sense the love that is all around me, even as life falls apart.
Getting out of your victim story is an invitation to a more expansive consciousness, one that sees that all of life's experiences, even the painful ones, help us grow as souls. When the weight of the victim story lifts, the heart opens, compassion blossoms, and opportunities for awakening arise naturally.




 Books you shouldn't be without 

(See this week's selection below)  

Hal A. Lingerman

Music affects human beings. A lively Bach concerto encourages attention and clear thinking, while a CD of harp music and the sounds of ocean waves relaxes us and relieves stress. The Healing Energies Of Music can help determine just the right music to complement a state of mind, heal an emotional or physical ill, or further spiritual yearning.Certain types of music can enhance intellectual and spiritual powers and help overcome insomnia, boredom, anger, and stress. Music therapist and teacher Hal Lingerman presents a wealth of resources for choosing just the right music for physical, emotional and spiritual growth and healing. This updated edition offers comprehensive listings of current recordings, including new and remastered CD's, with selections from the classics, contemporary and ethnic compositions, and music composed by and for women. It includes expanded chapters on Women's Music, World Music, the Music of Nature, and Angelic Music.  
Paperback 303pp $9:71 Available at Unity Bookstore       

(REMINDER) Our Bookstore "BOOK-BUSTER" sale is still on until further notice! There is a table in the bookstore next to the front desk with brand new books being sold at 50% off. Yes! You heard it . . . Half price!! Great names like "The Moses Code" by James Twyman, Eric Butterworth's "Discover the Power Within You" and The "Transformational Quest" by William Earle Cameron, "Lessons in Truth" by H. Emilie Cady, "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth, "Messages of Hope" by Suzanne Giesemann, and many others. Make sure you stop by on Sunday when you're here. You're sure to find something of interest!  



Things we don't know where else to put (for the moment) we place below here
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Just Another Point Of View
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Who/What Is UNITY  

  • Unity is a positive path for spiritual living.
  • Unity offers practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.
  • We are inclusive and open-minded, encourage personal initiative and growth, and value spiritual, holistic, and an intuitive approach to living.
  • Unity provides practical teachings to help people live healthy, prosperous, and meaningful lives.
  • We provide a positive alternative to negative religious experiences.
  • We believe that prayer works.
  • We help people discover and live their spiritual purpose and potential.
  • We help people have a stronger connection to God every day.
  • Our spiritual centers have inspiring ministers and are involved in spiritual social action and social activities.
  • We provide a philosophy that is spiritual, not religious, and love-based, not fear-based.
  • We honor all paths to God.
  • We believe in making a positive difference in the world.
  • We believe in being a positive example and role model.
(Throw Back Thursday) 

 "This is about heart centered giving, compassion, awareness of our Self as the other"
Our Youth of Unity are embarking on a similar project from next Sunday and will have boxes in the foyer to collect whatever you are prepared to give. They will prepare gift packages with useful things that the homeless of Tulsa will appreciate. Please help our Y.O.U. help our less fortunate. Thank you! This is how true change begins! 
Because Laughter is Healing, It's The Best Medicine!
Because Laughter is Healing, It's The Best Medicine!
Because Laughter is Healing, It's The Best Medicine!
Here at Unity we follow the Fillmores' ideal of searching for the Truth in all things.  We offer a variety of classes and programs.  Some of these may or may not represent the viewpoints of Unity Center of Tulsa.  Always search the Inner Christ for discernment.
Unity Center News

June 09 2016
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First of all, today, June 9th, 2016 is "G" Day for Dr. Rick . . . By tonight, we can legally call him Rev. Dr. Rick Belous. Hopefully those who make the trek up to Unity Village this evening will bring back a few photographs that they will allow us to share with you in next week's edition. Congratulations, Reverend Belous! We are excited to be a part of this next stage of your journey! It augurs well that both Rev. Jacquie Lenati and again, last Sunday, Rev. Carla McClellan were highly complimentary about Rick's skills, huge heart, and limitless potential. From our end, we also have to recognize that Spirit brought Rick to us and we must now let go of everything, rein in our expectations and allow life to unfold as it inevitably will, with the lessons we are meant to learn at this new stage! Forgive me, though, if I still can't resist just one little "Woo Hoo!"

Thank you for all those who joined in last week in the Prayer of Protection for Chris Hitch and any others whom you felt could use this blessing in their lives at this moment. Feel free to continue to recite it as and when you feel so moved. Chris expressed her appreciation for all the support and love she has felt. And truthfully, that is all everything/anything is about . . . Love! Keep it flowing, untethered!

Rev. Carla rocked the house with her poignant and timely message on bringing about change in our lives, sharing very personal stories with all of us "Am I willing? she asked and then went on to demonstrate that if we are that, then we don't have to know how . . . spirit will and has always guided us along the path. Faith and trust are the two principle ingredients to stepping forward into change. Of course, along with being "willing" to change and to embrace the end result. Thank you, Rev. Carla. Awesome message . . . and thank you for sharing your daughter, Heather, with us. It was a  pleasure to meet her and to hear about little Tobias. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here to listen to her message.

This Sunday, our friend, Gina Pearson rejoins us with a subject title that suggests that it might be the perfect follow-on to Rev. Carla's message. "Press Toward the Promise." (Which of course would seem to begin with a willingness to change current behaviors or to at least become aware of what no longer works in our lives.)

Gina is the Founder of R.E.A.L. Enterprises (Radical Expansion through
Gina Pearson 
Authentic Living) a multifaceted   services enterprise that promotes transformational education, personal & professional development along with executive coaching. She is an International Speaker, Transformational Coach and Workshop Facilitator. Gina's passion as a human behavior specialist is to inspire individuals in "igniting the fire" of their innate, extraordinary power; coaching them to discover the "fire of the force within" in their efforts to awaken to their highest potential.
Do come, join us on Sunday and stay for fellowship afterwards! Bring a friend with you too! 

Kevin Kramer
Spiritual Board of Trustees
Unity Center of Tulsa
Image - Notes to Self 2

1. Quotes for this week:       
a) "If you consciously let your body take care of you,
it will become your greatest ally and trusted partner." ~ Deepak Chopra  1946 -
b) "Healing begins in the moment a life-enhancing thought (an affirmation) is chosen to replace a life-diminishing thought, no matter how you may be feeling . . . no matter how much energy is moving or not moving in the body." ~ Binnie A. Dansby
c) We are only subject to that which we hold in mind.
The body will do what the mind believes. ~ David R. Hawkins  1927 - 2012
2. From Notes 2 Self, our personal congratulations to Rev. Dr. Rick Belous, our new Senior Minister. Not long now! Want to watch the Graduation Exercises with Live Streaming, click here Live Stream of Graduation Exercises at 7:00p.m. June 9, 2016  OR Click this alternative link. Then click on the Live Stream button.

3. For musical expressions . . . this week, two songs: first, an oldie but goodie, the sound track of Pretty Woman entitled
"Fallen" composed and sung by Lauren Wood. Enjoy!  Lyrics included, so don your headphones, crank up the volume and let your inner shower soap-rano rip! Click arrow in image to listen.

Then there's our own Majeste Pearson (we say 'our own' as Majeste has sung with Mark several times before and she's the exquisitely talented daughter of Gina and Carlton Pearson.) We honor both Majeste and her mom, Gina, who will be with us on Sunday, as we imbibe the love and grace she brings through in the lyrics of the spiritual
love song she sings. There's nothing like
a pair of beautiful Love songs to bring you to the weekend and hopefully a time of inner reflection! Trust us, both songs resonate a profound healing frequency.  (Of course you'd probably have to be a "Baby Boomer" to know "Fallen".)  Don't believe me? See our book choice for this week. Whether you believe or not in the healing frequencies of music, enjoy the selections!                        
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What's On This Week
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Next Class: Tuesday, June 14th   
Click Image For Information About The Publisher
Next Class Date, Wednesday June 15th

Wednesday, June 15th   

6:00 PM  

in the Sanctuary

Weekly Meditation Service


With Connie Smith: 


Meditation 5

Come, sit awhile and experience Rest, Quiet, Harmony, Oneness, Silence, Stillness, Presence, Peace and Reward. 

Spiritual Communications 

 Every Other Thursday evening 
Next date - June 16th

Then  June 30th, 2016  
With Ann Ellis
Cottage #2, 6:30 PM 

Ann 2
Ann Ellis

An ongoing opportunity for you to connect with your Divine Support system.  Participative experiences provide an opportunity to receive personal Angel or Guide messages or to validate guidance you have already been given.  Group energy allows for an expanded state of awareness in which each activates and strengthens his/her own spiritual intuition.
Next Class Date - Monday, June 27th, 2016
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Short Stories/Poems
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The Love That Connects Us All . . .

By: Suzanne Giesemann  

Do our loved ones who have passed guide us to make our lives easier? Do they orchestrate events to let us know they are here? You bet they do!
Several months ago I received an email from Gool Ardeshir in Pune, India. Gool said, "I have loved reading your books, and your 'Sanaya Says' messages are precious. My daughter's name is Sanaya! The Persian meaning of it is 'One who knows all.'"
What a fitting name for the collective consciousness I have been channeling for the past six years. When they first came to me I learned that Sanaya is Sanskrit for "Eminent, and of the Gods" as well as Arabic for "flash of lighting" - just like the bolt of lightning that took my step-daughter Susan across the veil.
Gool continued: "My Sanaya was born 27 years ago and has always been a special child. From the

time she was little she kept a 'God box' as she would call it ... a little box in which she would put little hand written messages to God. All this she did with no prompting or example. She is a wise and deeply spiritual child ... quite 'of the Gods,' and I feel blessed to be her mother. She discovered you on the Internet, and as she is a musician and does travel to America, I feel sure she will meet you one day."
I was thrilled to read this message, and thought how special it would be if our paths did cross. Little did I know that Gool's parents were hard at work in the spirit world to make that meeting happen.
Imagine my delight to receive an email shortly after Gool's with the subject line, "I'm Sanaya!"
"My mother wrote to you yesterday about the Persian meaning of the name Sanaya. We have both been so enjoying and resonating with your books and your stories, and yesterday we watched your interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump. I simply had to write to you and share the story of how I came across you and your work - to me, it is a miracle ...
I'm a musician and music producer living in Bombay, India. Earlier last year I started a band with a very dear friend. We are an electronic music duo and we have been playing music together for a long time now. While naming our project, one of the key choices for a band name was 'Perfect Timing.' We both share a great appreciation for the set-ups that the Universe plans and executes in precision timing, but before we settled on the name, we wanted to make sure it wasn't already taken by another musical act.
"So, as common sense dictated, we searched the internet for 'Perfect Timing,' and one of the things that my partner found was: http://www.suzannegiesemann.com/sanayasays/with-perfect-timing/
"Now, you can well imagine my shock to find the words 'Sanaya says with Perfect timing' written by a medium in the U.S! It was initially so freaky and so exciting at the same time to find this page with MY name AND the name of the band. Surely this was put here for me to find!!
"I obviously took it as a sign - two thumbs up to go ahead with the name, but the real miracle is what follows. It was after I discovered this page that I decided to read up about you and shared the story with my mum. We have both been connecting with Spirit and were very drawn to your work. Subsequently, she went ahead and bought all your books, sharing them with friends and family, and it just so happens that the people she has been sharing them with have been in dire need of your healing words. So much joy is being brought to many, many hearts through your words here in India. Additionally, this all happened at the time that I was looking for some guidance and direction in my own connection with Source through my meditations. Your work really strengthened my resolve to continue along this path and that the right guidance will come at the right time. Doesn't the universe just work in such AMAZING ways! I am confident that our paths will cross some day, some way.
Lots of love, Sanaya"
Yes, the Universe IS amazing. We continued to email each other sporadically, especially when "my" Sanaya's daily messages seemed to be written especially for Sanaya Ardeshir's family. Then Sanaya informed me that she would be touring the U.S. to share her music over a five-week period while I am touring the U.S. to share my messages of hope. Was it possible our paths would cross? It seemed unlikely, as she was focusing on major cities such as New York, L.A., and Atlanta, while our plan took us to more suburban areas.
We compared schedules, and it wasn't looking like the stars were aligning for us to meet this trip, when I received an email from Sanaya with eye-popping news. "For some reason" (and we know there's always a reason from above!), her promoter had booked Sanaya's flights through Denver with a lay-over there, even though she had no gigs scheduled. The promoter could not explain how or why that happened. The Denver stop coincided with my events in Carbondale, Colorado, just 3 hours west of Denver. What are the chances?
When you're dealing with Spirit, the answer is 100 percent!
We invited her to spend the night with us in our coach. Was it crazy? Not at all. I cannot tell you the joy and connection Ty, Sanaya, and I felt as we hugged at the Greyhound Bus stop in Glenwood Springs. She was as delightful and loving as I knew she would be from reading her emails. I don't know what she expected from this American medium, but within an hour we were wearing hiking boots and trekking up a steep, snowy trail in the shadow of the Maroon Bells. What better way to bask in the glory of Spirit!
Back at the coach, Sanaya graciously presented me a gift she had brought from India: a bag of masala-ground spices mixed with cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, star anise, and other large seeds. Not wanting to waste such a lovely gift, I had to admit my ignorance as to what to do with these aromatic goodies. When she offered to demonstrate by cooking us an authentic Indian khichree in our kitchen, we gratefully accepted. Dinner turned out to be a love-filled "event" far better than going out to any restaurant. The next morning, I offered to do a reading for Sanaya and her mother. Imagine the fun of sitting face to face with Gool and Sanaya at the same time thanks to the wonders of Skype. I hardly knew how to contain my joy and gratitude to Spirit.
The previous day our guest, Sanaya, had told us that her grandfather had often mentioned his desire to find "a good medium" after several disappointing sessions with mediums who produced only generic messages. I had no doubt that we would hear from her grandfather, Gool's father, and her grandmother. I set the intention of giving Sanaya and Gool the good evidence their (grand)father had sought for so long.
For a few moments the human side of me worried that the cultural differences between me and Sanaya's grandparents would cause a challenge.  I needn't have worried.
It doesn't matter if one has been raised in India, the United States, or Timbuktu, there are certain things that all humans recognize, and Sanaya's grandparents did a capital job of getting through irrefutable evidence that they were with us for the reading. They showed me very specific items relating to family events going on now . . . things I could not have guessed . . . that left Sanaya and Gool beaming with happiness. One of these items is an object that I included as a photo in a recent "Sanaya Says" post, having been guided to choose that particular photo by my guides.
Once he established his presence with evidence, Gool's father explained how he had found me. He arrived on the other side and was drawn to this woman in America who repeatedly sent out the vibration of his granddaughter Sanaya's name. He said he could see me like a beacon. It was he who orchestrated the repeated signs that drew us all together. I have no doubt this is so.
As other family members showed up in the reading, Sanaya and Gool would exclaim, "That's _______, spouting off five-syllable Indian names that would be impossible for me as a medium to discern across the veil. So, I was quite surprised in the middle of the session to have her grandfather say the name "Sadie." Sanaya shrugged. It meant nothing to her. I told her that Sadie is not a common name and that it was quite clear that her grandfather wanted me to hear it. "Just remember it came up," I told them, and went on with the reading.
One hour later, Ty and I took Sanaya on a second hike, the trail was quite steep, so I was surprised when two young women passed us on their way down the hill with two long-haired dachshunds. (Our little pups could never navigate that kind of terrain.) "Look!" I said, "That one looks just like our Rudy!" As I stopped to snap a photo, the dog's owner said, "Sadie! Come out here!"
What are the chances?
The chances are 100% as a member of the collective consciousness known as Sanaya showed me several years ago when in a similar circumstance they brought me face to face with a couple speaking Hebrew on a trail just hours after hearing the word "Hebrews" during one very special meditation.
Trust me: All is not as it seems at this level of reality. As "my" Sanaya said in a message earlier this week, those in spirit have the bird's eye view. They can see the bigger picture. They can see a young musician from India named Sanaya sitting with a medium who channels a group named Sanaya each day. They know that Suzanne and Sanaya plan to go for a hike afterwards. They can also see two other young women in Carbondale, Colorado, lacing up their boots for a hike, and they can put the thought in the hiker's head to take her long-haired dachshund named Sadie with them on that trail. That grandfather then shouts "Sadie!" in the medium's ear. And then he and his wife in the spirit world sit back, rub their hands together with joy, and say, "Won't this be fun!"
It IS fun. And it is joyous. And it shows us that it is love that connects all of us, no matter what our nationality, no matter how far apart we live geographically. For those in spirit there is no time and no space. Our loved ones are as close as our breath, and they send us birds, and roses, and butterflies, and messages from a group known as Sanaya in these glorious "set-ups" to let us know they are still with us ... that love never dies.
It is Gool Ardeshir who gave me yet another meaning for the name Sanaya. It also means, "One worth knowing."
Gool's beautiful daughter, the talented, lovely, spiritual Sanaya, is certainly worth knowing, and I am grateful her grandparents worked so hard to bring us together. The ripples from our connection are spreading out across continents, but Spirit's message is clear: We are all one. We are all connected, and we are ALL worth knowing when we meet in the heart.
The Internal Judge & Jury Are Most Often . . .______?

Author unknown 

"My boss drove a luxury car every day and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings.

One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything!

The very next day I saw a paper bag at the same place, but it was clean and the food inside was covered well. It was fresh and good food like someone had just brought it from the supermarket. I didn't bother as to where it came from, I just took the paper bag and I was so happy about it.

Every day I found this paper bag at the same place with fresh vegetables and all that we needed for home. This became my daily routine. I was eating and sharing this food with my wife and kids. I was wondering who this fool could be?! To forget his paper bag full of fresh food every day.

One day there was a big problem in the villa and I was told that my boss had died. There were too many guests coming to the villa and I didn't get any food that day, so I thought that one of the guests must have taken it. But the same thing happened the 2nd day, the 3rd day and the 4th day.

It went on like this for a few weeks and I found it difficult to provide food for my family, so I decided to ask the wife of my boss for a raise in my salary or else I would quit my job as a watchman.

After I told her, she was shocked, and asked me, how come you never complained about your salary for the last 2 years? And why is this salary not enough for you now? I gave her so many excuses but she was never convinced!

Finally in the end, I decided to tell her the truth, I told her the entire story of the bag of groceries, and as to how it was my daily provision. She then asked me as to when this stopped? I told her after the death of her husband.

And then I realized that I stopped seeing the paper bag immediately after the death of my boss. Why didn't I ever think of this before? That it was my boss who was providing this for me? I guess it was because I never thought that a person who never replied to my greetings could ever be this generous!

His wife started to cry and I told her to please stop crying and that I'm really sorry that I asked for a raise, I didn't know that it was your husband who was providing me with the meals, I'll remain as a watchman and be happy to provide my service.

His wife told me, I'm crying because I've finally found the 7th person to whom my husband was giving this daily bag full of food. I knew my husband was giving 7 people every day, I had already found the 6 people, and all these days I have been searching for the 7th person. Today I found out.

From that day onward, I started to receive the bag full of food again, but this time my boss' son was bringing it to my house and giving it to my hand.

But whenever I thanked him, he never replied! Just like his dad!

One day, I said to him THANK YOU in a very loud voice! He replied back to me to please not be offended when he doesn't reply, because he has a hearing problem, just like his dad!"

Oh! We have been wrong so many times judging others without knowing the true story behind their actions. Be kind and courteous in dealing with others, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be careful, not everything is about you. Before you assume, there is this thing called ASKING.
Don't just jump to conclusions, because that is truly not an exercise, it may cause you more harm at the end of the day. Many of our problems are caused by how we process what happens around us. Don't judge a situation you have never been in. Be humble enough to learn. You do not know it all.

Let's change the way we feel about ourselves and others.
Because Laughter is Healing, It's The Best Medicine!
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