4 Nisan 5773
Havdalah: 8:18
Parshat Vayikra
Dvar Torah
The third passuk of Parashat Vayikra introduces the requirement that any animal brought as a sacrifice must possess the quality of tamim - "completeness." The Talmud in Masekhet Bekhorot (39a) concludes that the tamim requirement extends even to
mechusar eiver mi-bifnim - an animal missing a certain internal organ.
Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, in his Torah commentary, explains the symbolic significance of this requirement of tamim, which demands both external and internal perfection:
"So that for each and every aspect of our relation to G-d which is to be expressed by an offering, "completion," i.e. the demand for the application of the whole of oneself to that aspect, is the first and most indispensable condition... Anything missing of the living creature which is to express our relation to G-d would give the idea of excluding this missing organ, and thereby the sphere of our life which this organ serves to represent, from our relation to G-d, and from our giving ourselves up to Him in that particular sphere...so certain is it that the very smallest, the slightest keeping back of any part of ourselves and our lives as being excluded from our relation to G-d is a denial of His Oneness."
The sacrificial offering represents the concept of our devotion to Hashem. The absence of any organ, whether external or internal, would imply that the aspect of our being which is signified by that organ is excluded from this devotion. The requirement of tamim thus relates to the all-encompassing nature of avodat Hashem, the obligation we bear to devote ourselves entirely to the service of G-d. Just as every part of the animal must be present and intact for it to qualify as a sacrifice, so must each and every part of our body and soul be included in our religious devotion.
We all have unique talents and traits that help us relate to our service of Hashem. For some of us, religion is intellectual, as we explore the depths of the Torah and nuances of Halacha with our brains. For others it is emotional, as we search for spiritual heights within the depths of our "hearts." And for others it is through our arms as they shake a lulav, our hands when they are used to save lives, or our eyes when they are used to seek out the the less fortunate among us. While all these strengths are necessary, it is important that we focus on being well-rounded as well, to ensure that every part of our body and soul is included in our devotion to Hashem.
School Announcements
- 8th Grade girls will be selling flower bouquets during dismissal on Friday for $10.
- Click HOAGIE to order hoagies for Tuesday, March 19.
- Important reminder for all parents of current students in grades TT - 1: Please return your registration letter of intent form and tuition deposit to the main office by Friday, March 15th to register your children for the 2013-2014 school year!
- We will be taking pictures of the students on March 19th and 20th. ECC - Kindergarten will be photographed on the 19th. Grades 1-12 may be photographed on either the 19th or 20th.
- All students will be photographed and a proof of your child will be sent home with an order form.
- There is no need to fill out the order form before picture day, since you will have that opportunity once you see the proofs.
- If you lost a pair of purple leather gloves, click HERE.
Snapshots From the Week
Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Chodesh laining in the BHS.
Middle school boys Rosh Chodesh lunch.
The middle school girls enjoy their tasty Rosh Chodesh lunch.
Hudi Berelowitz turns one and Perri came to join the party. Pureed birthday cake in a bottle for all!
Rosie Ufberg and her two-year old buddies, Elisheva Sunshine, Pearl Schachter.
It was upside down day in Morah Leah's class. Here is Ahuva Ratzersdorfer showing off the pants she wore on her head.
A not so well balanced meal of ice cream cones.
The 12th grade girls have a siyum to celebrate their completion of Parshat Yitro. One down 53 more parshiot to go. Mazel tov!
Morah Chani and her two-year old students learn various games.
Happy birthday Uri Butler!
2013 Red Sarachek YU Tournament
The team had a great time, as did their fans.
The team bentches with alum Dan Sax.
Alumni, Jill Joshowitz, Joe Segal,
Jacob Brent and other fans cheer on
Andy and the Heat.
Alumni Moshe Grossberg and Dovi Rosenberg were in New York, but were unable to make it to any games. Luckily, the team went to them. Keep on shteiging boys!
Coach Sol being interviewed by a Macslive reporter.
Senior Feature - Ada Friedman
This is the second week of a nine week feature where we showcase one graduating high school senior. Our objectives are to demonstrate how proud we are of them, for you, our readers, to get to know them a little better, and lastly, to offer them the opportunity to share some facts about themselves. Enjoy! At the end of nine weeks, you will be able to vote on Facebook for your favorite senior. (Relax, we are just kidding)!
Ada enjoys her Ivrit class.
College she plans to attend: Robert Morris University
Hillel Memory: Physics class in 11th grade with Rabbi Weinberg and retreat in 10th grade!
Advice for underclassmen: Enjoy the time that you have now to have fun because later, life it is only going to get harder and more complicated.
What is important in a shidduch: To have a husband that will be able to support me and care for me in the good times and in the bad times.
Where do you see Hillel going in the future: The Girls and Boys high schools will eventually be bigger than the elementary and middle schools.
Fun Fact: I went to 5 different schools before I found Hillel Academy!
Favorite Quote: "Don't let your fears power your future."
Morah Elaine - Preschool Science
Put your left foot in (or right, whatever works for you).
This week in Science, in honor of the letter 'U,' we learned about being balanced and unbalanced.
First, we decided if different block towers were balanced (not going to fall over) or unbalanced (going to fall over). That one looks like a 'T!' T stands for tree - we know that from last week. Then we tried balancing ourselves on one foot in many different ways: Once we got a feel for what balance is and is not, we each got a photograph of a person. We had to decide if the person was balanced or unbalanced. We sorted the photographs into two groups. Next, we were given a challenge. Can a pencil be balanced on its point? Not easily - but it can be done if it has a counterweight or two attached. We can even balance one on the other! This bird balances on its beak because it has counterweights in its wings. Finally, we tried to figure out how to balance paper clowns upside-down on our fingertips. Hint: The clown is shaped like the pencil balancer, but the pencil balancer has counterweights. How can we add counterweights to the clown? Everyone got two paperclips. It took us a while, but we kept trying. Finally, we did it! It was a very well-balanced class!
Teacher Interview - Chevi Rubin
Chevi Colton was a Broadway star in the 70's, and was born on December 21, 1921, exactly 50 years before Mr. Kraut. Chevi Rubin is a Hillel Academy Ivrit Teacher and Director of Admissions. to learn more about her check our her interview with Reb Shaw. Enjoy!
Reb Shaw: Hi Morah Chevi, thanks for taking the time to have coffee and talk with me today. You were hired a few years ago as an administrative assistant and Ivrit teacher, now you are the Director of Admissions. How is the transition and what's it like to see such an influx of new students?
Chevi Rubin: It's fantastic! All parents of prospective students have to email me a picture of their child as part of the application process. With the multitudes of new students applying to Hillel Academy, I get to look at adorable little faces (and some big ones) all day long!
RS: You married famed alum, Raimy Rubin! What's it like being married to such a well-known person?
CR: Believe it or not, people are not so impressed when they hear who I am married to. The minute I mention his parents, Larry or Sharyn, however, I get treated like a major VIP.
RS: What was it like to be on the sideline cheering for Raimy at the alumni game, and how how did you feel when the alumni team lost?
CR: I think the alumni team was at a great disadvantage seeing as how Raimy wasn't able to make the pre-game practice. The coaches, not realizing what a power player Raimy is, waited until the 2nd quarter to put him in. I think ultimately that really cost them the game.
RS: When you guys were first married you lived in Israel and you were involved in real estate. Did you ever see yourself in a school environment?
CR: I truly believe in seizing opportunities. When I moved here, there was an opening at Hillel (sorry Mrs. Z) and the timing was right. I also taught in a Hebrew School for 4 years, have tutored privately, and am fluent in Hebrew, so the opening really was the perfect fit.
RS: We both teach high school and not a day goes by when I love being on the other side of the desk, do you feel the same way?
CR: Teaching high school kids is something new for me this year and I am absolutely loving it. I think the most difficult part is keeping a straight face when my students make hilarious jokes and I have to remind myself that I am the adult in the room who needs to keep the decorum.
RS: This year we have seen a lot of Sifriat Pijama around and apparently you are behind it. Please tell us about it.
CR: Sifriat Pijama is something that Morah Irit and I have been working on, with the help of Rabbi Weinberg, Mr Kraut, Morah Danielle, and the Bnot Sheirut. Sifriat Pijama is an organization that gives out free Hebrew children's books. At the events, there is a Hebrew story time, we listen to some Hebrew music, eat snacks, and do a craft. All of us involved really have a passion for learning, speaking, reading and being involved with all things Hebrew. This is something we hope to share with the entire Pittsburgh Jewish community.
RS: So, according to our Twitter account your handle is @CheviRubin (pretty original might I add), you were one of the first to follow us, thank you, but you never tweet, what's up? Would you like a tutorial?
CR: I'm just fine thanks.
RS: Do you see the Pirates making any real additions before the season begins?
CR: I really do not plan on seeing any additions, subtractions, or anything else that the Pirates may or may not do before the season or during the season for that matter.
RS: When will we see Etai at Hillel?
CR: Etai will be a 2013-2014 Hillel Academy Tiny Tot!!!!!! That is of course assuming that I get all of his paperwork in on time and that there is a spot available!
RS: We are always looking for ways to improve, what would you like to see in the HH that you don't already?
RS: What's it like working in the back with Sarah?
CR: For those of you avid HH readers, I believe I have already shared the absolute best part about working in the back, in The Grid a few weeks ago.
The Ziff Corner
Everyone is busy cleaning for Pesach. Many of the students have told me proudly that they have already cleaned their room. I was thinking that there are probably many unwanted/outgrown toys and books that are being sorted through and you may be wondering what to do with them, besides taking them to the basement or attic.
Here are a few ideas of what to do with toys, games and books your family may not want. It is always best to call first to find out if the organization will accept your items. I hope this list will help and inspire you to do something nice for others.
1. Donate to the Children's Toy Lending Library, located in East Liberty. 412-682-4430 2. Donate items to a shelter for women and children. The Women's Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh 412-687-8017 3. Donate books to a local public library, many have book exchange programs. If your books are in very good condition, ask Ms. Morris if she would like them for our library, or your child's classroom. 4. Donate your items to a preschool in a needy area of town. 5. Call the Vietnam Veterans of America...they have a free pick up service. 1-800-459-8387 6. Initiate a toy exchange program in your neighborhood. 7. Call the Jewish Federation and see if there is a Jewish orphanage in Israel or another country that they could connect you with in order to send a box of goodies. 412-681-8000-Jewish Federation 8. Have your children organize a yard sale and choose an organization for your proceeds. 9. There are many thrift stores/GoodWill stores in and around the city. The Salvation Army number is 1-800-728-7825. These are great places that take many things. There is a website called Donationtown.org. This site will give you information about many places to donate your goods.
Lower School - Better LYFE: Kibbud Av V'Eim
This past Tuesday, at a special assembly for our K-4 classes, we launched the latest Middah in our Better LYFE initiative; Kibbud Av V'eim, "honoring one's parents." Rabbi Nimchinsky and Mrs. Apfel presented a short skit about Shmully and his Ima designed to teach the students about honoring parents by not sitting in their seats without permission. The program continued with an arts and crafts component where the students made chair markers for their parent's seats, as a reminder to themselves, not to sit in a parent's chair without permission. The next Better LYFE contest was also launched at the assembly with the Better Lyfe Kibbud Av V'eim Pre-Pesach-Helper photo contest!
Between now and Pesach, students in grades K-6 are encouraged to step up and do things which will make pre-pesach preparations easier for their parents. Helping parents does not only mean cleaning! It can include doing regular chores without being asked, watching younger siblings, or being extra cooperative so parents can focus on preparing for Pesach.
Between now and Pesach parents can take 5 digital photos of their child(ren) being a "Pre-Pesach Helper(s)" and email them to pesachcontest@hillelpgh.org.
Each photo should show your child involved in a different activity. Click PHOTO to be taken to the PDF form to describe what your child is doing in each photo.
A sampling of photos will be displayed on the lobby monitor and featured in the Hillel Happenings. Students who submit 5 photos are eligible for recognition and will receive the Kibbud Av V'eim Better LYFE pin at the next Better LYFE pin ceremony.
We know that our readers enjoy challenges. Thanks to Ms. Myers in our English department, we bring you the weekly riddle. Email us your answers and winners will be published in the following week's issue.
This week's:
Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they're not twins. How can this be?
Last week's riddle and answer:
What is the least possible score in Scrabble with a two-letter word (assuming the word is the first one placed in a game)?
Answer: 0
Cross Curricular Research Project
I am currently teaching a three-part research project unit to the middle schoolers. The aim is to teach research methodology - not simply producing content for a research paper, but learning how to conduct research properly. Ultimately, the questions we will ask are:
- Is my research paper interesting to others?
- Has the best information been presented in the best way?
- Have I used trustworthy sources, and made sure to note my sources properly?
- Have I sought the help of experts when necessary?
- Have I been collegial and shared the outcomes of my work with my fellow students?
The project for the seventh grade boys started with a week of word puzzles, where we solved
This is one of the artifacts used in the lesson.
a number of very different kinds of puzzles - some that involved hidden words, some that were three-dimensional; some that focused on syntactic units - and the students created their own versions of these puzzles.
Next, they began a process to discover what their research topic would be. This part forced them to put to practical use what they'd learned by doing all those puzzles, by engaging in a scavenger hunt among the faculty. Their first clue was hidden within their weekly spelling test: an acrostic telling them where to go for their first challenge (Bonnie Morris, Library). There, Ms. Morris gave them their task: to translate four foreign phrases into English. This involved figuring out how best to utilize the tools available to them; when one student tried a different approach, he shared his successful method with the class afterwards. Once completed, Ms. Morris handed them their next clue: a three-dimensional puzzle which spelled out Donald Garwood.
Off they rushed to the Science Lab, where Mr. Garwood gave them a sheet of paper simply listing several elements. The students had to figure out what to do with them. They used the giant Periodic Table to produce an anagram of the name of their next teacher: Spencer Kingman. Mr. Kingman had very kindly written math problems (with proofs) for each student, so that each separate answer would produce a specific large number.
This is another.
Finally, they went to Mrs. Finder to collect a word search puzzle. After finding all the the class's names, the remaining letters spelled out the URL for a strange website - which proved to be a giant list of numbers for asteroids. By finding the number corresponding to the answer of their math problem, they arrived at an asteroid whose name told them who their research subject was (each having been determined in advance according to the student's interests): ie. 1462 Zamenhof (the Jewish scholar who invented Esperanto), or 12414 Bure (Pavel Bure, the Russian ice hockey Hall of Famer).
The point of the scavenger hunt was to demonstrate the work researchers do in chasing down information and working as a team. Now that they are using various resources (the internet; books; interviews; polls, etc.) to produce their paper, and taking notes in a specially-designated notebook. Good research always crosses disciplinary lines; in my own work, I've had to draw on subjects I never thought I'd revisit once I left school. It's important that students see that disciplines are interconnected, and never really exist in isolation - though the way the school day is organized can often make it seem so. Hillel Academy has a powerful asset in that teachers can collaborate on projects such as this, and it's been a pleasure to involve my colleagues in this endeavor.
Hillel Gear Spotted Here
Hey, Hillel Happenings readers, we all know that Hillel nation extends well beyond Squirrel Hill. So here's our chance to prove it. Send a picture of yourself in Hillel gear (uniform, t-shirt, etc.) to hillelhappenings@hillelpgh.org, and each week we'll select the best picture for inclusion in the Hillel Happenings.
Announcing the Hillel Gear Pesach Break Contest
Here are the rules:
1- Every family may submit 1 photo to be entered into the contest
2- Families do not need to have kids currently enrolled in Hillel Academy to participate
3- The Hillel Gear (pins and magnets included) must be obviously displayed
4- The prize will only go to the family that submitted the photo (even if members of other families are featured).
5- The winner with the most Facebook 'likes' will receive a family dinner by Mordy Brown!
This week we would like to welcome Miriam Tova Langer to the Hillel Academy Family. We went over to wish the Langers a Mazel Tov and we spotted MT sporting her Hillel onzie. "Way to go MT" or maybe we should say, "way to go Mrs. Langer."
Miriam Tova Langer taking a break during the day.
Werber's Words of Wisdom
We're getting close to the end of the presidential series but, hopefully, part 12 will eliminate your excitement for executive epiphanies.
Herbert Hoover: As a child, Hoover was once pronounced dead, but was revived by Dr. John Minthorn, who was Hoover's uncle and who Hoover lived with since both his parents had died when he was quite young. Before his father died, he often called Herbert "My little stick in the mud." Hoover apparently had trouble crossing muddy streets when he was little, often getting stuck.
While President, Hoover and his wife frequently spoke together in Mandarin Chinese in order to have private conversations because they were rarely alone.
Hoover is often blamed for the Great Depression, however, Hoover actually had very enlightened views on government and the economy, for his time. The prevailing point of view was that government should do nothing about the economy and that "the invisible hand" of the market would always right any economic woe. Hoover, however, did try various methods to stimulate the economy. He urged business leaders to keep workers, he started a public works program that was a precursor to the New Deal and was instrumental in passing the Glass-Steagle Banking Act of 1932 to stop the deflation of currency. His presidency will always, despite his best attempts, be marred by the Great Depression but, perhaps, unjustly.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The fifth cousin of Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt also married Teddy's niece, Eleanor Roosevelt.
When Roosevelt was inaugurated the U.S. was at the nadir of the worst depression in its history. A quarter of the workforce was unemployed. Farmers were in deep trouble as prices fell by 60%. Industrial production had fallen by more than half since 1929. Two million were homeless. By the evening of March 4, 32 of the 48 states - as well as the District of Columbia - had closed their banks. The New York Federal Reserve Bank was unable to open on the 5th, as huge sums had been withdrawn by panicky customers in previous days.
Roosevelt started the program known as "The New Deal" to stop this economic crisis. He started so many agencies that his administration was often called "The Alphabet Administration" after the initials of the programs he started.
The two-term tradition had been an unwritten rule (until the 22nd Amendment after Roosevelt's presidency) since George Washington declined to run for a third term in 1796, and both Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt were attacked for trying to obtain a third non-consecutive term. Roosevelt won a third term, however, with 55% of the popular vote.
Roosevelt's 3rd term was largely taken up with World War II. Although he won a 4th term (with Harry Truman as his vice president), it was already clear that Roosevelt was not well. Roosevelt died while sitting for a painting, with his last words being "I have a terrific pain in the back of my head." His death made Harry Truman president of the United States.
Harry S. Truman: The "S" in Truman's middle name doesn't stand for anything. His parents picked it to honor both of his grandfathers, Anderson Shipp Truman and Solomon Young.
Truman worked a variety of odd jobs as a young man, including being a timekeeper for the Santa Fe Railroad; during this time, he would sleep in the hobo camps. Because of his poverty, his proposal to Bess Wallace was rejected. This rejection served, as a turning point in his life, motivating him to "make more money."
Truman attempted to go to college and then law school, but dropped out of both quite quickly. He also attempted to go to West Point, but was rejected because of his bad vision. He then attempted to join the National Guard, which he managed to get into only after memorizing the eye chart, so that the testers wouldn't know about his vision problems.
After becoming President via Franklin Roosevelt's death, Truman spoke with Eleanor Roosevelt and asked if there was anything he could do for her. Eleanor replied, "Is there anything we can do for you? You are the one in trouble now!"
Truman's inauguration for his second term as President was the first ever to be televised nationally.
During Truman's time as President, he ordered an addition built to the White House to accommodate his family. When the people hired started examining what they'd need to do for the addition, they found that the 130 year old White House was completely dilapidated, including a collapsed floor in the President's bedroom and they closed his bathroom, as it was completely unsafe to use. Once the addition was done, Truman was told that it was the only part of the White House that could be trusted as structurally sound. He then ordered a complete renovation of the White House, which took three years.
Part 12 took us through the Great Depression and World War II. Stay tuned for part 13 as we get ever closer to the present.
Flashback Fridays
Can you figure this one out? Email us the names of those in the picture, and we will print
your name in next week's Hillel Happenings.
Last week's photo:
Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and caldron
This week's photo:
Jews have won 38% of all US National Medal of Science awards, did any of these students win?
Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to Morah Devorah and Yehuda Kohanbash and the entire family, on the birth of a granddaughter, Daniella, to Leah and alumnus, Shalom Dovid Kohanbash.
Mazel Tov to Mr. and Dr. Joseph and the entire family on the birth of a grandson, Refael Reuven, to alumnus Gail (Joseph) Singer.
Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen, and the entire family on the birth of a baby boy.
Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Kentor and the entire family, on the birth of a baby girl to Ellie and alumnus, Ruth (Kentor) Himelstein.
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We give out prizes, announce news and share photos of our rapidly growing school. Additionally, our favorite posts and tweets will be posted in this section. #HillelAcademy1, #HillelGear. Click on the links below to follow us.
Our favorite Tweets from the week:
@HillelAcademy1 Did Andy just hit a full court shot?
First time in my 12 years at @DRSHALB that I forgot to wear a white shirt on Rosh Chodesh. As @morgenborgen would say, "Senioritis?"
@AshtonGibbs12 so what are you up to now days? Your fans at Hillel Academy say hi.
@danshaw28 Playing in Spain. Tell them I said hi. Miss those guys
APPLES FOR STUDENTS: Thus far we have earned 376 points. Please ensure that your advantage card is registered for Hillel Academy to receive apples for students points. To register or check if you are registered call 1800.474.4777 or go to
Our second collection period is coming to an end. Please drop off your Tops in the school office now. We will finish the tallying process by the end of the month. After a wonderful start in the beginning, our collection is nearing its goal.
HILLEL HERALD: The Hillel Herald is a world-class newsletter produced by the Boys' High School. If you would like to receive the Herald via email, or if you have any questions or comments, please contact the staff at hillelherald@hillelpgh.org.
Around Town SHAIMOS: See below for the flyer.
NEW BALTIMORE BAIS MEDRESH YESHIVA: Click YESHIVA to be taken to the brochure.
FOOD & CLOTHES PICKUP: Passover Cleaning? Spring Cleaning?During March and April, Yoni Ratchkauskas will be collecting food and clothes. He will pick up from your house and will deliver to the kosher food bank and goodwill. Email: Jonr989@gmail.com
BOYS ONEG: Boys Oneg, grades 1-3, this Shabbos is from 3:00pm to 4:00pm at PZ! For additional information email Zev Kraut, burghboy97@gmail.com.
GIRLS ONEG: Oneg this Shabbos is from 3:00pm to 4:00pm at PZ! We can't wait to see all girls in grades K - 7 there! For additional information email - onegpitts@aol.com.
BNEI AKIVA: Snif this shabbos is at 4:30pm - 4:30pm-5:30pm at Shaare Torah!
ZUMBA@HILLEL ACADEMY: Zumba with Ashley every Monday and Wednesday night at 7:15pm in Hillel Academy - $5 a session. Contact her for information jyarborough@gmail.com.
ALEPH INSTITUTE: Aleph needs your help as either a mentor or as a volunteer visitor to local prisons or mental facilities. It is also a huge mitzvah. This kind of activity has helped lower the recidivism rate very greatly. Please contact ALEPH Director, Rabbi Moshe Vogel at 412 421-0111, or Volunteer Recruiter, Brian Cynamon at 412 491-1020, or e-mail Brian at cynamon11@juno.com.
IN NEED OF DONORS: Adam and Jill Brufsky would like to encourage everyone to donate to the Central Blood Bank. Jill has been struggling with Leukemia. Your participation will benefit all cancer patients in need of blood and platelet donors. If you have not already been tested for the National Bone Marrow Registry, please do so to assist those in need of a marrow transplant. Click HERE for the sites available, please mention Temple Emanuel's code, G0020018 when registering. Thank you so much for your consideration and your action.
Click HOAGIE to be taken the online form.
We are now accepting new student applications for the 2013-2014 school year! Please contact Chevi Rubin at crubin@hillelpgh.org for more information.
Click HERE for the SDC link.
Want More Hillel Happenings?
Hillel Academy Thanks This Year's Athletic Sponsors
The Ratchkauskas Family - Realty Choice Investments
Mark Sindler, Criminal Defense Attorney
Dr. Jeffrey W. Martz, DMD
5685 Beacon Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
(P) 412-521-8131
(F) 412-521-5150