OCTOBER 18, 2012 | Vol. 129   
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As you are an important member of the community, you are important to us. We hope to share our news and updates with you. STC, also known as "Sung Tien Collaboration", aims to bring people together in synergistic ways so that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.   





STC 順天聯合


 STC Center News
Rowland Heights Buckboard Days Parade Press Conference at STC Center 
羅蘭崗花車遊行記者會在STC Center

On Oct 16, 2012, Rowland Heights Buckboard Days Parade Committee held a press conference at STC Center. Many local media came to report the event happening on this Saturday.
At the press conference, the parade committee introduced the highlights of this year's event. As the president of Rowland Heights Chinese Association, our officer, John Hsu, also introduced the exciting performances that RHCA and STC will present.

Besides the RHCA and RHCCC, the joint organizers of the Buckboard Days parade, many community groups attended the press conference to support. They are: Rowland Unified School District, Pathfinder Seniors, Fundation For Disabled Youth, Hacienda Heights Kiwanis, YMCA, San Gabriel Valley Chamber of Commerce, Pacific Asian Museum, Mt. San Antonio College, Tai Chi Group, and Half the
Sky, many of whom will participant in the parade.

10月16日,羅蘭崗花車遊行籌委會在STC Center舉辦了記者會。許多本地媒體到場報導本週六即將呈獻的盛大活動。
除聯合籌辦的羅蘭崗華協和羅蘭崗社區協調委員會以外,許多社區團體也來到記者會現場支持。他們是:羅蘭聯合學區、Pathfinder老年之家、天使之家、哈崗同濟會、YMCA、聖蓋博谷區域商會、亞太博物館、Mt. San Antonio大學、太極團體以及Half the Sky。他們中許多都將加入遊行的行列。

News Clip from LA18 TV
洛城18台晚間新聞 10162012

STC Center at 10/10 Flag Retreat Ceremony STC 順天聯合參加雙十升旗典禮

On Oct 7, 2012, STC Center participated in the 10/10 Flag Retreat Ceremony in Monterey Park. STC brought the Third Princes on stage with dancers from Dance Impressions Productions, sending bless and good luck to the audience. There were young students from Institute of Chinese Martial Arts performing Lion Dance in our parade Entry. 
Double Tenth Flag Retreat Performance: Descendants of the Dragon and Flower Dance
Descendants of the Dragon and Flower Dance


Flag Retreat



 Community News 
Get Adequate Understandings of the RUSD $158.8 Million Measure R Facility Bond



By One Chu


Dear Members and Friends of Rowland Heights Chinese Association,


One of RHCA's objectives is to promote the welfare of the Chinese American residents in Rowland Heights and to secure justice and equal opportunities for the Chinese American residents in Rowland Heights.  It is also utterly important that RHCA plays an important role of providing crucial community information for our members, friends, and the Chinese American residents in Rowland Heights.  


With the President of RHCA's approval, the Program Committee is sending below information for your consideration as the election day is just around the corner.  


Rowland Heights Chinese Association does NOT promote either "for" or "against" of the RUSD's proposed $158.8 million Measure R Facility Bond.  This is strictly an informational message intended for our members and friends to get adequate understandings of the RUSD Measure R Bond. 


Read the Article on San Gabriel Valley Tribune 


根據洛杉磯郡估稅官評估, 羅蘭崗的平均獨戶的評估值大約是351115美元 (每個人都知道這是偏低的評估值)。羅蘭聯合學區近159百萬美元的設施債券措施如果通過, 你的房子每10萬美元之評估價值, 將被徵稅38.80美元。


使用上述的評稅的平均評估值, 在羅蘭崗超過1萬個家庭將增加繳納稅款至少135美元。而這是額外的, 因為你將仍然繼續支付羅蘭聯合學區於2000年及2006年發行的的債券措施。也就是說, 這是稅上加稅, 因為收羅蘭聯合學區近159百萬美元的設施債券措施如果通過, 你從2000年以來迄今付出的兩次學區債券徵稅不僅不會停止, 而你也將再次被徵收此2012年新的債券稅。


Howard Jarvis納稅人協會的執行董事, Vosburgh說:"我看到了一個趨勢, 許多學區故意不把錢花在定期的建築物維護和保養, 只希望從學區設施債券拿錢來用。"


這篇文章摘自San Gabriel Valley Tribune




 School bond measures among a sea of tax hikes 


Half The Sky Fundraiser Event at STC Center
半邊天基金會募款活動在 STC Center

Half The Sky Half the Sky Foundation (HTS) will hold a fundraiser at STC Center.
WHEN: Saturday, October 27, 2012, 6:30pm
WHERE: 18558 E. Gale Ave, City of Industry, CA 91748
Tickets $40
Tables of 10 $350

Please RSVP by Oct 18, 2012 
Or contact Sarah Cramer at sarah@halfthesky.org or 510.525.3377

Half the Sky Foundation (HTS) was created in 1998 in order to enrich the lives and enhance the prospects for orphaned children in China. We establish and operate infant nurture and preschool programs, provide personalized learning for older children, and offer loving permanent family care, medical care and guidance for children with disabilities. It is our goal to ensure that every orphaned child has a caring adult in her life and a chance at a bright future.


In 13 years, a handful of supporters, mostly adoptive parents of Chinese babies, has grown to include 30,000 supporters world-wide, as well as a growing number of caring corporate citizens and private foundations.


In 13 years Half the Sky has trained thousands of caregivers to nurture the children enrolled in its five innovative programs


In 2008, Half the Sky was deeply honored to receive the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, presented in Oxford, England to Jenny Bowen by former US President Jimmy Carter.


Learn more about Half The Sky


半邊天基金會將於10月27日晚6:30在羅蘭崗四季廣場三樓STC Center舉辦募款活動。請於10月18日前登記參加。









Upcoming Events

Counting down to Buckboard Days Parade 



October 20, 2012 
October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
November 10 & 11, 2012
November 18, 2012



Half The Sky Fundraiser

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Professional Associations






Community Associations






Buckboard Days Parade

Dance Impressions Productions

Institute of Chinese Martial Arts


Youth Science Center  

HH Kiwanis Club 


About Us 
STC, also known as "Sung Tien Collaboration", aims to bring people together in synergistic ways so that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts. "Sung Tien" is a Chinese saying for following the heavens. We believe that doing good naturally brings good outcomes, and through the process, we can have a positive impact on those around us. Our expertise and people-oriented philosophy have proven to be key in successfully connecting members of our community so that each can benefit from the others and ultimately promote the well-being of everyone. As a result, Sung Tien Collaboration has swelled in numbers. 
As both real estate experts and members of the community, STC Management strives to educate its valued clients and prepare them with the best advantage possible in today's economy. As an Accredited Management Organization (AMO), we create value for clients through a combination of managing, leasing and brokering real estate investments. Our affiliations include CCIM, ICSC, AIR, IREM, AOA, MRMLS, NAR, CoStar, LoopNet, CAR, etc. Together, our network provides us with the opportunities and resources necessary in promoting creative and valuable solutions for clients. 
STC又名"順天聯合",旨在將獨立的人集合在一起從而獲得團結的力量,達到一加一大於二的效果。"順天"意為順從天意。我們相信善有善報,而我們的與人為善也能夠對周圍環境產生正面的影響。我們有的不只是專業技術,我們用以人為本的理念與對生命積極的態度也影響了我們周遭的朋友,改善我們的社區及環境。 順天聯合已經吸收了與我們志同道合的朋友和組織加入STC大家庭。
身兼房地產專家和社區成員的雙重身份,STC資產管理致力於指導其尊貴的客戶使他們以最佳的條件應對當今的經濟形勢。作為一家經認證的管理組織(AMO),我們通過資產管理,租賃計畫和房地產投資策略的管理組合為客戶創造價值。我們的指定認證背景包栝:國際註冊商業地產投資師CCIM,國際購物中心理事會ICSC,美國工業地產協會成員AIR,國際資產管理協會IREM,公寓業主協會AOA,全國房地產經紀人協會NAR,加州房地產經紀 人協會CAR,Loopnet, CoStar, MRMLS等網絡。 我們的網絡為我們提供的機遇和必要的資源,從而為客戶推出新穎和有價值的解決方案。