Historic Anaheim Campus (K-8)
1557 W. Mable Street
Anaheim, CA 92802
Historic Anaheim Preschool
121 S. Citron Street
Anaheim, CA 92805

Historic Anaheim Campus Newsletter
JUNE 14, 2013
Congratulations Preschool and Kindergarten Graduates! Photos are available on our Flickr page.
News & Announcements 
Summer Reading - MAIN Campus
Read and take quizzes this summer on www.bookadventure.com. In August choose three books from your report list to add to your First Trimester AR Goal. Additionally, any Distinguished Reader books can be added with summer dates. Both Book Adventure and the Distinguished Reader List can also be found at the Historic Anaheim Kidzone link on Blackboard. Remember that our e-Book library is also available during the summer. New books will be added soon.
Summer Programs are Now Enrolling! - PRESCHOOL and MAIN Campus
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Preschool-8th Grade: http://www.fairmontsummerprograms.com/High School: http://www.fairmontsummerschool.com/
8th Grade Promotion 2013
Leena S., Ejay C. and Tara F. gave their Valedictorian speeches at Thursday's 8th Grade Promotion.
to the
Historic Anaheim 8th Grade Class of 2013!!!
Good Luck in High School!
Sports are finished for the year!
This Week on Our Blog... 

Dates to Know
Monday, June 17th
First Day of Summer Camp
Preschool & Main Campus
Monday, June 24th
First Day of Summer School
Main Campus
Tuesday, August 20
First Day of School for the 2013/2014 Year