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Historic Anaheim Campus (K-8)  
1557 W. Mable Street
Anaheim, CA 92802


Historic Anaheim Preschool
121 S. Citron Street  
Anaheim, CA 92805



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Historic Anaheim Campus Newsletter
JUNE 7, 2013  
Preschool Spring Musical

Preschool students sing at the "Fairmont by the Sea" Spring Musical. Photos are available on our Flickr page
News & AnnouncementsNews

Preschool Graduation - PRESCHOOL Campus

Preschool Graduation Preschool Graduation will be Monday, June 10th at 9:30 A.M. It will be held at the Historic Anaheim Preschool. Seating will be on a first come, first serve basis. Students may go home after graduation. Academics will be light on this day. Caps and gowns went home with students on Friday, June 7th. Please take the time to iron/steam your gown over the weekend. On graduation day, students must be dropped off promptly at 8:30 A.M. in their graduation gown. Students may wear free dress under their gown.


Library News - MAIN Campus

CONGRATULATIONS to this year's Bookmark Contest Winners:

Kindergarten - Alexandra H.

1st-2nd Grade - Sora C.

3rd-4th Grade - Nathan C.

5th-6th Grade - Jennifer Z.

Junior High - Claudia P.


Summer Reading - MAIN Campus

Read and take quizzes this summer on www.bookadventure.com. In August choose three books from your report list to add to your First Trimester AR Goal. Additionally, any Distinguished Reader books can be added with summer dates. Both Book Adventure and the Distinguish Reader List can also be found at the Historic Anaheim Kidzone link on Blackboard. Remember that our e-Book library is also available during the summer. New books will be added soon.

Our Dollar Used Book Sale continues through Tuesday June 1st. All proceeds go toward purchasing new books.

Parent Survey Due June 10 - PRESCHOOL & MAIN Campus
As parents, your feedback is invaluable to us in informing our decisions and plans moving forward. We invite you to share your feedback in this year's online parent survey. You should have received an email this week with the link to the survey. If you have not received the survey, please email Stephanie Green at sgreen@fairmontschools.com with your updated email address, and we will send it to you right away. Each family who completes the survey by June 10 will be entered in a raffle to win $1000 off tuition next year! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

OCR Article PictureFairmont in the News
Yesterday, Fairmont Historic Anaheim students Kyle and Ejay made the news in the OC Register! Kyle (6th grade) and Ejay (8th grade) excel in math, and they have been taking AP Calculus at Fairmont Prep this year through our subject acceleration program. In May, both students took the AP Calculus Exam, joining ranks as some of the youngest students nationwide to take this rigorous test. We are very proud of Kyle and Ejay for their hard work and accomplishments. Click here to read the full story.

Summer Programs are Now Enrolling! - Baby Bear PRESCHOOL and MAIN Campus 

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! 
Preschool-8th Grade: http://www.fairmontsummerprograms.com/
High School: http://www.fairmontsummerschool.com/

June Lunch Menus
        1st-8th Grade 

Move-Up Day    


JK at Move-Up Day
Valeska F., Jaaniya D. and Brandon K. "hang out" on the monkey bars at the Main Campus. More photos from Move-Up Day are available on our Flickr page.     


On Tuesday, June 4th, Historic Anaheim held our traditional Move-Up Day.  On this day, JK-8th grade students "move-up" and visit their next year's classrooms. It is an exciting day for students and teachers alike.

Students met and spent time with each of the teachers who are in the grade they will be in next school year.  


Each teacher presented to the students about a unique topic. For example, Mr. Edmisten had his students participate in a probability game, Mr. Briner and Mrs. Riley presented to sixth grade students about the Grand Canyon overnight trip, Ms. Gratzer read a story to the Junior Kindergarten students and Miss Patterson explained a "day in the life of sixth grade" to the students visiting her class.



Sports are finished for the year!
This Week on Our Blog... Blog
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Dates to Know Date
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Monday, June 10th

       Preschool Graduation

           9:30 A.M.

           Covered Patio

           Preschool Campus


Tuesday, June 11th

       Kindergarten Promotion

           9:30 A.M.


       7th and 8th Grade Beach Day


Wednesday, June 12th

       6th Grade Jubilee

           1:00 P.M.


       8th Grade Bowling Trip


Thursday, June 13th

       7th Grade Laser Tag Trip

       8th Grade Promotion


Friday, June 14th

       Last Day of School Carnival Event

           9:00 A.M.

           Preschool Campus

       Last Day of School - Minimum Day

           12:00 P.M. Dismissal

           Main Campus

Monday, June 17th

       First Day of Summer Camp

           Preschool & Main Campus


Monday, June 24th

       First Day of Summer School

           Main Campus

Tuesday, August 20  
First Day of School for the 2013/2014 Year