Family Auction Night & Gala - PRESCHOOL & MAIN Campus

The Historic Anaheim Parent Association will be presenting a silent and live auction, "An Evening Under the Stars" TONIGHT from 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. at the Historic Anaheim Main Campus. Funds raised from this event will provide educational tools, activities, and events for our students. This event is for the entire family! Please feel free to invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Fairmont Family Night at Angel Stadium
Come out to the "Big A" on Friday, May 3rd to join in Fairmont Angels Night. Join Fairmont families from all five campuses as they cheer on the Angels as the play the Baltimore Orioles. It will be night of good baseball, yummy ballpark food, & Big Bang Friday Night Fireworks! Tickets are $20 and are in the Left Field Pavillion (Family Zone). For more information check out the flyers below.
Historic Anaheim Preschool Flyer
Historic Anaheim Main Campus Flyer
Muzeo TrashArtist Challenge
Muzeo will host an Earth Day event on Saturday, April 20th. This event will include many fun free activities for all ages. Part of the Earth Day celebration is the TrashArtist Challenge. Historic Anaheim Campus has 3 teams.
Junior High Art Elective: Monet's garden: students used recycled materials to recreate Monet's Garden.
6th Graders Jamie and Jessamine, "Flying High with Dragons:" The girls created a magical recycled dragon.
4th Graders: Girl-scouts on a "Mission:" The girls used mostly girl scout cookie boxes to make their Architectural miniature Missions.
241 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Anaheim, 92805
Feel free to check out the website:
Please go to support our teams. Winners will be announced around 2:30 P.M.Thank you for supporting the arts at Fairmont!
Sweet Treat Friday- MAIN Campus
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! The FPA will hold the next Sweet Treat Friday on Friday, April 26th. All items from the truck will cost $2. Flyer
Summer Programs are Now Enrolling! -
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Sign up before April 30th to receive a 10% discount on summer school and summer camp. Preschool-8th Grade: School: Lunch Menus
1st-8th Grade