August 2013
Newsletter #6
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Dear Co-Laborer in Christ:

SignDeclarationThe Tokyo Declaration that was signed at Tokyo 2010 by 30 global, regional, and national mission structures was one of the significant outcomes of Tokyo 2010.  In this issue we focus on some of the key provisions of the Tokyo Declaration in a desire to communicate the imperative of its message.  


We encourage you to read the summary in this issue and/or to read the full document.  The Global Great Commission Network exists to stimulate worldwide mission efforts that promote the making of disciples of every people in our generation.  We invite you to pledge with co-workers from around the world to this common task.  

Join with Tokyo 2010 delegates and many others around the world by adding your own commitment to this vision.  Sign the Tokyo 2010 Declaration at to make a commitment for your organization or for you personally and to pledge yourself or your organization to the Tokyo 2010 Declaration and specifically to cooperate with one another, and all others of like faith, with the singular goal of "making disciples of every people in our generation.   
In This Issue
Sign the Tokyo Declaration
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Tokyo Declaration Summary
Tokyo 2010 Declaration - (Summary)
Making Disciples of Every People in Our Generation  

We affirm that mission is the central theme of Scripture, through which God reveals Himself to be a God who communicates and works through us by action and word in a world estranged from Him.  
We rejoice that today's mission force is global in composition, bearing a diversity of thought, practice and resources that enriches and energizes Christ's global Cause as never before.

We set forth this declaration in obedience to Christ's final command, as a means of calling Christ-followers everywhere to whole-heartedly embrace and earnestly engage in "making disciples of every people in our generation."

Our Responsibility
Because of the reality of mankind's dire need and God's gracious remedy, Jesus left with His followers the missional priority of making disciples of every people (Mt. 28:18-20). By this mandate we acknowledge both the breadth of the unfinished task - all peoples - and the depth of the task - making disciples, as its focus.

... we recognize that the depth of the task contains three essentials that comprise aspects in discipling peoples (Mt. 28:19-20):

Penetration ("go"): making a priority of going to those who have had little or no exposure to the gospel.

Consolidation ("baptizing"): gathering new believers into a relationship with Jesus and other believers, which is evidenced by the identifying rite of baptism. To conserve the fruit of evangelism and then be able to systematically disciple believers takes a local body of believers living in corporate harmony. Thus, the importance of the ministry of establishing churches.

Transformation ("teaching to obey"): teaching Christ-followers to observe His
commands with the outcome of transformed lives. ... As a consequence whole communities, cultures and countries benefit from the transforming power of the gospel. Thus, the importance of the ministry of teaching.

Finishing the Task
God has entrusted this generation with more opportunities and resources to complete the task than any previous one. However, we caution that all these advantages must be matched with a corresponding will to serve and sacrifice, coupled with genuine reliance upon the Holy Spirit.

Our Pledge
Therefore, as representatives of this generation's global mission community, we pledge to obey the Great Commission. We covenant together to use all that God has entrusted to us in this obedience. We will seek to know where people are unreached, overlooked, ignored, or forgotten. We will pray for the Holy Spirit to give strength and guidance as we join with others in changing that neglect, to love and make disciples in the way of the Cross.

We confess that we have not always valued each other or each other's work. We repent of those wrongs and will endeavor to bring an end to competition where it exists, and reconcile where there is hurt, misunderstanding and mistrust. Furthermore, we will endeavor to recognize that each part of the Body has its very own purpose, whether risking their very lives to show God's passion for the salvation of others, or supporting those who lead us forward, or caring for those who quietly support, or fervently pray that His will be done throughout the whole earth. We will respect all mission-engaging individuals and groups as special vessels for God's glory, each endowed with abilities that extend His Kingdom in multiple ways. 

Finally, we recognize that finishing the task will demand effective cooperative efforts of the entire global body of believers. 
We encourage you to check out the Global Great Commission Network initiatives at We are here to serve you and your ministry and we'd love to hear from you. 
In His Mission,
David Hupp
Global Great Commission Network - Coordinating Team