June 2013
Newsletter #5
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Dear Co-Laborer in Christ:

The Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation was not intended to be an end in itself, but the beginning of a movement to see all peoples discipled in our generation. The Global Great Commission Network - Carrying Tokyo 2010 Forward (GGCN) does just that. We serve mission associations, agencies, churches, networks, and individuals globally. The following article gives more information about the network including its ethos and other values.  Note in particular that it is the intent of the GGCN to serve and support other networks and ministries.


We'd love to hear from you and welcome your feedback to any of the following at info@ggcn.org.

In This Issue
GGCN Description and Ethos
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Global Great Commission Network Description, Ethos, and Service


  • The GGCN is autonomous grouping or a system of interconnected people and mission agencies, associations, churches, networks and other ministries.
  • We exist to broadly encourage collaboration and partnerships.
  • We stimulate worldwide mission efforts that promote the making of disciples of every people in this generation.
  • We recognize that finishing the task will demand effective cooperative efforts of the entire global body of believers.
  • It is not our intent to compete with, but to serve and support other networks and ministries.
  • The guiding document of this network is the Tokyo Declaration.
  • The statement of faith of this network is the Lausanne Covenant.


  • We affirm that mission is the central theme of Scripture, through which God reveals Himself to be a God who communicates and works through us by action and word in a world estranged from Him.
  • We rejoice that today's mission force is global in composition, bearing a diversity of thought, practice and resources that enriches and energizes Christ's global Cause as never before.
  • We realize that the present day mission task is so large and complex that no one church, agency, national missions movement, or regional mission block can do it alone or independently.
  • We rely on the authority of the Word of God as the standard for life and ministry.
  • We affirm that all people are lost apart from faith in Christ.
  • We affirm that out of love, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:16), to reconcile the world to Himself, so that mankind's sin will not be counted against them.
  • Jesus left His followers the missional priority of making disciples of every people (Mt. 28:18-20). By this mandate we acknowledge both the breadth of the unfinished task - all peoples - and the depth of the task - making disciples, as its focus.
  • We acknowledge that we are engaged in spiritual warfare in which the presence and empowering of the Holy Spirit is essential (Acts 1:8).
  • We are called to prayer as a lifestyle.
  • We pledge to obey the Great Commission. We covenant together to use all that God has entrusted to us in this obedience. We will seek to know where people are unreached, overlooked, ignored, or forgotten. We will pray for the Holy Spirit to give strength and guidance as we join with others in changing that neglect, to love and make disciples in the way of the Cross.
  • We endeavor to bring an end to competition where it exists, and reconcile where there is hurt, misunderstanding and mistrust.
  • We recognize that no roles or functions in the body of Christ are more "spiritual" than others, but everything done in obedience to God is valid.
  • We recognize that each part of the Body has its very own purpose, whether risking their very lives to show God's passion for the salvation of others, or supporting those who lead us forward, or caring for those who quietly support, or fervently pray that His will be done throughout the whole earth.
  • We respect and value all mission-engaging individuals and groups, all races, male and female, as special vessels for God's glory. We believe every person has unique gifts, talents, and callings, each endowed with abilities that extend His Kingdom in multiple ways. Variety and diversity are positive factors in ministry.
  • We practice a dependence on God for financial provision both individually and corporately, not excluding any opportunity to generate operational income for network development and operational expenses.


Access to GGCN resources and tools is free and is encouraged at the comfort level and need of each user, subject, in some cases, to care that security concerns are respected. 

We encourage you to check out the Global Great Commission Network initiatives at www.ggcn.org. We are here to serve you and your ministry and we'd love to hear from you. 
In His Mission,
David Hupp
Global Great Commission Network - Coordinating Team