When you visit the GGCN web site, you will find several projects are in the development stage. Here's a list of some ways you can connect and be part of our common efforts:
Associations, Networks, and Agency Listings with GGCN
The vision of the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN) is to list, profile, and promote global, regional, national, and other mission associations and networks plus mission sending agencies, mission service agencies, and mission sending churches. If your organization is listed under either Associations/Networks or Organizations at www.ggcn.org you can check to (1) confirm that the information is accurate, including any network affiliations, and (2) identify your organization as a signer of the Tokyo Declaration, as noted above. if it is not listed, let us know at info@ggcn.org and we'll add your organization to the database.
Discipleship Resources
Networking Tools
Two online networking tools in the development stage, and experienced beta testers and other power users are needed to bring these tools online. See www.ggcn.org for the GC Network and Unreached Peoples menu options. If you have social networking skills or unreached peoples interest and research expertise, we want to hear from you at info@ggcn.org.
Prayer Networks, Mission Resources, and Mission News and Events
We want to promote Prayer Networks, Mission Resources, and Mission News and Events from around the world and have made a start toward that goal at www.ggcn.org. Do you know of prayer networks or prayer resources that can be listed and featured? How about significant mission resources including publications, blogs, web pages, service ministries, and much more that should be featured? Are there sources of mission News and Events in your geographic or ministry area that would encourage and bless others. Pass those along or volunteer to coordinate information from your part of the world. Let us hear from you at info@ggcn.org.
We look forward to hearing from you. Let us know how you can help and keep an eye on www.ggcn.org for further developments.