
29th November 2016

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Fab Change-Day Do-Athon
Come to a FREE workshop day with Helen Bevan and friends and help turn Change Day into a year of change.
Top speakers, great venue, join-in, help write some good practice guidelines and make a difference.  
What's not to like!
If they wanted to
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
I watched Jonathan Ashworth, Labour's latest health person; he was on the Sunday Politics show.  Andrew Neil marmalised him.

I'm sure Johnathan's a nice man but he's no policies beyond motherhood-n-apple-pie.  Nothing oven ready. 

If you were to 'do Labour's health policy', what would you write?   What could Labour do that requires no, or minimal legislative changes and no great slug of money up front?

Tough ask?  No...

Of course, we have to deal with the money.  The economy is likely to be stalled so a tapered deal would seem sensible.

Commit to restoring NHS funding to the EU average by 2023.  That might give them three years to get from about 6.3% to around 9%.  Doable.

How about this... 

.....take the money for the NHS from National Insurance; rebadge it the 'NHS Insurance Fund'.  Labour would have to reduce personal and business tax to balance it.  

The advantage; shifting it takes the malevolent Treasury from the equation and would still allow politicians to chase the grail of reducing headline taxes.  NHS funding would be separate and transparent.

As NI contributions come from individuals and employers; where companies make a determined, demonstrable effort to keep their staff fitter, contributions could be reduced by the 'healthy workplace premium'.

That's the headline; now let's look under the bonnet.

Close four out of five CCGs.  Without repealing Lansley's loopy-laws, they have to stay, so the best we can do is emasculate them... force them to merge.

How?  Easy; cap their management costs to one fifth of what they are now.  That forces them together.  Re-badge them; Cooperative Care Groups.  Changes the tone.

As we leave the EU the market testing and contracting palaver goes out of the window.  

Scrap commissioning, create a discretion but no presumption, to market test, where locally it looks to be of benefit.

Leave STPs in place but reduce their number to 10.  No big problem.  Expecting all 44 to work is a pipe-dream.

Have the remaining STPs chaired by Local Government chief officers; drive greater integration with Social Care.  

Devolve health-care responsibility to them around KPIs developed to reflect the specific public health needs of their communities; hold them to account for progress.

Have a massive, meaningful push to get nurses back to working in the NHS; free, tailored retraining packages, free childcare, free use of public transport.  Approach them with personal phone calls and open days. Hire a company to do it. Pay them by results.

Have a 3 month, national inquiry into doctors training.  

Can we make it shorter, a better experience for the trainees?  Dump the 'junior doctor' epithet.  Can we have levels of training?  Does it have to be progressive and based on the assumption everyone wants to be a consultant? 

Get Lord Carter of Bog-Roll back to produce a less labyrinthine report.  Give us 20 things to benchmark, publish and put a reducing cap on non-pay spend.  Let Trusts sort it out. 

Make the NHS the employer everyone wants to work for.  Child-care, canteens open 24-7, host on-line deliveries at work, discount purchases, lifestyle support, wi-fi, rest lounges, hairdressing, chiropody and free massage. 
Make Prop-Co, or what ever it's called these days, earn their corn; create special terms for health workers; co-ownership, health-worker mortgages, no-deposit funding.

Close the CQC it hasn't improved quality, costs a fortune and demotivates all concerned; recognise technology takes us beyond the clip-board era.  

We can, now, answer the question; 'how did we do today', by plugging into data and key indicators, measurable in real time, with the use of technology we can all see.

Pay and train family members as carers, to look after the frail elderly at home.  Pay net of tax, provide respite.  

Create tax-sweet savings bonds for whole families to pay into; syndicating the costs of care for frail elderly relatives.  If, when the time comes, there is a residual in the bond allow it to be used, tax free, for education and house purchase for younger members of the family.  

Introduce binding Citizens' Juries to speed up consultation procedures.  STPs will be stranded, high-and-dry without some new rules to make reconfiguration happened faster.
Good ideas?  

Well, remember, the Tories could do all this, next week... if they wanted to.

  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
Leaving the NHS, changing jobs - you don't have to say goodbye to us! You can update your Email Address from the link you'll find right at the bottom of the page, and we'll keep mailing.
Medicine for Managers

Dr Paul Lambden
'...a lot has happened since we last covered this topic....'
Academy of Fabulous Stuff 

Full report and links here by
Phil Hawthorn.
The Great Change Day 
Helen Bevan a other top Speakers and workshops featuring the top 5 Change Day topics.  Come and help write some good practice guides.
11th January
RCN Conference Centre, 
Cavendish Sq
Tickets are free.
Picturing some good stuff?  It's all 
Doin' some good stuff?
The Academy is the largest repository of free, workable, shareable good ideas in the NHS.
Follow us on Twitter
Please share your good stuff!
News and Stuff
News boy
Dr Phil's Health Revolution
Ideal for your department's Xmas get together!
Dr Phil Hammond 
on tour 
For a full listing and tickets
STP Summit

The IHM have commissioned a report on their progress and prospects; taking to the people doing the job.
Published on 10th January; launched at the 
STP Summit 
RCN Conference Centre 
Cavendish Sq., London
Expect contributions from... 
  • Simon Tarzan Stevens, 
  • The Jim Reaper Mackey, 
  • Chair of NHSI, Ed Smith 
  • STP Leads, 
  • Local authority leaders
  • Workshops and an action plan report
 10th January 2pm-6pm 
followed by a drinks reception 
Come and find out what is the truth of STPs and their plans, what happens next.
Tickets limited, special IHM deal
Tickets are flying out!  Book now!
Peter Wyman
Chair of the CQC
24th January 2017
Yes, really, me and the CQC!
King's Fund
Dr Rodney Jones
This week's great analysis
Using social groups to identify high areas of utilisation.
You will struggle to read anything more interesting
Must read
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - significant risks to Devo-Manc over the gap in Social care Funding.
The Great Gooroo 
writes exclusively for us.
Should we just give up on waiting times?
This is a very good read!
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
New Health-Tec Award

'Nominate your technology that is making a difference to your patients 
for a Health Tech and You Award!'
We thought this was a really good idea so we are partnering the Professional Choice category
Nominate someone and make their day!