
31st October 2016

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Dr Sir Sam Everington
GP extrodinaire!  In conversatin with Roy Lilley
In conversation with Roy Lilley
9th Novemberr 2016 - King's Fund - tickets here. Half price for IHM members.
Sage advice
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
The Sage Gateshead is a concert venue.  And, it is Wow!
Designed by Norman Foster, funding, in large measure from the Lottery and technology firm Sage.

It is spectacular; occupying an unlikely site, clinging to the steep rising ground next to the Tyne in the centre of Newcastle.

Rounded and rolling, the building has huge mass, three tiers and acres of space.

It is magnificent and works because of a clever device.

It is a glass building and in the interior, some of the glass is backed with corrugated panels.  In the day they they reflect outwards and capture the colours and mood of the ever changing sky, making the building look light and airy.

At night, with no light to reflect, the top section of the building disappears.  Here's the clever bit.  The interior lighting shines through the glass walls.  A layer cake of lights float over the Tyne, the silhouette creates a feeling of sails and exuberance.

Inside the obscured panels reflect the interior light and create the exterior, in reverse.  It is exquisite and intelligent.

Never is what you see, what you get.  Never is the outside like the inside.  Always the inside is bigger than the outside.  It is a work of genius.  Jaw dropping.

Let's face it.  NHS mental health services haven't been draw dropping,  more dropping the ball.  The forgotten Cinderella services; struggling, underfunded and parked.  A postcode nightmare.  Where you live is what you get.

They too are a layer cake of an altogether different kind.  The complexity of metal health, so often grounded in worklessness, homelessness and lovelessness.  Wrecked by relationships and life's happenstance.  So often deceptive from the outside, very different on the inside.   

The NHS has not covered itself in glory with its management of mental health services.

The sheer complexity of the conditions and the sheer inadequacy of the 'cures'.  Somehow aren't we still in the dark ages of the management of patients with mental health conditions.

The police, the benefits agency, the family, the employer, the education, the roll of the dice.  Mental health patients; never is the outside, like the inside.

Designing elegant solutions for the one in four of us likely to feel the warm hand of mental-wellness leave our shoulder is complex and unbelievably tangled.

Very few architects could have designed a building as delightful as The Sage.  Very few people can design mental health services as elegant, relevant and innovative as the Sage.

Perhaps just one place; it is a quirk of fate that both leading edge designs can be found in one place.

Northumberland Tyne and Wear FT is the Sage concert hall of mental health service design and architecture.

Street triage, 'what's happening, now' real-time technologies, call centres that work, staff that are teams, leadership that is visible, has a vision and shares it, daily.

This Trust works because of a clever device.  Three layers; openness, inclusiveness and a desire to be the best.

They are all very proud of what they have a achieved and rightly so.  Forget the flat-footed CQC and their soppy ratings.  This Trust would be the best because they just want to be.  They realise; quality is what you do when no one is looking.

The complexity of mental health services takes the management challenge well beyond running an ordinary hospital.  New hips and bouncing babies are 'easy' compared to catching people being bounced around a threadbare system, trying to repair lives.

Parity of esteem is rare to see in action.  Health and wellbeing defined in holistic services that wrap around fragile people and their families.

Many clinicians and managers wont work in mental health services; they are too difficult, too challenging.  A backwater.  Too risky, too career limiting.

Mental health is excruciatingly difficult.  NTWFT recognise they cannot do it alone and have forged relationships outside the NHS that reflect peoples' lives and their needs.  Seeing a policeman sitting in their call centre, answering the phones, pretty well sums it up.   

Here is some Sage advice; if you want to know what good mental health services look like go Newcastle.
  Contact Roy - plse use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
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Medicine for Managers

Dr Paul Lambden
'...don't be caught off balance....'
Come and Join us at this Years Academy of Fabulous Stuff Awards

24th November
The Indigo - O2
12.30 - 4pm
Free tickets
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News and Stuff
News boy
Dr Rodney Jones
Another storming paper
Role of a day-of-week cycle in blood biochemistry in the weekend mortality effect.
Simon Stevens
6th December
King's Fund
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - there is a deal in the offing.  The Treasury may allow some Trusts selling off land etc., to keep the capital proceeds.  Will they allow a conversion of capital to revenue?  I hope not.  Also, capital projects have revenue implications and no one has any of that either!
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
Dr Sir Sam Everington
Barrister, doctor, leader.
In conversation with 
Roy Lilley
He's been a 'rough-sleeper' and charged with making fraudulent job applications to highlight discrimination.  
The first medic on the scene after the 7/7 bombings.
This will be a really interesting evening.  Medico-politics, the future of Primary Care.
King's Fund
9th November 
Tickets for IHM members half price.
New Award

'Are you using health technology that is making a significant difference to your patients?
Nominate it for a Health Tech and You Award!'
We thought this was a really good idea so we are partnering the Professional Choice category
Have a look, nominate someone and make their day!
