
21st September 2016

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Matthew Syed - author of 'Black Box Thinking'
In conversation with Roy Lilley
25th October 2016 - King's Fund - tickets here.
Why wouldn't you? 
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
'Will you come?'
I must be mad.  I said yes.  Usual story, come and speak, no fee, no money, no expenses but; 'We are re-launching a branch and will you give us a start?'
I set off from Surrey mid-morning, drove north.  The further I went, the worse the weather.  A sunny day turned gloomy.  Gloom turned into rain, which turned into a torrent. 
The torrent gave way to hail.  When it stopped; down came the mist and the fog... freezing fog and a bit of snow.  The journey took hours!
I arrived at the hospital campus with my eyeballs glued to the inside of the windscreen.  The post-grad lecture theatre was buried in the nether regions of the hospital grounds.  Street lighting had not been invented here. 
A single light bulb was the only sign of life.  I pounded on the locked doors.  Eventually and ancient retainer appeared; a brown store-man's coat and a flat cap.
'No, he said, the meeting had been cancelled... you can't expect people to turn out on a night like this....'
I retraced my steps  back to Surrey.  A 600 mile round-trip.
How I cursed the Institute of Health Managers! 
I bear no grudge.  I'm a Companion of the Institute and proud to be.
I remember the good old days when 3,000 NHS managers would descend on Birmingham, drink the City dry, eat the restaurants empty, throw whizz-bangs into policy and frightened the politicians to death.
The IHM was rescued from bankruptcy by The Royal Society of Public Health.  They've been great foster parents and thank you but it's time for the IHM to move on.
I'm delighted The Academy of Fabulous Stuff will be be supporting the IHM into the future.
Managers need to find their voice, show each other what good looks like as they face the challenges ahead.
I've thought for some time, no one speaks for managers.  Organisations speak for organisations but who tells it like it is, from the shop-floor to the board room.
We all admire the frontline of healthcare, clinician or not but in my experience, everyone, wherever they work, has a strong sense of vocation and brings it to work, every day.  Every day, in an increasingly difficult environment. 
When is the last time anyone asked you what you thought?  We'd like to change that. 
At the Academy we believe, too often the work of talented managers goes unrecognised and their views and ideas overlooked.  We aim to change that.
The IHM will have it's own chief executive (meet her here) and a new structure that reflects the changing landscape of health and social care.  

Inclusive, consultative and collegiate.

The trick in managing change is to respect the past and take the best of it into the future.  Boy does the IHM have a past and it sure does have a future!
If you are not a member, you can join (Here).  You may be reading this in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland or judging by our readership data, overseas.  It doesn't matter, you can join. We believe the pursuit of excellence knows no boundaries and sharing ideas without frontiers is the fastest way to being the best.
We also believe we are stronger together, learning from each other.  Management skills are international.
Have a voice?  Let's start as we mean to go on.  

What do you make of Le Tache's idea that you have to record wining and dining over £25 and gifts over £50.  Tell us what you think.  

You don't have to be an IHM member to have an opinion, click here and join in. A snap-shot view, just three clicks.
You might have to declare a night out, a decent Ruby, the trimmings and a bottle of Cobra (£27), but not the gift of a bottle of Jack Daniel's single barrel (£47).  Do we need more regulation or would the Nolan principles of public life do the job?  Tell us here.
So, we have a new challenge.  

Let's create a center for learning, a place to share the good stuff, create a voice and have some fun... why wouldn't you?
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
Leaving the NHS, changing jobs - you don't have to say goodbye to us! You can update your Email Address from the link you'll find right at the bottom of the page, and we'll keep mailing.
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ext time you are on the bus, look at the legs...
The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff 

Precious stuff here...
Doin' some good stuff?
Dealing With Difficult People

This best seller is in its third edition!
Essential holiday reading!
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Listen to today's eLetter
Matthew Syed
Former Commonwealth Table Tennis Champion and author of Black Box Thinking

25th October
King's Fund
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - The RCP report due out today will say the NHS doesn't have enough money.  Wow!  How did they work that out?
>>  I'm hearing - the result of the JD court action against the SoS will be announced on 28th Spet.  
Dr Rodney Jones 
New Analysis
The Elephant in the Room and rising Emergency Admissions 
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
Writes exclusively for us
Swedish Warships and NHS Waiting Times.
Ooooh you'll like this.