
25th July 2016

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Ed Smith
Chair of Not-Monitor, or whatever it's called.  In conversation with Roy L
Good conversation, networking and a glass of wine.  What's not to like!
Lord Nobby
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
I had no idea who Lord Naren Patel was/is.  It turns out he is a Scot, of sorts, is an Obs&Gynae doyen and is even older than me.  I conclude he is something of a plonker.
For some reason or other, that democracy can't explain, he is chairing a Lords Select Committee on 'NHS sustainability'.
I have no idea why the unelected house of the great and good wants to poke its nose into our-NHS?
Lord Nobby could be looking into world famine, or he might be interest to understand why the middle-east is in flames?  He could be curious about Palestinians and Israelis.
As he was born there, he might be interested to know why so many people in Tanzania live below the World Bank poverty line and the Serengeti is crawling with elephant poachers.  Or why almost one-third of infant deaths occur in the first month of life.
He might like to enquire why people are turning lorries into weapons of mass destruction and gunning down innocents in malls and shopping centres.
There is Breixit.  As something of a notable on the Science and Technology Committee he could turn his attention to the impending exodus of talent, research and development professionals.
No, not for Lord Nobby.  Forget the last Polar Bear standing on the last square foot of ice.  Inequality, poverty, education.  Forget zero hours contracts, food banks and the grind that is so much of working people's lives.  No, no, no...
Lord Nobby is, apparently, oblivious to the fact that there is no money and public services are trying to find the last penny down the back of the sofa, before it ends up on E-Bay.  
Forget all that; let's take a shovel full of taxpayers-hard-earned and blow it on an entirely superfluous, time-wasting, useless palavering distraction asking why the NHS doesn't have any money.  Why performance is busting a gut, innovation is the hardest thing to do, integration next to impossible and no one is getting to grips with data.
As far as I can see the cost of a select committee is unfathomable.  In the Commons they are accounted for, globally; 2012/13 it was £14m.  The House of Lords costs about £99m a year to run but their accounts are impenetrable and I can't figure out how much Lord Nobby's project will cost.
He is calling for evidence.  All the usual suspects, think-tanks, Royal Colleges, sycophants, camp-followers, hangers on and the rest will scamper around spending a fortune, writing reports and making statements of the blindingly obvious.
Add up the money; costs in flow, people, time and ancillary items, travel and what-not and you can expect the all-up cost of The Nobby NHS Dossier will be a fair few million.
Who cares; it's only public money. There's plenty of it about.  My advice; save the money.  Send a note. Allow me to draft it for you.
Dear Lord Nobby
The NHS will be sustainable for as long as there are people of good-will prepared to pay, fairly, for it.
The NHS can make good use of data if Parliament would pull its finger out and resolve data-governance issues.
The NHS can fix its staffing problems if Parliament will stop frightening EU colleagues about sending them home, decide on the bursary issue, sort out a single national curriculum for nurses and return doctors training to some semblance of 'belonging' and the firm.
The NHS can solve innovation and integration issues if Parliament kicked over the boundaries of health and social care and rewarded innovation as Parliament rewards itself for the upkeep of tradition.
The NHS cannot resolve demand issues but funded properly, focused and put centre stage Public Health England might.  Where is the Childhood Obesity Strategy?

The NHS is very busy right now and palavering about with inquiries into the bleedin' obvious are time wasting, distracting and a nuisance.
Sustainable?  Yes, of course, but not if funding stays at 2000, levels...  behind Greece and on a par with Slovenia.
It's about the money Nobby.
Yours Sincerely
1.4 million NHS people.
Feel free to photocopy this eLetter and pop-it into the post to 
Lord Naren Patel, 
c/o The House of Lords, 
London SW1A 0PW 
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
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26th Sept Kings Fund  5.30pm.
Ed Smith 
Chair of Not-Monitor 
(I must find out what they are called!)
Great evening in prospect.  He has a huge experience and a raconteur 
Plus the usual wine and networking. 
Special ticket prices
Special Agents
The nature and role of 
Boundary Spanners
Dr Paul Williams
This is a must read 
I love it
Excellent analysis
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - a row is brewing over lack of beds for children with eating disorders.
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Winter is coming and the NHS is like Game of Thrones!