
12th July 2016

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Sir Andrew Dillon
Boss of NICE, in conversation with Roy Lilley - last few tickest left.
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
What if...
What if you had a whole lot of issues about service delivery and innovation and wanted some answers.
What if you were really worried about the impact and penetration of public health?  We all know short term gains are really difficult and long term trend reversion even trickier.
What if you could engage a whole school with the idea that running a mile every day was a good idea.  What if you could get the teachers involved and the head teacher joined in and lost three stone in weight in seven months.
I know a place that has.
What if you wanted to make a real impact on alcohol related services?  What if you wanted to work with partners who had walked in the shoes of abuse and addiction, to make support services so good you could get close to an 80% success rate in helping people to stop drinking and get on with their lives?
I know a place you can.
What if you wanted to engage staff with new and better ways of doing things?  Excite them with ideas and encourage them to develop their own.
I know a place that does that.
What if you were struggling with delayed transfers of care?  What if you were looking at developing seamless services, ignoring organisational boundaries, pooling resources and finding innovative ways to create rock solid partnerships with the third sector?
I know a place that does that.
What if you wanted to provide services across difficult geography and circumstances, to create virtual clinics where doctors could be confident of telecare and patients delighted with the reality of virtual reality.
I know a place.
What if dementia was your concern?  Physical and mental health integration, using third and voluntary sector. To create a safe and homely environment in a secondary care setting.
I know a place.
What if you wanted to show the organisation off, to itself?  Showcasing departments and specialties, their good-stuff and new-stuff.  What if you wanted to run a lunch-time market of ideas?  Where would you go?
I know a place.
What if you wanted your catering colleagues to use local sourced, fresh ingredients and meals served on the wards by catering staff with an interest in making sure the meals were fresh, tasty and where people needed help, they got it.
I know a place that does it.
What if you wanted to speed up the referral process and thought that finding a better, quicker more convenient way of seeking specialist support and advice by email was a good idea?
I know a place.
What if you wanted to find a better way of signposting your successes and hard hitting facts and figures with the public, using infographics?
I know a place.
A place that has been the focus of opprobrium but has been determined to learn, to be better than the rest and as good as the best.
A place that has new leadership, a new spring in its step and a new determination; to trust each other, work with whoever it takes to turn a service into show-stopping, draw-dropping good.
The constraints of resource, the exigencies of demand and suffocating regulation that blight, demotivate and bedraggled some services has simply galvanised, focused and made them more determined to show us what they are made of.
... and what are they made of?  Love, passion, vocation, care, fun, vision, professionalism and steel.
What if I told you, all this fabulous stuff is in one place?  You can see it here.
What if I told you I'm talking about University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay FT, their Better Care Together Vanguard and the very special Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School?
Magic Morecambe Bay.
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
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'... and what do they have to do with President Kennedy?'
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News and Stuff
News boy
Book Review
Prof Valerie Iles
Richard Murphy's 
The Joy of Tax 
and decides it is 
a must read for us all!
Sir Andrew Dillon
18th July - King's Fund - 5.30pm
Coming Soon
26th Sept Kings Fund  5.30pm.
Ed Smith 
Chair of Not-Monitor 
(I must find out what they are called!)
Great evening in prospect.  He has a huge experience and a raconteur 
Plus the usual wine and networking. 
Special ticket prices
Be quick
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - the gossips are speculating about the future of Jeremy Hunt as Health Secretary; Jane Ellison or Amber Rudd?  More here.
>>  I'm hearing - unrest over the appointment of a the new national guardian.  Still not a proper full time role and it is a GP with no experience of large organisation dynamics.
>>  I'm hearing - Trust bosses are bracing themselves for a new guidance letter from NHSI and NHSE on NHS finances and more cost reductions.
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem