
31st May 2016

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Duncan Selbie - boss of Public Health England, in conversation with Roy Lilley
King's Fund - June 21st, 5.30pm - Drinks, conversation and networking 
Not ready
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
The weekend politics shows and press were pretty gloomy.  The Europe-Thing is casting a long shadow.  We have a zombie government
Whichever way we vote there will be those who will want to get rid of the Prime Minister; expect elongated rows.  The Labour Party?  Well, I think it's fair to say there are good few who would like to change partners, dance with a different leader to a different tune.  Expect elongated rows!
The NHS is still in a mire with the Junior Doctors.  The HSJ leaks made it plain; the British Machiavellian Army saw the row as more than pay and rations.  The JDs are a lightning rod for deep frustrations and disaffection.  Expect elongated rows.
The NHS is parked; politicians content that 'it has made its own 5 year plan'.  Don't expect any more than the usual bravado and beatings. 
We can't close the NHS, so there's no going back.  There is no real appetite to privatise it so we can't move to the right and we can't move to the left... throw money at the problem, coz... there ain't none.
So, we can only move on.
In a world of joined-up services, touching-base and blue-sky-thinking the worst piece of management speak ever, is; 'going forward'. 
'Let's take a helicopter view, create an ideas-shower, go for the low hanging fruit, look under the bonnet, get our ducks in a row, create some bandwidth, play the tune and see who dances...'
... and think about what we need to do; 'going forward'!
The end of the Lansley Lunacy will come by stealth.  No law makers will be bothered in the making this, new NHS; forty-odd STPs, maybe 60 CCGs, the death of commissioning, everything vertically integrated and adult social care rolled in.  Done.
What it's going to take, to manage through to 2020.  Are you ready for it?  Try the self-assessment test here.
Swap the mirror for a window
Take a long hard look at yourself?  For sure but more important; make a real effort to see the world through the eyes of the people you are managing, the people you are providing services for.  What you think they want may not be what they think they want.  Be brave enough to ask.  
Free up your emotions
It's OK to laugh, cry, get angry and 'have a moment'.  Loneliness, anger, guilt, envy, frustration play an important part in a happy life; they are warning signs that something is wrong and something needs to change.  Listen to your emotions  
Find your curiosity
Finding new things, better ways and improving-the-doing depends on how curious you are.  Aren't you curious to know if something you are doing could be done better?  Curiosity fuels improvement.
Encourage people to believe in themselves and share your curiosity.  Create a confident environment where it's OK to be inquisitive.  Compare yourself with the best and you might be surprised how good you are, or how far you have yet to travel.
If you are curious, you'll create opportunities... if you open your mind, you can turn opportunities into possibilities.
Find a back that needs patting
It's OK to be proud of what you do.  Celebrate the smallest achievements, the tiniest win.  Every day there is someone who deserves a pat on the back; go and find them.  Use the two most powerful words in the management lexicon; 'well done'.
Acquire some habits 
  • Make it a habit to say 'well done'.  
  • Make it a habit to say 'thank you', 
  • Make it a habit to send a handwritten note and not an email.  
  • Make it a habit to show you appreciate the people around you.  
  • Make it a habit to find out about them, their lives, their aspirations and dreams; make it a habit to help make them come true.
We are what we do repeatedly; make it a habit to, repeatedly, do things that create the time and space for good people to do great things.
Make it a habit to be reflective.  Make it a habit to expect the best from people; make it a habit not to be disappointed when they fail.  Make it a habit to lift them up to try again.
Make it a habit to look people in the eye; their true colours will be inside.
The NHS is going to go through tough times.  Get over it.  Nothing happens 'to you', life happens 'for you';  life is tough but it's tougher if you're not ready.
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
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News and Stuff
News boy
Health Chat
Duncan Selbie
Chief Executive Public Health England
In conversation with Roy Lilley
21st June - King's Fund 5.30pm
New HealthChat
Sir Andrew Dillon
18th July - King;s Fund - 5.30pm
King's Fund
Digital Producer
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - there is a row brewing; the NHS Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch is not really independent but more important, has no duty to share information with patients and carers?  If this is true it will be mired in controversy from the off.
>>  I'm hearing - the CQC (them again) have put the boot in; this from a reader...

"For  45 years we have delivered Meds to two village post offices. Not once in all that time (I have been at the surgery 23 years) have we had one reported error.  Post mistresses are quite astute at handing out bags of Meds to the right person particularly when it has their name on the bag but yet the bloody CQC has said because the service could not be adequately risk assessed it has to cease.  We now have dozens of elderly patients all scrabbling around trying to come up with rotas to come up to the surgery to collect their Meds.   I could go on about them but It merely incenses me."

... and they wonder why everybody hates them!
The Gooroo
Writes Exclusively 
for us
The death of 18 weeks?
Northern Traverse
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