
23rd March 2016

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3rd May King's Fund 5.30pm
Niall Dickson Tickets here 
Chief Executive GMC - registration, training and standards for doctors

News and Comment from Roy Lilley
If you are a catholic I guess a trip to Rome might be on the agenda?  A Muslim, maybe Mecca?  A Jew, the Wailing Wall?
There are places that are special.  Have their own allure. A magic.  Lourdes is surely one.  If you are a geek, Silicone Valley is the place for you. 
If you are a dog lover; Crufts.  The Chelsea flower show for gardeners.  A petrol head? The Frankfurt Motor Show.  And, there is London Fashion Week.  If health kit is your thing, don't miss Medica in Düsseldorf. 
Music, maybe Glastonbury?  Books; the Hay Festival.  The Leeds international piano competition and the Bath literature festival.
Everyone has their 'Mecca'.
If you were really interested in healthcare innovation and I mean really interested, where would you go?
There is a place.  Tucked away in a Victorian square next to a manicured, raised lawn.  A step away from the hurly burly of a bustling town centre. From the outside, you would never know.
It is home to Top Cat, the Pink and Fluffy Team, the Blues Brothers, Indiana Jones, the Drugs Sisters and Brains.
Crazy? Well... Take a step down the road and you will find their other place; mission control.  

Meanwhile, somewhere in the NHS...
'...an anxious patient sits with her consultant, hanging on his every word; he twists the computer screen so they might both see it.  The keyboard clatters. The machine collects its thoughts, searches its memory and flashes up an image of an abdomen and its plumbing.
The doctor looks across the top of his glasses, smiles;
"You are all clear..."
Tears sting her eyes and splash into her lap.  A family will celebrate and new plans will be made.'
Little does she known that good news is bought to her and her doctor by the skills and talents of 200 people working a hundred miles away... in the 'otherplace', mission control.
When electronic prescriptions make it easy to pick up your pills, anywhere, it is because of the work of people you will never meet.
When you crank up your emails they are delivered (so many, on a par with the Pentagon or Boeing) via the NHS' own mission control.
When we have our own health web pages, our own information tailored, uniquely; when a library of quality assurance indicators is the mainstream, first port of call for clinicians and health planners it will be because of the work of the invisibles.
When we have an App that links all our health and social care data you will never meet the people who have written the code and made it happen.
When health planners dissect the data that is our daily lives and habits and turn it into tools to keep us well... you won't know how it was done, nor the genius behind it.
When?  It all exists, right now.  I have seen it for myself.  Seen where it is done and who does it.  They are people, like you and me but with a spectacular genius.  A vocation and a talent that takes them into the dark world of analysis, code and computing, resilience and security.
They can take real-time data and give chief executives a dashboard of performance, make it available to regulators, the Tinkerman, on his desk and an App for staff on their mobile phone.

They can help us answer the key question; 'how have we done today?'  Not, how did we do 3 months ago.
The unlikely place?  Leeds.  The home of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.  An invisible army with skills that most of us wouldn't understand if we spent a lifetime trying.
This jewel in the crown of our NHS, can define a nimble and innovative future for healthcare, creating products, opportunities and access that we can only dream of; well beyond the imaginations of the nay-sayers stuck in the era of Gorbachev, the Berlin Wall and IBM's DOS 1.0.
If you are worried the NHS will not respond to the challenge of 21st century healthcare go and visit the HSCIC.  I did.  

I was amazed, awe inspired and left wondering why every Health Minister, every special adviser, every chairman, every CCG, every chief executive and planner isn't a regular visitor... 
The HSCIC is a cornucopia of good stuff.  Have a look at their prototypes.  There's more here at the Alpha blog.
Top Cat, the Pink and Fluffy Team, the Blues Brothers, Indiana Jones, the Drugs Sisters and Brains want you to know what they are doing and so do we.
Look out for the HSCIC shares on the Academy of Fabulous Stuff, coming soon.  Awesome!  
  Contact Roy - please use this e-address
Know something I don't - email me in confidence.
Leaving the NHS, changing jobs - you don't have to say goodbye to us! You can update your Email Address from the link you'll find right at the bottom of the page, and we'll keep mailing.
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The 200th Medicine for Managers written by 
Dr Paul Lambden
 'Thank you' Paul for your support over the years.  Congratulations on being our most popular contributor.
Just on 500,000 page views of your work have entertained and enlightened managers with your insights and explanations.
The 200th is a bumper version... a must read.
'... and so are you Paul, thank you from us all...'
 The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff 

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News and Stuff
News boy
>>  Sustainability and Transformation Fund - methodology/control totals.  Excellent reporting by HSJ's Lawrence Dunhill explaining it all in plain English! Here
Ed Smith
Chair Monitor
'This time it's personal'
Advice for boards and NEDs
The Philosophical Breakfast Club
Interesting new group
Jim Mackey
Chief Executive
NHS Improvement
In conversation with Roy Lilley
King's Fund 
14th April
 It is close to a sell out..
Chief Executive and Registrar of the GMC
Niall Dickson
Hugely interesting career as a regulator, the King's Fund and the BBC.
A great night in prospect.
Coming Soon
New Health Chat
Lord Carter of Coles
In discussion with Roy Lilley all about his report and the price of bog rolls!
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - union staff at the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman have voted 'no confidence' in the organisation's leadership.
>>  I'm hearing - concerns over competition risks for GP federations and super practices 
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