
16th March 2016

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Jim Mackey boss of NHS Improvement Tickets here 
We have moved to a bigger room and have just released a further allocation of tickets
Nearly all gone.....

Catch up
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
It's funny how things can change and you don't notice. In the garden I have a new clump of daffodils.  They weren't there last year but there they are, in a sunny corner, looking like they own the place.  How did they get there?
Have you noticed, perhaps, on the drive to work; one day brown and grey the next day a slight green haze has appeared?  Spring is whispering its arrival. Maybe it's the grand-kids; not seen them for a while and suddenly they can reach the door handle.
There is a change going on around healthcare that I hadn't noticed, it just crept up on me!

It started with a survey.  Regular readers will know I'm not a great supporter of surveys.  Particularly the IMPos Sorry surveys that ask a couple of people about something they know nothing about, multiply the answers by ten, take away the number you first thought of and allow ± 2% for error ='s 'Britain thinks the NHS is treating too many Martians'...... headlines.
As far as I can ascertain, this is not a great survey either.  I tried to find out but all I could really establish; 1014 people (no idea how the sample was selected) were interviewed, by phone (I think), there is no link to the full survey available and if you were thinking of employing a PR agency called 'Agency One' of Wibraham Road, Manchester... I'd think again.
So, I have no idea about the technical details and I can't give you a link... nevertheless it is very interesting!  Take it as a sign-post, a direction of travel.  A bunch of seaweed, giving us a hint... a drop of rain might be on the way. 
The survey is about technology (don't groan, I promise you it really is interesting) and the extent to which Mr and Mrs Britain are using it in managing their health.
We know there is a generation of pallid youngsters with poor eyesight, a stooped back and big thumbs that do technology 24-7.  They can cross a busy street, avoid a lamppost, talk to a friend and chew gum... without interrupting a flow of 'whatsagrammes', pinning pictures to a global notice board, file their homework, update their Face Book page and send a DM on Twitter, without looking up.
This survey is more than that.  It's about all of us. It looks to me like the health technology landscape has tilted.
The survey says 62% of us have used technology to access primary care.  Maybe that's not earth shattering, or is it?  More than half of us using technology to access primary care?  Think about it.  I bet you wouldn't have guessed it was as high as that?
Ordering repeat prescriptions is the top of the list.  Just short of one third of us do it.  Not earth shattering perhaps?  Thinking about Amazon and Tesco-on-Line it is not a lot but I wouldn't have guessed it is that many.   How about this; one in five of us have communicated with a GP on-line.  One-in-five?  That's a lot, isn't it?
There's more; one in 7 has already used video consultation services to speak to a GP.  OK, time to reveal that the survey I'm talking about was conducted at the behest of an on-line doctor service.
I won't reveal which one as I want the company to know how poor and unprepared I think Agency One of Wibraham Road, Manchester is.  However, try this; 30% of interviewees said they would consult a GP by Face-Time or on-line video service if it meant they could have an appointment when they wanted it.
Setting aside the fact that I am very grumpily about  Agency One of Wibraham Road, Manchester and the fact they could give nothing to support the claims in a press release, not backed up by an ounce of verifiable fact; let's take it on face value.
We can recognise there is a significant demand among patients for new pathways of healthcare that work better for them.  

We don't have to be timorous or nervous about doing it.  It looks to me a huge number want it and are ready for it; GP consultations, out patient clinics, home care, care homes... the list is endless.
We shouldn't be thinking about doing it we need to think about how we catch up. 

On second thoughts... I don't see why Agency One of Wibraham Road, Manchester should get all the blame it was 
Push Doctor 
who chose them.
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News and Stuff
News boy
Jim Mackey
Chief Executive
NHS Improvement
In conversation with Roy Lilley
King's Fund 
14th April
Buy your tickets this week.  It is close to a sell out..
Chief Executive and Registrar of the GMC
Niall Dickson
Hugely interesting career as a regulator, the King's Fund and the BBC.
A great night in prospect.
The Gooroo
Writes exclusively for us
More fabulous analysis
The NHS is getting closer and closer to the car in front...
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - 100's of commissioning support staff in Manchester are being transferred to a CCG.  Doesn't bode well...
>>  I'm hearing - reconfiguration in Huddersfield is getting into a tangle with the local politicians getting their knickers in a twist.
>>  I'm hearing - budget; communities funding falls by £1.3m - from £2.5 in 15/16 to £1.2 in 19/20. More than 50% cut over 4 years.
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Charity Run
Angel White
30th May
The Brain tumour Charity
190 mile East to West across Britain