
17th February 2016

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Prof Sir Mike (Deep-Diver) Richards - CQC
In conversation with Roy Lilley - King's Fund March 1st, 5.30pm
Tickets and details HERE

These days
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
I'm a bit off PowerPoint these days; fed-up looking at the back of speaker's heads whilst they read out the words on the screen.  I've seen most of the funny pictures and the wise quotes seem to have lost their sagacity.
Scattergrams are usually unreadable for the people in the back row and graphs with skinny lines are beyond me in the front row.  Most infuriating are the people who say; 'I know you can't read this... but...'  

Then there are the people who turn up with a slide deck of 45 slides for a 20 minute slot.... and get humpy when they run into coffee time and people walk out.   
However, I do like a Venn diagram.  They are always big and bold and tell their story without laser pointers or speakers faffing about
Three interlinking circles making that funny diamond shape in the middle... the zone of peak performance.  The place where we get it together.   
They have been around since 1880 when Joh Venn, the philosopher and logician invented the idea.  There is a stained glass Venn diagram in Caius College, Cambridge, where obtained his degree in mathematics.
Venn said:
"I... hit upon the diagrammatical device of representing propositions by inclusive and exclusive circles. Of course the device was not new then, but it was so obviously representative of the way in which any one, who approached the subject from the mathematical side, would attempt to visualise propositions, that it was forced upon me almost at once."
In commemoration of the 180th anniversary of Venn's birth, on 4 August 2014, Google replaced its normal logo on global search pages with an interactive and animated Google doodle that incorporated the use of a Venn diagram.
I'm thinking of drawing a Venn diagram of where we are with the NHS.
There are three issues that are interlinked.
The first is the junior doctor's strike.  I'm hearing the BMA is surveying the Docs and there is a meeting this weekend where they could decide to ballot for more strikes.  For gawd sake... somebody do something about this!  The proposed settlement is labyrinthine and incomprehensible.
Even the Confed need 14 pages to try and explain it all! (Still worth a look).  Thank goodness they have the Dummy's guide; here.  A must look. 
The next issue is the 7-day NHS.  Predicated on the reasonable ambition to make the NHS as safe as it can be, there are 15 international studies that say 'something' happens at weekends.  It seems to me to have less to do with junior doctors than it does senior doctors, allied health professionals and ancillary staff.  The whole team turning up.
A hospital on a Sunday doesn't look like it does on a Tuesday.  To add to the shemozzle the Guardian has a leak from the DH which says;
'...[the department]... cannot evidence the mechanism by which increased consultant presence and diagnostic tests at weekends will translate into lower mortality and reduced length of stay".
And, admits it will be;
 "...  challenging... to recruit...[the]... 1,000 new staff... needed to run a seven-day service in hospitals."
It gets worse.  The report also says; community and social care cannot cope with more discharges at weekends and 7-day running will cost £900m a year.
Ah, the money.  That's my third circle.  Enter Lord Kerslake, the former head of the civil service and Chair of the King's College Trust.  According to the CQC 'not well led'.  Really? 
Kerslake says what we have been saying for over a year; the NHS is slipping in the table of EU %age of GDP health spending.  We used to be around 11% in the Blair years, we are now heading for 6.6%.
We said 2p on income tax.  The guru's guru on money, John Appleby, at the King's Fund, says we need 3p.
Three interlinking circles; staff, money and how we work.  Each one related to the other and the little diamond shape in the middle - the zone of the perfect storm.
Venn went on to become an Anglican Minister.  Perhaps we should pray for better weather than a storm created by nothing more than political choices; leaving the NHS with not much of an umbrella and a severe storm warning!
Little wonder we don't see much of the Venn diagram these days!
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Andrew Lyons
Jim Mackey
Chief Executive
NHS Improvement
Financial discipline, quality and knitting fog.  Can he do it?
Come and find out
In conversatin with Roy Lilley
King's Fund 
14th April
The Gooroo
writes exclusively for us.
Managers managing; adaptable and granular
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The Facey Romford Papers

The hysterically funny series we ran last year has been turned into a must read book.
The 50 original episodes + 20 bonus pieces previously unpublished.
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Health Chat
Prof Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals 
1st March 2016
King's Fund 5.30pm
A few tickets left
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - there have been some pretty ugly social media attacks on chief executives after the Dalton 'do-they-or-don't-they' support imposition of the contract, letter.
>>  I'm hearing - expect a relentless campaign to end delayed transfers of care.
>>  I'm hearing - Prop-Co have got themselves into such a mess they are resorting to outsourcing£160m contracts to manage and maintain property across England.  Expect redundancies.
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
Dr Rodney 
More fascinating analysis
Is there a fatal flaw in our calculations?
Something far more important than the 'week-end effect' may be in play!