
15th February 2016

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Prof Sir Mike (Deep-Diver) Richards - CQC
In conversation with Roy Lilley - King's Fund March 1st, 5.30pm
Tickets and details HERE

Walk alone
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
Hello, here we all are on the brink of another week... standing in the wreckage of last week.  As the smoke clears I'm trying to figure out what happened.
A damaging London-Tube driver's strike was avoided and the people of Syria may have edged a tiny bit closer to peace; men and women of goodwill and not, talked to each other and realised the passengers and the the beleaguered citizens were the most important people in their world.  So, they sorted themselves out.
The NHS?  Populated by the most educated, trained and intelligent workforce in the country have been talking for four years and can't sort out a pay and rations dispute.  

Malign forces, Machiavelli, mischief and misinformation combined to prevent the NHS achieving what teachers in the playground do every day, proper trades unions do as often as they have to and world leaders do when they must; sort out a row.
For weeks I have been saying, keep talking, you'll fix it.  Don't give up; dialogue is the only way.  Speak to each other and a solution will emerge.  It hasn't.
I am furious, frustrated, exasperated... in equal measure.  Even as the door slammed shut there was a row about who said what and who put their name to this or that statement.
Pride, hubris, self importance all getting in the way of our sole and only purpose; protecting the front line, enabling the great people who work there to do fabulous things for the anxious people who come to us for peace of mind.
The rank stupidity of it took me to the point of saying to myself; 'Roy, you've been in and around the NHS for 40yrs... it's time to leave them to it'.
You may not like it but the Tinkerman and his government have been elected to deliver a manifesto promise; a 7 day NHS... whatever it means.  

Get over it. 
We may not like the ham-fisted, very stupid way he has gone about his business.  

Get over it.

You may not like the trades unions and their dark arts and how talks have spun-out for four years.  

Get over it.

You may be furious that St David made a mess of his final sign-off letter.
Get over it.
You may well have an overwhelming urge to bang their stupid heads together and tell them to grow up.  I'm old enough, for most of them to be my little brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, even grand-kids.  What a dysfunctional, embarrassment of a family I've ended up with.
I do look at the NHS as 'a family'.  There is a strong collegiate, cooperative, team and family feel of being 'in' the NHS.  Vocation and a sense of common purpose are the signposts we follow and the beacons we march towards.  I asked myself; do I really want to be part of this any more...

If I hadn't been where I was, well, I'm pretty sure I would have thrown in the towel.  Headed for the beach.
Last week I was in Liverpool.  At the amazing Aintree University FT.  A sprawling metropolis of a hospital for which the Director of Estates deserves a medal for its pristine condition.  This is not a hospital it is a community, a small town.
They opened their doors to us and invited 'The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff on the Road' to pay a visit.
What a visit! What a fabulous, goose-bump visit.
Extraordinary innovation; a postage-stamp size device that sits on the skin and analyses your blood... through to bereaved relatives trained to compassa and comfort families like them, going through the same torment. 
We saw it all: defeating the scourge of sepsis; enhanced recovery hip operations, discharging patients, safety, in 24hrs; enablement teams that will soon give Buurtzorg a run for their money.  They are making falls a thing of the past, detox that sticks, outstanding diabetes results and volunteers leading the future.
More, much more than I have room to tell but look out for the #AmazingAintree Twitter tag and Academy pages in the weeks to come.
This is a Trust, high on enthusiasm, lead by people with ideas, who know why they are there.

At the sell-out HealthChat evening, after an exhausting day, a packed audience quizzed community leaders, the room filled will passion and optimism for the future.

Now, is not the time for recrimination or reckoning.  Now is the time for recuperation, rebuilding and reconciliation. 
Thank you Aintree, for sorting my head out... now I know, I'll never walk alone.
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'Inspect people, demoralise them, accuse them of failing and it will get worse.  
Show people what good looks like and they will  do it , better and better...'
It's OK to be proud of what you do!
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News and Stuff
News boy
Jim Mackey
Chief Executive
NHS Improvement
Financial discipline, quality and knitting fog.  Can he do it?
Come and find out
In conversatin with Roy Lilley
King's Fund 
14th April
Health Chat
Prof Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals 
1st March 2016
King's Fund 5.30pm
A few tickets left
This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - part of the reason behind the mess Dalton's letter of support got into was the fact that it was sent to Chief Executives at 2.30pm, demanding a reply by 3.15pm.  Made worse by the fact is was sent from the email address of a secretary that no one recognised, hence it got over-looked.
>>  I'm hearing - the CQC, struggling with a slashed budget, desperate to find a way to collect performance information on Trusts will be rummaging around FaceBook and Twitter for evidence.  Actually, I think I might have suggested that about three years ago!
>>  I'm hearing - a West London Uni Medical School has been fined +£700k fro recruiting 10 more doctors than their cap allows!
Need inspiration, a good idea or solve a problem
Dr Rodney 
More fascinating analysis
Is there a fatal flaw in our calculations?
Something far more important than the 'week-end effect' may be in play!