
14th August 2015

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December 1st King's Fund 5.30pm

New boss of the RCN, Janet Davies - tickets here.  RCN concessions.

That's cool 
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
Being in jail means you've done something bad. It does not necessarily mean you are bad. It doesn't mean you are irretrievably wicked and have somehow abandoned any thoughts of humanity.
It can mean happenstance, life's chances and bad decisions have ended you up in Guys Marsh Prison. It doesn't mean you can't recognise a fine young man, who but for the role of the dice, might have been your son or your brother.
We can all identify a sturdy sapling on the way to becoming a stout oak. Athletic and tough, hansom, like his Dad. A flowing auburn mane, the image of his beautiful Mum. Porcelain and granite, angelic and mischievous, enquiring, adventurous and fearless. A prodigy, a wonder and a star in the making.
This joyous boy, full of life and hope and promise is dead. After three relapses, seven goes at holding on, life finally slipped from his grasp. A brain tumour, damaged brain tissue, seven goes at saving him. A drain and a gismo planted in his head.
A medulloblastoma, the most common paediatric, malignant, primary brain tumour.
He knew he was dying. Mature beyond his years, in a TV interview he said; 'I'm kinda stuffed but hey, you can't win them all'.
He spoke candidly of his treatment, casually of chemotherapy, calmly about relapse and nonchalantly of secondaries. This junior Indian Jones journey was to become a lost cause.
His mum says she feels sad and guilty she didn't spot the signs earlier. She knows about meningitis but not the equal 1 in 600 risks of this cancer. How would she? Who does?
This boy, DD to his friends, David Langton-Gilks, had an undiagnosed brain tumour. It the forest of confusing signs and symptoms, recurrent vomiting and headaches, the obvious became the not so obvious. Whose kids don't throw up now and then; complain of a headache now and again. It's now and again and again that is the warning.
DD need not have died. Early diagnosis might have given him a chance to fulfil his promise. The inmates at the prison, where DD's dad is a music teacher, heard of the story and composed and wrote A Song For DD, to raise money for the Head Smart campaign, in his memory and as a siren call for other mums and dads. Download it and put it on your iPlayer. Please.
Head Smart is a growing campaign and aims to make families and family doctors more aware of the symptoms. There is a web-site, have a look. If you run a practice you can have some free leaflets. You can follow on Twitter @sachaLG and for a mobile app of the symptoms Text SMART81400 for a free down load.
Can we get the leaflets into every school, one in every school bag, on the kitchen table of every home and a plie in every waiting room? Can we get the free App on the phones of the mums and dads at the school gates?  With your help, I think we could.
Speaking about the campaign, shortly before he died, DD said; 'That's cool'.
Have a good weekend.
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Medicine for Managers
Dr Paul Lambden
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purura
Get that in scrabble and you're on a winner, otherwise you wouldn't want it!

It's raining great ideas - they are
Loadsa good ideas .  
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News and Stuff
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Sam Jones
In conversation with
Roy Lilley 
Chief Vanguardista
... and NHSE Director of New Models of Care
What are the new Vanguards all about?  Can they save the NHS?  Come and find out.
King's Fund
29th October.
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This is what I'm hearing;
if you know different,
tell me here
>>  I'm hearing - that Care England, the body that represents care home providers will stop making retainer payments to GPs to get them to visit homes and treat residents. Apparently one home is paying £70k a month.  The row is over what constitutes an 'enhanced service' which can be paid for.  It seems to me residents will be entitled to a GP and a service.  Why should care home residents be any different?
>>  I'm hearing - the proposed changes to the tariff and Trusts freedom to object resulted in one chief executive of a leviathan Trusts spill his morning coffee!
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