
28th July 2015

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Sir Robert Naylor

One of the longest serving leaders in the NHS, running one of the biggest Trusts.

What's life like at the top? Find out; in conversation with Roy Lilley; King's Fund 16th September 

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Ask too much?
News and Comment from Roy Lilley

The travails of Labour are really nothing to do with me. From what I see; the whole sorry story has turned into a public act of autosarcophagy.


More interesting; the rise and rise of Jeremy Corbyn; a fully paid up member of the awkward squad. Since 1997 he has rebelled against party whip 610 times!  Sounds like my kina-guy!


Wiltshire-born, Corbyn claimed the least amount of expenses of any MP during his time in Parliament. One quality of leadership; the standards they set for themselves.


For under a fiver you can join the Labour Party and take part in the Leadership Election. Temptin' ain't it!


Other candidates are available... I have no idea what they stand for. They look like Conlabourtives.


As an observer of the political scene I would say a woman leading the Labour Party is long overdue. Liz Kendall; too scratchy never stops talking. I have been impressed by Yvette Cooper. Fabulous CV, mum, kids, cranky husband, thoughtful and articulate. However, I'm disappointed not to have a Cooper narrative.


Andy Burnham? Nice guy, committed but does politics really need another bloke? He was a fudger on health and seems to stand for austerity-lite.


Leadership is a funny business. Corbyn is no Messiah but his platform is peace and social justice. That isn't bad, is it? I think I could vote for that. Labour supporters would vote for that, wouldn't they? Dare I say; the majority of electors would, wouldn't they?


In fact YouGov say just that. Corbyn leads by a country mile.


So, figure this out; the Labour Party has a popular person, with popular beliefs but is having a collective heart attack; they don't want Corbyn.


We all know why but no one will speak the truth. He's got a grey beard, enthral to the unions, might put up taxes, a proper socialist with rough edges. Some leader...


The NHS spends a lot of time examining 'leadership'.


How many times have I written; Leaders are visible, have a vision and share it often... just like Corbyn.


Leaders have the knack of getting someone else to do something that needs to be done. Like; pay more taxes for decent public services... just like Corbyn.


Leaders do the right thing; managers do things right. It can't be right to cut the benefits infrastructure and leave no safety net... Corbyn doesn't think that's right. The other candidates look for ways to manage austerity. Corbyn wants none of it.


Leaders build a team. Corbyn wants to build inclusiveness by having elections to the Shadow Cabinet.


Leaders create organisations that are at ease with themselves. Corbyn wants to do that whilst the other candidates are busy slagging him and each other off.


Leaders are honest, they share power, they are communicators, have a sense of humour, they are comfortable in their own skin and confident, have a strong sense of commitment, are positive about what they can achieve, are creative, have more than their fair share of intuition and can inspire people to do the right thing and great things.


Which one of these credentials does Corbyn not have? Which of the other candidates has half of them?


Tricky this, isn't it? Leaders are not all benign, welcome or cushy to deal with. They can challenge organisations.


What it comes down to is; leaders are 'real', accessible, authentic... just like Corbyn. They have belief structures, lines they won't cross. A leader is a dealer in hope... like Corbyn.


If an organisation doesn't want these qualities you have to ask; 'What is the organisation for?' Without these qualities there is no reason for Labour to exist. The same is true for the Lib-Dems... who seem to have chosen the milk-monitor to lead them. Together, they might become the Social-Democrats... but I doubt it. Certainly, the left needs recalibration.


The NHS might ask itself all these questions about its own leaders and their purpose; reflect on the fact 7% of all CEO positions are vacant and the average tenure 700 days. Unlike the Labour Party there is no queue of candidates to be in charge.


Maybe, Labour asks too little from it leaders.


In which case; perhaps the NHS asks too much?



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Sir Robert Naylor
One of the longest serving CEOs of one of the
 Biggest Trusts
At the heart of strategy and policy for over 25yrs.
What does the future hold for the Vanguards, strategy, regulation, funding.
Come and hear him in conversation with Roy Lilley 
King's Fund
16th September.
Warning - this is going to be an early sell-out.
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>>  I'm hearing - from several of you about how difficult the CQC recruitment web site is.  Twenty+ minutes to get half way through the form and then a demand for 400 words on 'how you embody their values' + examples.  How about they just ask for CVs in a pfd format?   As a teacher said to me recently; them as can teach, them as can't inspect.  Ouch!
>>  I'm hearing - the CQC recruit on zero hours contracts.  One case I have seen was recruited in January and in 7 months they haven't been given a job to do.  No wonder people don't want to join them.
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