
24th April  2015

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Sir Robert Francis

In conversation with Roy Lilley

Whistle-Blowing, Complaints, the CQC and Local Guardians   

Health Chat at the King's Fund 18th May Details here. Tickets selling fast.

Sounds good to me!
News and Comment from Roy Lilley

Do you like where you live? Town, country, apartment, pile? Urban? Rural? What makes a great place to live? Near your family? As far a possible away from your family! On the coast, on a boat?


More like near where you were born, family and work. I'm told the majority of us will live and die within seven miles of where we were born? Really? I thought people were much more mobile.


Anyway, if you had nothing to worry about, no ties and fetters where would you go?


What about somewhere that has chocolate box top summers and Christmas card picture winters? A place that is safe and clean. Where the crime rate is low and according to several studies the citizens are amongst the happiest on earth.


Sounds good? Well, there is a place. It is a place where maternity leave is fifty two weeks. There is a place where the pastries are delicious and served warm and the cafe culture is cool. A place where education is free and your kids can have free nursery care from six months old.


None of this is cheap. Tax rates can be as high as fifty percent but public services work, are safe and clean. Health and social care is free at the point of use.


Free gift wrapping comes as regular in most stores. Topless beach bathing is the norm and every one rides a bike. Cyclist, mostly, have the right of way. Almost everywhere is disability friendly. Last year there were only seven suicides and three of them were 'assisted'.


There is an acceptance of multiculturalism, a spotless human rights record and more people want to live there than leave.


Perfect? Paradise? Well, there is the little matter of porn and sex at fifteen that might trouble you.  There is a bit of a confusing attitude to drugs and some of the shop opening hours are inconvenient.


In the local language there is no word equivalent to 'please', there are no mountains and a little whiff of national arrogance, perhaps?


The healthcare system is straightforward; free at the point of use. End of life care an exemplar and no stupid division between health and social care. It's not a sin to get old.


According to Forbes this place is home of one of the world's leading medtech companies, rated above Apple for innovation. And, by the way, the nation is the proud maker of one of the world's favourite toys.


Interestingly they copied the NHS model of licensing services, inspection and regulation. Last week they realised it doesn't work, adds to costs and bureaucracy and contributes nothing to safety, quality or confidence in the system. So, they've dumped it.


They are going to focus on the patient and not be distracted by the hoopla. This is a very mature and sensible country, at ease with itself and relaxed enough to change direction when it finds itself going about things the wrong way.  It is brave enough and bold enough to say; we tried this and it isn't working.


The country? Denmark.  Sounds good to me!


Have a great weekend.


Sir Robert Francis,

in conversation with Roy Lilley 

Details here 

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Sir Robert Francis
In conversation with Roy Lilley
18th May 2015
King's Fund
Governing Body Nurse
Isle of Wight CCG
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