January/February 2016
In this issue...
President's Column
Corporate Partner Spotlight
2016 WTS MN Board of Directors
Recap: February Program
Recap: Central Region Conference
Corporate Partnership Update
Members on the Move
New Members
WTS Minnesota welcomes the following new and returning members:

Nazanin Banaeiyan
University of MN Duluth

Beth Bartz
SRF Consulting Group

Kelcie Campbell
Metro Transit

Amy DeBruin
Isthmus Engineering

Cristina Diaz
Zan Associates

Mark Dierling

Sara Dunlap

Lucy Galbraith
Metro Transit

Christian Hiniker

JoNette Kuhnau
Kimley-Horn and Associates

Alexandria Magee
Zan Associates

Nicole Mardell
City of St. Louis Park

Erin Mattern
Kimley-Horn and Associates

Dave Montebello
SRF Consulting Group

Laura Nehl-Trueman

Kelly Ritter
Metropolitan Coucil

Beth Scheffer

Elizabeth Stiffler
City of St. Paul Public Works

Kristin White

Jeanne Witzig
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Save the Dates for Upcoming Programs!

Transportation, Advocacy, and Economic Development
Tuesday, March 15th
5:00 to 7:30 PM
1101 W. Broadway Ave.
Visit our Events page for more information including registration soon.
Job Postings
WTS Minnesota posts job and internship opportunities on our website. Visit our Employment Opportunities page to view all current postings.  
 Help us spread the word about available positions by sending new posting information to Laura Eash.
 Corporate Partners   

Thank you to our 2016 corporate partners: 


HDR, Inc.

Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.


WSB & Associates, Inc.
American Engineering Testing, Inc.

Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Braun Intertec
HR Green


SEH, Inc.
SRF Consulting Group


WSP-Parsons Brinckerhoff

Isthmus Engineering
Pierce Pini & Associates, Inc.
Professional Engineering Services, Ltd.
Rani Engineering

The MN Transportation Alliance

Zan Associates
See your name here, and support the advancement of women in transportation! For more information about becoming a corporate partner, visit our website.
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Has your email address changed?

Please email Kathleen Mayell with your new address and don't forget to update your email address with WTS International as well.
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2016 WTS Minnesota
Board of Directors


Vice President

Kelly Agosto
Past President

Scholarships & Recognitions Director
 Programs Co-Director
 Chelsey Armstrong
Programs Co-Director

 Membership Director
Kathleen Mayell

 Marketing Director
Laura Eash

 Transportation YOU

Transportation YOU
Anna Potter

Development Director

Special Events Director
2016 WTS Minnesota
Advisory Board

Donna Allan
WTS Past President
Laura Amundson
Parsons Brinckerhoff 
Kristin Asher
City of Richfield
Gina Baas
Center for Transportation Studies

Debra Brisk
Hennepin County

Biz Colburn
WTS Past President

Sandy Cullen
University of Minnesota

Margaret Donahoe
Minnesota Transportation Alliance

Ann Johnson
University of MN

Connie Kozlak
Metropolitan Council

Jessica Laabs

Kimley-Horn & Associates

Scott McBride
Dan Meyers

Amber Nord
Isthmus Engineering

Lisa Raduenz

University of MN Parking and Transportation Services

Katie Roth
Metro Transit

Dawn Spanhake
Center for Transportation Studies

Kristin Thompson
Metro Transit

Amy Vennewitz
Metropolitan Council

Charleen Zimmer

Zan Associates
President's Column
Greetings and happy 2016 to our WTS members and friends!

I'm thrilled to address you as the 2016 WTS Minnesota Chapter President. It is an honor to be at the helm of such a dynamic organization. I always feel energized at the beginning of a new year. Once my schedule calms after the holidays, I enjoy the time and space to reflect on the past year and dream up new challenges and adventures for the coming year.

The WTS MN Chapter board also takes the time to go through a similar process of reflection and goals setting for the year ahead. I really value this opportunity to think big and set our focus areas for the year, and I believe this approach has been instrumental to our chapter's recent growth.

A few of our 2016 initiatives include: identifying and implementing ways to better engage mid-career and senior-level professionals; developing a public sector partnership program; expanding our Transportation YOU program to reach a broader audience of students locally; developing a professional mentorship program; partnering with other organizations to increase the visibility and reach of WTS; and creating a task force to evaluate and recommend how to spend corporate partnership funding.

I would love to hear your feedback and ideas on how we can be successful in these initiatives. If you are particularly passionate about one of these topics, please let me know - we always welcome volunteers!

WTS Minnesota starts this year in a strong position. Many 2015 board members signed on for another year, and we welcomed four new board members: Adele Hall, Tara McBride, Anna Potter, and Stephanie Smith. Two past chapter presidents have joined the WTS MN Advisory Board: Katie Roth and Kristin Thompson. Our corporate partnership program continues to grow, with 21 firms pledging a total of $25,000 to our chapter. With the work of our board and the support of our corporate partners, 2016 looks to be an exciting year. I hope to see you at many of our upcoming programs and events!

With warm wishes for the year ahead,

Rose Ryan
President, WTS Minnesota
Corporate Partner Spotlight: AECOM
WTS Minnesota would like to thank AECOM for being a 2016 Advocate-Level Partner. Giving at WTS MN's highest partnership level, AECOM has contributed to the success of WTS programs, scholarships, and educational opportunities in 2016. Please take a minute to learn more about AECOM in Minnesota and why they support WTS MN.

MN Office Locations
Minneapolis and Duluth

Transportation Services Offered
The entire spectrum of services - planning, preliminary design, final design, and construction.  For all types of projects - transit, bridge, roadway, and railroad.


Why AECOM Supports WTS MN
"Like WTS Minnesota, we believe in the transformative power a diverse and inclusive culture can have upon the transportation industry. Our own innovation is enhanced by being able to draw from a wealth of different backgrounds and experiences. At AECOM, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that is dynamic, active and intentional to increasing individual and organizational performance. We support organizations like WTS Minnesota because they are essential to advancing both the transportation industry and the professional women who are a part of it." - Michelle Julius, PE, Vice President
Meet the 2016 WTS MN Board of Directors

From left to right, top row: HunWen Westman, Chelsey Armstrong, Kelly Agosto. Second row from top: Laura Eash, Kathleen Mayell, Hannah Pritchard. Third row from top: Stephanie Smith, Rose Ryan, Anna Potter. Bottom row: Kristina Nesse, Michelle Julius, Tara McBride, Adele Hall. Not pictured: Morgan Abbott. 
Recap: February Program on Negotiation
Do you know your value? Those that attended the February WTS program learned the importance of knowing their value and being able to express it to others in order to negotiate more effectively. Lori Abrams presented this and other strategies to a group of women from across the Twin Cities' transportation industry. Those in attendance left the program feeling empowered to speak up, ask for what they want, and find a solution that works for both parties involved.

Recap: Central Region Conference

By Morgan Hoxsie

The second annual WTS MN Central Region Conference was held in Indianapolis, IN on February 19-20, 2016. WTS MN was represented by Morgan Hoxsie, Amber Nord, Molly Stewart and HunWen Westman. The WTS central region includes professionals from the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

The conference offered energetic presenters and fascinating presentation topics, as well as time to network and share ideas between chapters. Friday morning included a presentation on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail which the participants experienced firsthand while walking throughout downtown Indianapolis. A panel followed discussing small and disadvantaged business enterprise. Following the panel, participants had a choice of breakout sessions, including a presentation titled Michigan Connected Vehicle Initiative. This breakout session included information about connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles and how technology can make our transportation system safer to work towards a zero fatality goal. The lunch panel, a highlight of the Friday programming, included the authors from the book Boots on the Ground, Flats in the Board Room as wells as two women who were featured in the book. Participants heard stories from these women and were inspired to take control of their careers and continue to make progress in the transportation industry. Morgan Hoxsie was selected to win a free signed copy of the book! The Friday afternoon session topics were Passenger Rail and Funding Infrastructure followed by a Networking Reception.

Saturday morning each chapter gave an update where individuals shared ideas and best practices. Another high point from the weekend was the Saturday morning presentation about multi-generational workforce. The session identified the different generations in the workforce, noting the unique characteristics each have. The presenter gave guidelines on how to relate to, incorporate and recruit each generation within the workforce and specifically WTS. The conference ended with an interactive session on using facilitation and engagement as a tool for change.

Overall, the conference was a great opportunity to connect with WTS members in the region and learn about hot topics in the transportation industry.

From left to right: Amber Nord, Morgan Hoxsie, HunWen Westman and Molly Stewart.
Corporate Partnership Update
Thanks to everyone for your support in 2016! Corporate partnerships have increased - with $19,000 from 15 companies in 2015 to $25,000 from 21 companies in 2016! It is not too late to become a 2016 corporate partner. Please check our website for more information. 

Congratulations to Christine Beckwith, who has joined Bolton & Menk!

Congratulations to Gina Mitteco, who is now the Multimodal Planning Director for MnDOT Metro District!

Congratulations to Juana Sandoval, who recently joined HNTB!

WTS MN Vice President Morgan Abbott and her husband welcomed a baby girl, Athena Hale Abbott, to their family on January 1st!


Have member news to share? Send in snippets about job changes, life milestones, and other accomplishments to Laura Eash so we can keep track of and recognize our colleagues!