
March 2016
In This Issue
Annual Meeting: Lead, Develop, Mentor
ASPHN Annual Awards: Nominate Your Colleague Today
Join the APHA Food and Nutrition Conversation on LinkedIn
National Performance Measures: Incorporating Nutrition in the Title V MCH Services Block Grant
Just Released: United States Breastfeeding Committee 2015 Annual Report
Annual Meeting: Lead, Develop, Mentor: Opportunities for Success 

The 2016 ASPHN annual meeting, Lead, Develop, Mentor: Opportunities for Success, will be held in Little Rock Arkansas beginning on Sunday, June 12 and running through Tuesday, June 14 at the Little Rock Marriott.   The conference theme will focus on mentoring the public health nutrition workforce. The in-depth sessions are designed to lead you further into career success. 

We are very excited to announce the meeting will open with a message from ASPHN member, Angie Tagtow, MS, RD, LD, Executive Director, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, USDA.

Join us for an exciting mentoring workshop based on the book Mentoring 101 by John Maxwell.  All participants will be asked to read this, quick read, book.  It is available from Amazon for a little over $5.

Are you ready to register?  Watch the ASPHN website for registration details, coming soon.

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ASPHN Annual Awards: Nominate Your Colleague Today

Nominations are open for the ASPHN annual awards!  
Awards will be presented at the 2016 ASPHN annual meeting this June in Little Rock, AK.  
There are 5 award categories:
This award honors a leader on the MCH Council (ASPHN member) for outstanding contribution to expanding ASPHN's purpose of improving the health and wellbeing of the MCH population.
This award honors a Fruit & Vegetable Nutrition Coordinator (ASPHN member) for outstanding contribution to public health nutrition specifically related to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. This award also recognizes the Coordinator's leadership role with federal partners and/or the National Council of Fruit & Vegetable Nutrition Coordinators.
The Excellence in Advocacy award recognizes someone who has made a significant contribution to the field of public health nutrition through advocacy, policy change, and/or collaborative work with decision makers. While the nomination of someone ancillary to the Association's membership will be considered, preference will be given to current ASPHN members.
The Excellence in Practice award acknowledges and recognizes an ASPHN member for outstanding contribution to the field of public health nutrition and activities and efforts that have assisted in meeting ASPHN's mission.
The Excellence in Association Work award goes to an ASPHN member whose committee work or Board activities during the past year have made a major difference in moving forward ASPHN's goals and objectives.
Each annual award has its own link and its own specific set of questions.  Click on the name of the award to nominate someone!  You may nominate in any or all categories.
Submit your online nomination(s) by the close of business on Friday April 8, 2016Please contact Allison McGuigan with questions.
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Join the APHA Food and Nutrition Conversation on LinkedInView our profile on LinkedIn

The American Public Health Association- Food & Nutrition Section has established a LinkedIn page to offer a forum for members to share on public health topics related 
to food and nutrition. Click here F&N Section LinkedIn page.
If you are a member of LinkedIn check out their group! The group is not restricted to members of APHA, so feel free to invite friends and colleagues who are also interested in public health nutrition. 
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National Performance Measures: Incorporating Nutrition in the Title V MCH Services Block Grant

The revised national performance measurement system is a Title V Block Grant three-tiered framework, which includes National Outcome Measures (NOMs), National Performance Measures (NPMs) and State-initiated Evidence-based or -informed Strategy Measures (ESMs). The ESMs are developed by the state, and provide accountability for improving quality and performance related to the NPMs and to the MCH public health issues.
Because there is no national nutrition data source that can be broken out at the state level, none of the revised NPMs address nutrition issues. Nutrition strategies can impact most NPMs at the ESM level. This document lists the revised NPMs and suggests nutrition related ESMs. 
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Just Released: United States Breastfeeding Committee 2015 Annual Report

The United States Breastfeeding Committee recently released their 2015 annual report which details an action-oriented team  approach to national initiatives supporting breastfeeding.
Board of Directors Chair Joan Younger Meek describes the  "Constellation Model" as "helping stakeholders develop United States Breastfeeding Committee 2015 Annual Reportmore effective strategies for creating the policy and practice changes that will ensure all families who want to breastfeed are supported to reach their personal breastfeeding goals.

This new structure ensures alignment between who is at the table, the timing and context of the work they pursue, and
its desired impact. Resources can be leveraged and coordinated while partners maintain the flexibility to move in and out of projects at the right pace and scale for them.

Funding, energy, and effort focus on the collaborative actions that have the greatest potential, as momentum
or opportunity waxes and wanes. Already we are seeing significant progress, with more robust connections that bolster each other's work, enrich communication, and deepen collaboration."

Read the full report available on the USBC website. Scroll down under Welcome.

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The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists  (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.


Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans.  We welcome your involvement in our growing organization.  Learn more about us at About ASPHN.

Association of State & Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors | PO Box 1001 | Johnstown | PA | 15907