Volunteer to Serve on an Expert Review Committee
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As part of ASPHN's collaboration with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Public Health / Community Nutrition Practice Group, our two organizations are spearheading the process to update the Guidelines for Community Nutrition Supervised Experiences, 2nd Edition (2003). Originally written in 1995, this document still serves as the primary guide for developing training experiences for public health nutritionists. Much has changed in the public health arena in the last decade. This revision will provide a much-needed update. As co-chairs for this initiative to update the Guidelines, Alison Conneally, MS, RD, CDN (ASPHN) and Kay Sisk, MS, RD, LD (PHCNPG) are establishing a Review Committee of approximately ten contributors/reviewers. The Committee will consist of experts in public health nutrition representing a wide variety of organizations that share a similar mission. We are looking for a volunteer to represent ASPHN on this review committee. If you are interested and if you would like more information about what this commitment entails, please contact ASPHN Consultant Lynda Alfred. Please get in touch with Lynda as soon as possible, but no later than March 24.
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Nominate a Fellow Member for an ASPHN Award
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- Excellence in Association Work.
- Excellence in Practice.
- Excellence in Advocacy.
- Outstanding Leadership for the National Council of Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Coordinators.
- Outstanding Leadership for the Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Council.
Ballots Out for 2014 - 2015 Leadership
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It is time again to elect new ASPHN leaders. If you are an ASPHN Designee, a Fruit and Vegetable Coordinator, or a member of the Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Council, look for your ballot in your email inbox. Designees vote for president-elect, secretary, three directors-at-large and three governance committee members. Fruit and Vegetable Coordinators and MCH Council members vote for chair-elect of their respective councils. Ballots were sent out Monday evening, March 10. Be sure to cast your ballot!
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Save the date for the 2014 ASPHN Annual Meeting
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Please plan on joining us in Minneapolis, Minnesota June 8 - 10 for the ASPHN Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is a fabulous opportunity to network with your colleagues in other states and to learn about the latest information and ideas in public health nutrition. Check the ASPHN website and next month's newsletter for up-to-date Annual Meeting information. Click here to learn more about visiting Minneapolis in the summer.
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Attend CSPI's National Soda Summit
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You're invited to join advocates, researchers, and state and local officials to learn the latest on taxes, warning labels, portion sizes, procurement policies, and marketing reform efforts across the country.
CSPI's second National Soda Summit will be June 4 - 5, 2014 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Click here to register for the summit. Early bird registration ends April 4. And click here for more information on the Soda Summit.
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ASPHN's 2014 Advocacy Priorities
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ASPHN's Advocacy Committee works to make a difference on public health nutrition policies at the federal level. In the year ahead, the Committee will focus on the a number of important priority issues, including:
- Implementation of the 2014 Farm Bill.
- The Prevention and Public Health Fund created by the Affordable Care Act.
- Implementation of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.
- Obesity funding for state health departments.
- The nutrition component of the MCH Block Grant.
- Menu labeling regulations.
- Coordinated Chronic Disease Funding (CDC).
- SNAP-Education.
- 2015 Dietary Guidelines.
- Food Labeling.
- Health Equity as it relate to healthy foods.
The Committee works with our partner organizations around the nation on these priority issues, including the Trust for America's Health, National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity, United Fresh Produce Association, United States Breastfeeding Committee, and the Center for Science in the Public's Interest. For more information, contact Sandy Perkins.
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ASPHN Recommendations for MCH 3.0
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The Maternal and Child Health Bureau is refining its vision for transforming the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant to better meet current and future challenges facing our nation's mothers and children. The Bureau is calling this effort MCH 3.0 and is involving leaders in state Title V MCH programs as well as other national MCH leaders and stakeholders. In January, ASPHN submitted its recommendations for MCH 3.0. In the letter, ASPHN recommended that MCHB: - Emphasize a public health rather than a clinical approach in the performance measures. Health equity and the needs of children and youth with special needs should be clearly integrated within measures.
- Integrate nutrition into other performance measures such as: preconception care, oral health, safe sleep, developmental screening, school readiness, adolescent well visit, medical home and oral health.
- Support partnerships across organizations to accomplish MCHB's work.
- Assure that state Title V programs employ a public health nutritionist skilled in maternal and child health.
Click here to read ASPHN's complete comments.
The Second Edition of the Blueprint for Nutrition and Physical Activity Now Available
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The Blueprint for Nutrition and Physical Activity: Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle offers guidance to build healthier communities and describes several cornerstones that impact community wellbeing. This updated and expanded edition adds to the recommended strategies and actions and includes a sixth cornerstone - Policy and Advocacy. ASPHN members participated on the expert panel that developed the revised document. For more information about the Blueprint, contact Sandy Perkins, ASPHN consultant.
Phyllis Crowley Presents Breastfeeding Webinar
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Former ASPHN President Phyllis Crowley, MS, RD, CD, IBCLC, presented a webinar, Management of Common Breastfeeding Concerns on February 27. The webinar was sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Women's Health and Public Health/Community Nutrition practice groups. In the webinar, Phyllis provided tips and resources for addressing some of the most common breastfeeding concerns. Nearly 1,000 people viewed the webinar! Click here to watch Phyllis' informative presentation.
Don't Be Faceless in the ASPHN Member Directory
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We would like to include your photo in our member directory! Please send a photo in a jpg format to Allison McGuigan. Make it fun: Take a photo break to snap pictures of fellow members! Challenge Arizona to be the state with the most member photos on our website!
| | The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) is a non-profit membership organization that develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and
environments, making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.
Our vision is to create new environmental norms where healthy eating and active living are the easy and natural choices for all Americans. We welcome your involvement in our growing organization. Learn more about us at About ASPHN.